Fairlawn Cemetery, Town of Scio, Allegany County, NY
Fairlawn Cemetery in Scio is located on Main Street in the village of Scio. It is an active well kept cemetery. The following was recorded by Cheryl Smith, former Scio town Historian, and updated by Mary Rhodes, 11/2006 & again 2/2018
James Babcock, Zebina & Elnor Eastman, York Monument & Mantle, Helia Clark
(Click on above photos for larger images)
Burial List A-B Burial List K-M
Burial List C-E Burial List N-R
Burial List F-G Burial List S-T
Burial List H-J Burial List U-Z
Fairlawn Cemetery maps:
Old Cemetery, Lower Half (West) Old Cemetery, Upper Half
Cemetery division outlines (in the maps):
Old Cemetery | South Division |
Gorton Addition | North Mid Div. |
Flint Reserve | South Mid Div. |
North Division | East Division |
Note: Gorton Addition has no outline.
Burial List C-E
Last First Information Lot # Division
Cady E. (Eleanor) Father & Mother - No Dates 47 south div.
Cady G.(George) Father & Mother - Died Mar 14, 1907 per obit 47 south div.
Caffo Iola E. Spouse of Stephen L. 1922 - 1988 7 south mid. Div.
Caffo Stephen L Spouse of Iola E. 1907 - 1974 7 south mid. div.
Caldecott Eunice Born Feb 11, 1820, Wife of John 129 old cem.
Caldecott John Died Nov 28, 1876 Aged 55 Years 129 old cem.
Caldecott John R. Died June 20, 1870 Aged 18 Years, Son of John and eunice Caldecott 129 old cem.
Caldecott Sally Eldridge Born Aug 27, 1799, Died Jan 20, 1881 129 old cem.
Caldecott Sarah A. Died Dec 24, 1870 Aged 13 Years, Dau of John and Eunice Caldecott 129 old cem.
Calhoun David E Spouse of Nancy 1938 - 2006 148.6 east div.
Calhoun James P. Spouse of Luann Close Born 3/21/1971 - 4/24/2020 148.6 east div.
Calhoun Nancy J. 1939 - Uncut (David) 148.5 east div.
Call Ettie M. Died Oct 24, 1884 Aged 13 Years, Daughter of Thomas P & Maria E. Call 68 old cem.
Call Herbert S. 1849 - 1924 23 south div.
Call Lena B. 1872 - 1954 38 south div.
Call Mariah E. Hale His Wife (Thomas Hale) 1832 - 1901 "Mother" 68 old cem.
Call Mary R. Thomas Wife of Herbert, 1853 - 1908 23 south div.
Call Nellie 1895 - 1906 23 south div.
Call Thomas P. 1820 - 1896 "Father" 68 old cem.
Canfield Bertha M. 1886 - 1931 49 north mid. Div.
Canfield Eardley N. Born Dec 25, 1817 Died Feb 27, 1875 45 old cem.
Canfield Edward M. Died Feb 3, 1865 Aged 20 Yrs 2 Mo. Of Co. C 1 Regt L.I.V. A True Soldier and Fine Patriot. Son of J. E. & Hannah H. Canfield 18 old cem.
Canfield Florence E. 1859 - 1923 7 flint reserve
Canfield Forrest E. 1887 - 1916 7 flint reserve
Canfield Frank E. 1861 - 1910 "Father" 7 flint reserve
Canfield J. Brotherton Died Aug 26, 1865 Aged 23 Years 1 Mo. There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow! If it be now, it is not to come. It it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now yet it will come. The readiness is all. 45 old cem.
Canfield Jeannette Died Jan 13, 1881 Aged 36 Years 5 Mo, Wife of J. B. Canfield 45 old cem.
Canfield Lyle E. 1892 - 1961 49 north mid. Div.
Canfield Melvin A. Bakker 1886-1926 49 north mid. Div.
Canfield Milford 1895 - 1913 7 flint reserve
Canfield Olive Wilkins 1890 - 1951 49 north mid. Div.
Canfield Susan Brotherton Wife of E. N. Canfield Born Dec 22,1821, Died Jan 18, 1866 45 old cem.
Canfield John E. Born Feb 6, 1821 Died July 24, 1864 "Gone but not forgotten" 18 old cem.
Carl Donald Burr Spouse of Wilma J. Keman Jan 1, 1925 - July 1, 2015 118.5 east div.
Carl Wilma J. Kernan Mar 23, 1928 - Mar 26, 1995, Married to Donald Dec 11, 1965 118.6 east div.
Carle Hannah E. Browning Died Jan 21, 1864 Aged 32 Years 6 Mo 12 Days, Wife of W. H. Carle "We Know His Will Dear Savior__But Still ___Our ___" 67 old cem.
Carlin Charles Ben May 4, 1937 - Oct 30, 1993 PFC US Army 179.1 east div.
Carlin Charles D 1903 - 1960 81.4 east div.
Carlin Derrick "Joe" Nov 2, 1978 - Aug 15, 1996 179.5 east div.
Carlin Frank J Oct 25, 1935 - Apr 27, 2003 Cpl US Marine Corp 81.5 east div.
Carlin Lillian F Brown July 25, 1915 - Mar 30, 2008 (Charles) 81.3 east div.
Carlin Mildred C. Apr 10, 1942 - Apr 28, 2002 (Charles) 179.2 east div.
Carlin Ned P Dec 12, 1945 - Jan 11, 2003 SSGT US Air Force Vietnam 179.5 east div.
Carlin Phyllis I. 1931 - Uncut
Carpenter Allen Henry b. Nov. 4, 1894 - d. Dec.2, 1977 20.1 north div.
Carpenter Charles B. Died Dec 2, 1883 Aged 67 Years - Veteran 24 east div.
Carpenter Donald Duried Nov. 28, 1964 20 north div.
Carpenter Ernest D 1895 - 1936 20.5 north div.
Carpenter Lawton D. 1936 - 2003 26.5 north div.
Carpenter Mary A. Born Feb 18, 1831 Died Mar 10, 1917 24 old cem.
Carpenter Matilda Died May 1863 Aged 25 Years 24 old cem.
Carpenter Pheobe E 1898 - Mar. 25, 1975 (Ernest) 20.4 north div.
Carr Fredrick J. June 18, 1910 - June 18, 1983 (Sylvia Lucas, Georgia Wilson) 186.2 east div.
Carr R. Kevin 1954 - 2001 186.1 east div.
Carr Sylvia J. Nov 2, 1920 - Jan 1, 1979 (Frederick) 186.1 east div.
Carrington Winny Died Feb 15, 1876 Age 2 Yrs 8 Mo 6 Days. Only Son of Edwin T and Lottie E. Carrington "Safe in the arms of Jesus" 134 old cem.
Carson Lulu M. Whitney Died June 2, 1886 Aged 23 Years 28 old cem.
Cartwright Bryant Died Apr 13, 1875 Aged 77 Years 2 Mo 13 Days 146 old cem.
Cartwright Charles B. Died Mar 26, 1876 Age 28 Years - Mason Symble 132 old cem.
Cartwright Elizabeth Windsor June 17, 1818 - May 27, 1908 (Nelson) 132 old cem.
Cartwright Nelson Spouse of Elizabeth 1813 - 1884 132 old cem.
Cartwright Sylvia A. Marden Born Mar 1, 1843, Died Mar 20, 1916 140 old cem.
Castle Brian V June 13, 1967 - Apr 6, 2008 (Lisa Windus) 115.4 east div.
Chadwick Catherine Bellamy Born 1824, Died Oct 31, 1911 (In Smith Plot) (Charles Chadwick) 49 south div.
Chadwick Emma N. Wife of John C. Smith, d. Oct. 16, 1948 49 south div.
Chaffee Mary Alzina Wife of Charles H. Bliven, 1833-1911 99&100 old cem.
Chalker C. Blanche 1887 - 1962 (Newton) 14 south mid.div.
Chalker G. Newton 1882 - 1955 14 south mid.div.
Chalker Lynn N Spouse of Virginia T. 1907 - 1986 14.2 south mid.div.
Chalker Virginia T 1917 - 1997 (Lynn) 14.1 south mid. div.
Champlin Abigail 1888 - 1941 (Edward) 32 north div.
Champlin Daniel H. Spouse of Florence 1908 - Uncut (1974 per SSDI) 32 north div.
Champlin Edward Spouse of Abigail 1874 - 1955 32 north div.
Champlin Florence Spouse of Danial 1900 - 1943 32 north div.
Chapman Etta Ann May 11, 1938 -Dec. 29, 2021 180.1 east div.
Chapman Mitchell E Born Nov 14, 1906, Died Nov 28, 1993 PFC US Army WWII 39 gorton addit.
Cheeney Hiram Spouse of Lucinda C. Died Apr 15, 1868 Aged 57 yrs. 59 & 80 old cem.
Cheeney Lucinda C. His Wife (Hiram) Died July 10, 1894 Aged 77 Yrs 8 Mo, 24 Ds. 59 & 80 old cem.
Clair Henry Spouse of Mary L. Born Feb 12, 1826 in Alfred NY, Died Oct 2, 1890 44 south div.
Clair Mary L. Spouse of Henry Born May 24, 1829 in Andover, NY, Died July 6, 1903 44 south div.
Clair Robert C. Oct 7, 1866 - Oct 18, 1949 (Abigail Greene) Son of Henry and Mary Harvey Clair 44 south div.
Clark A.C. Died Jan 2, 1900 Age 68 Yrs, Co E 93rd NYV 54 north mid.div.
Clark Addie E 1885 - 1924 17 north mid.div.
Clark Anna E. Wife of Sidney Smith, d. May 8, 1864 ae 33 yrs. 72 old cem.
Clark Arthur L. Spouse of Bessie H. 1882 - 1974 12 gorton addit.
Clark Bessie Huntley Spouse of Arthur L. 1866 - 1953 12 gorton addit.
Clark Betsey S Spouse of Melvin A. 1846 - 1931 "Mother" 14 north mid.div.
Clark Charles A. Dec 14, 1879 - July 28, 1946 (Addie Stewart) Son of Ablert Clark (Info from Funeral Home Records) 17 north mid.div.
Clark Charles S. Spouse of Getty Smith Died Dec 21, 1880 Aged 75 Year 7 Mo 20 Days 54 old cem.
Clark Charley S. Died July 30, 1863 Aged 9 Mo 20 Days Son of J.H. & E.S. Clark 54 old cem.
Clark Daniel 1848 - 1924 42 south mid.div.
Clark Dewey H. Spouse of Mary M. 1898 - 1939 39 south mid.div.
Clark Eva Lynn May 13, 1874 - June 7, 1958 (James Thomas, William Clark) 7'way 8&23 old cem.
Clark Georgianna 1890 - 1957 (Omar P.) 14 north mid.div.
Clark Getty Smith Spouse of Charles S. Died Sept. 22, 1857 Age 50y 5m 6d 54 old cem.
Clark Getty S. Daughter of J. H and Sarah W. Clark Passed To Spirit Life Aug 6, 1873 Aged 11 Mo. "We Know Our Darling's Live" 60 old cem.
Clark Helia M. Daughter of J. H. and Sarah W. Clark Passed to Spirit Life Oct 21, 1876 Aged 3 Yrs "We Know Our Darling's Live" 60 old cem.
Clark Ida Hayes 1858 - 1933 42 south mid.div.
Clark J. Clayton Died oct. 18, 1860 Age 18y 1m 29d Son of Charles S. & Getty Clark 54 old cem.
Clark James H. 1856 - 1911
Clark Jane Shirley Wife of Michael P.Giarratano, 1922 - 1986 14.1 north mid. div.
Clark John Spouse of Sarah A. Born Nov 30, 1839, Died Mar 4, 1917 23 gorton addit.
Clark Mary M. Jan 25, 1902 - July 29, 1970 (Dewey) 39 south mid.div.
Clark Melvin A Spouse of Betsey S. 1842 - 1913 Co L 4th US Artillary 14 south mid.div.
Clark Mercelia S 1879 - 1922 3 north mid.div.
Clark Minnie C. 1889 - 1987 42 south mid.div.
Clark Neil D Spouse of Sarah C. Oct 19, 1893 - Apr 16, 1971 193 east div.
Clark Omar Percy Spouse of Georgianna 1891 - 1975 14 north mid.div.
Clark Ruth Hunt 1917-1975 14 north mid. div.
Clark Sarah Ann Russell Born May 4, 1845 - Feb 21, 1922 (John) 23 gorton addit.
Clark Sarah C 1893 - Feb 27, 1985 (Neil) 193 east div.
Clark Vernon 1885 - 1912 42 south mid.div.
Clark William M. 1873 - 1955 7'way 8&23 old cem.
Clemons Jackson W. Spouse of Mary A. 1831 - 1924 "Father" 64 south div.
Clemons Mary A. Webster Jan 11, 1837 - Nov 12, 1918 (Jackson W) "Mother" 64 south div.
Clemons William J. Jan 16, 1864 - Nov 14, 1939 (Ella McCrary) Info from obit
Cleveland Charles A. Sept 25, 1907 - Feb 2, 1926 18 gorton addit.
Cleveland Charles B. Apr 14, 1861 - Aug 25, 1941 18 gorton addit.
Cleveland J. Lewis Spouse of Lillian M. Oct 9, 1889 - May 26, 1972 46 south mid.div.
Cleveland Lillian M 1893 - 1965 (J. Lewis) 46 south mid.div.
Cleveland Lynn Son of C.B. & N. A Cleveland Born Aug 30, 1886 Died Sept 19, 1890 18 gorton addit.
Cleveland Zannetta A. Oct 1, 1865 - Feb 2, 1914 18 gorton addit.
Cline Barbara J. 1936 - Uncut 126.1 east div.
Cline Denise M 1957 - Uncut (James)
Cline Doris A 1933 - Uncut 125 east div.
Cline Emmitt O. Spouse of Gladys M.1898 - 1986 131.5 east div.
Cline Gladys M. 1901 - 1986 (Emmitt) 131.4 east div.
Cline Homer J. Jan 4, 1933 - Dec 24, 2010 126.2 east div.
Cline James L. 1955 - Uncut
Cline Lois C. Davis Oct 29, 1935 - Aug 19, 2016 (Ronald Cline) 15.2 east div.
Cline Mary A. Died Oct 8, 1950 Aged 85
Cline Norman E 1921 - 1998 "Together Forever" 126.5 east div.
Cline Oliver L. Dec 6, 1928 - Dec 5, 2017 125.5 east div.
Cline Orphena A. 1843 - 1885 6 gorton addit.
Cline Randy D 1958 - Mar 12, 1983 15.3 east div.
Cline Ronald M. Spouse of Lois C. 1937 - 1995 15.1 east div.
Cline Russell M. Son of Ronald M. & Lois C.Cline "Rusty" Mar 24, 1970 - Sept 20, 1992 20.3 east div.
Cline Ryan Matthew Son of Ronald M. & Lois C.Cline Jan 19, 1967 - Aug 12, 1986 20.4 east div.
Cline Winifred L. Nov 11, 1919 - Apr 6, 1993 (1 Arnold Watkins, 2 Norman Cline) 126.4 east div.
Coates Ralph A Spouse of Louise Birmingham Aug 14, 1922 - Feb 22, 2013 US ARMY WWII Received many medals including the Purple Heart & Bronze Star. 118.4 east div.
Coates Louise M.(Birmingham) Spouse of Ralph A. Born Nov. 22,1925, Died Nov. 21,2020 118.4 east div.
Coats Carlton F Spouse of Koneta Perkins 1914 - 2001 8.1 east div.
Coats Charles H. Spouse of Elrena M. 1901 - 1983 95.5 south div.
Coats Elrena M. Spouse of Charles H. 1894 - 1949 95 south div.
Coats Koneta P. 1910 - 2002 (Carlton) 8.2 east div.
Coats Lucile Virginia Age 2 Weeks - 1919 95 south div.
Coats Mable W. Spouse of Merle A. 1889 - 1920 22 north mid.div.
Coats Merle A. Spouse of Mable W. 1890 - 1940 22 north mid.div.
Coats Milton Died Aug. 1921 96 south div.
Coats Nelson E Died Dec 16, 1898 Aged 65 Years. Co. C 16 Regt PA Cav. 79 south div.
Coats Robert P. Spouse of Virginia M. Deming Sep 16, 1931 - May 2, 1986 CPL US Army Korea 188.6 east div.
Coats Virginia M. Deming 1935 - Apr 11, 2005 Married to Robert Nov 2, 1957 188.5 east div.
Cole Edith M 1947 - 2017 70.5 east div.
Cole Hannah Jane Died Apr 20, 1889 Aged 52 Years 62 old cem.
Collins Adeline L. Huntley Dec 7, 1838 - Feb 7, 1909 11 gorton addit.
Collins Almira Born Apr 19, 1834, Died Mar 15, 1903, Wife of N.W. Collins 12 south mid.div.
Collins Belle W Spouse of Orville A. 1871 - 1968
Collins Nelson W. Spouse of Almyra Born Mar 12, 1835, Died Mar 30, 1925 - Veteran 12 south mid.div.
Collins Orville A. 1873 - 1963
Colvin Mason Alexander Died 2012 (Infant) 94.4 east div.
Conklin Lloyd C. 1919 - 1919 "Baby" 63 south div.
Conner Harvey Spouse of Ruth B. 1916 - 2002 (Mason Symbol) 43.4 east div.
Conner Ruth Brands Aug 9, 1916 - July 31, 2016 (Harvey) (Order of the Eastern Star) (Died in Salisbury NC) 43.4 east div.
Cook Alberta M. 1921 - 2011 13.5 north div.
Coombes Bernice Graves 1911 - 2014 (Wilbert) 27.2 south mid.div.
Coombes Ethel T. Thomas June 10, 1908 - Apr 22, 1983 2.4 south mid.div.
Coombes Sally A. 1940 - 1941 27.1 south mid.div.
Coombes Wilbert J Spouse of Bernice Jan 30, 1905 - May 3, 1995 27.3 south mid.div.
Coombes William J. 1942 - Uncut 7'way 59nm&27sm
Corbett John Died 6/1916 36 old cem.
Corbett Mary E. 1826 - 1911 "Mother 36 old cem.
Corbett Thomas A. Died Apr 11, 1864 Aged 11 Yrs 3 Mo Son of S.C. & M.E. Corbett 36 old cem.
Corbin Ethel Loomis Spouse of Willington E. Jan 29, 1889 - Jan 6, 1922 31 south div.
Corbin Wellington E Spouse of Ethel Loomis 1880 - 1953 31 south div.
Cornelius Lelia J. 1927 - 1999 3.2 east div.
Cornelius Raymond C. Mar 23, 1935 - July 1, 2017 3.3 east div.
Cornell Andrew J. July 9, 1978 - Sept 19, 2016 117.2 east div.
Cornell Doughas J. 1948 - 1998 119.1 east div.
Cornell Gertrude V Hogan June 19, 1927 - June 6, 2015 (Robert Cornell, Ernest Cole) 190.3 east div.
Cornell Robert Spouse of Gertrude Jan 21, 1921 - Feb 8, 1974 PFC US Army WWII 190.4 east div.
Cornell Rodney Spouse of Hazel Born Died 2018 117.3 east div.
Cornell Terry L. 1950 - Uncut (Douglas) 119.2 east div.
Courtwright Christopher Born Jan 25, 1831, Died Mar 24, 1899 Co. C 67 Regt NYV 33 south mid.div.
Courtwright Elizabeth Died Mar 31, 1905 Age 72 Years (from obit)
Cowles Arthur R. Spouse of Viringia R. Dec 31, 1915 - Nov 5, 1973 28.4 east div.
Cowles Virginia R 1918 - 1989 (1 Arthur Cowles, 2 Myles Coleman) 28.3 east div.
Covell Donald Spouse of Dawn Reed 08/11/1944 - 06/04/2021 173.6 east div.
Crandall Aneta F. Oct 24, 1899 - May 17, 1976 (Clinton) 8 south div.
Crandall Anna C. Wife of Seneca Williams, Born Jan 2, 1849 Died Apr 23, 1926 8 south div.
Crandall Charles Orin Spouse of Susan L. Born Nov 9, 1851 Died Oct 22, 1933 8 south div.
Crandall Clinton E. Spouse of Aneta F. 1892 - 1962 8 south div.
Crandall Doris L. Spouse of Francis R. 1915 - 1996 89.5 east div.
Crandall Francis R. Spouse of Doris L. 1917 - 1993 89.6 east div.
Crandall Helma V Spouse of Hollis E. 1916 - 1991 (Order of Eastern Star) (Hollis) 3.4 east div.
Crandall Hollis E. Spouse of Helma V. Mar 13, 1912 - Jan 6, 1977 3.5 east div.
Crandall Susan L. Wife of C. O. Crandall Born Apr 12, 1850 Died July 10, 1915 8 south div.
Craw Grace B 1872 - 1954 11.6 north mid.div.
Crawford David Alan Son of Janice P. Crawford Robins & Guilford Crawford Born Feb 15, 1949, Died Mar 10, 1951 "Baby" 7' way nm 57 & sm 25
Crawford Twins Twins of Bonnie & Guilford Crawford Died @ birth June 6, 1962 7' way nm 57 & sm 25
Crawford Jeffrey F "Jeff" Sept 4, 1958 - July 20, 2017 57.3 north mid.div.
Cundiff Elizabeth M. 1924 - 1995
Currie Maddux Michael Spouse of Tanner (Plummer) Dec. 6, 1994 - July 5, 2021 120.2 east div.
Dailey Mary A. 1828 - 1902 "Aunt" 71 south div.
Dailey Jerry 1831 - 1901 Co. C. 67 Regt. N.Y.V. 71 south div.
Danielsen Lulu I. Spouse of Reynolds A. 1886 - 1983 196.5 east div.
Danielsen Lyle G. 1925 - Mar 4,1997 195.6 east div.
Danielsen Marjorie J. Boies Spouse of Lyle G. Aug 13, 1928 - Nov 2, 2014 195.5 east div.
Danielson Reynolds A Spouse of Lulu I. 1892 - 1968 196.6 east div.
Darmody Eleanor Knorr May 12, 1921 - Sept 15, 2011 183.4 east div.
Darrin Henry S 1878 - 1960 6 south mid.div.
Darrin Mary J. Spouse of Nelson B. 1848 - 1927 6 south mid.div.
Darrin Nelson B Spouse of Mary J. 1845 - 1923 - Veteran 6 south mid.div.
Darrin Amos 1900 - 1972 6 south mid.div.
Davis Katharine Kress Wife of Malachi Davis, Born Aug 10, 1790 Died Nov. 22, 1856 57-58&81-84 old cem.
Davis Malachi Spouse of Katharine Kress Born Feb 4, 1789, Died Mar 20, 1867 57-58&81-84 old cem.
Davis Maria A. 1810 - 1892 Wife of Sylvanus S. Davis 4 old cem.
Davis Marshall T. Born Aug 23, 1856, Died Sept 29, 1886, Son of Malachi and Minerva 57-58&81-84 old cem.
Davis Minerva Fitzsimmons Wife of Myron S. Davis Born May 27, 1834, Died Mar 4, 1901 57-58&81-84 old cem.
Davis Myron S. Born May 4, 1824, Died Mar 4, 1901 57-58&81-84 old cem.
Davis Oliver H. Born Oct 19, 1834 Died Mar 31, 1870 "Gone But Not Forgotten" 4 old cem.
Davis Sylvanus Spouse of Maria A. Born July 22, 1808 Died June 15, 1876 4 old cem.
Davis Wm N. Born Feb 18, 1833, Died May 26, 1859 "Prepare To Meet Me" 4 old cem.
Davison Harold W. May 1, 1902 - Dec 7, 1961 Son of Ernest and Mary West Davison (Ida Keiser) 36.2 east div.
Davison Ida C. 1907 - 1981 (Harold) 36.1 east div.
Day Aunjoni Died 2018 (Infant) 6 wks. Daughter of Hiedi Braymiller & 147.1 east div.
Dean Cloyd L. Spouse of Grace M. Mar 1, 1886 - Feb 15, 1955 40.3 north mid.div.
Dean Grace M. June 13, 1894 - May 3, 1976 (Cloyd) 40.4 north mid. Div.
Deck Daniel I. Spouse of Eliza 1817 - 1878 "With Jesus" 2 gorton addit.
Deck Eliza 1821 - 1894 "At Rest" (Daniel) 2 gorton addit.
Deck Uri M. Apr 26, 1840 - Mar 18, 1909 Co K 86 Regt NYV (Zoa Deck, Alice Hooker) 35 gorton addit.
Dennis Esther P. 1908 - 2005 95.4 east div.
Dentinger Frank Son of George & Rosina A. Dentinger Died May 1, 1861 Aged 6 Yrs 5 Mo 19 old cem.
Dentinger George Spouse of Rosina A. Feb 5, 1832 - May 5, 1874 19 old cem.
Dentinger Rosina A. Thomas Nov 6, 1834 - Sept 29, 1908 (George) 19 old cem.
DeVoid Irene G. 1910 - 2002 (William J.) 133.5 east div.
DeVoid William J. Spouse of Irene G. 1901 - 1964 133.6 east div.
Dick Judith E. Fuller Spouse of Mark R. Born 8/11/1940 - Died 6/24/2020 27.3 east div.
Dickerson Amy L Wilcox Sept 9, 1953 - Jan 18, 2016 185.6 east div.
Dickerson Sarah Wife of Lewis D. Browning, d. 1921 35 & 36 south mid. div.
Dodge Amanda F. Black Born Feb 14, 1863, Died Mar 27, 1907 "Mother" Wife of W. A. Dodge 60 gorton addit.
Dodge George E. 1852 - 1915 "Father" 46 south mid.div.
Dowd William 1933 - 1989 85.6 east div.
Dudley Bessie V Spouse of Harry M. 1889 - 1944 59 south div.
Dudley Harry M. Spouse of Bessis V. 1868 - 1925 59 south div.
Duke Albert L. Apr 8, 1867 - Mar 24, 1873 44 old cem.
Duke Joseph Spouse of Emily Apr 23, 1836 - Dec 25, 1884 44 old cem.
Duke Mother (Emily) Mar 8, 1846 - Sept 17, 1913 (Joseph) 44 old cem.
Duke Myron J. Dec 3, 1875 - Dec 29, 1904 44 old cem.
Dunham Daniel K 1961 - Uncut
Dunham Debra A. 1960 - Uncut
Dunham Jason L. Nov 11, 1981 - Apr 22, 2004, Cpl, US Marine Corp, Purple Heart, Medal of Honor 97.3 east div.
Dunham Scott A Dec 15, 1963 - Dec 20, 2000 "Loving Son, Brother, Uncle and "Best Buddy" 117.6 east div.
Earley Anna Pendleton 1856 - 1916 A.1 north mid. div..
Earley Benton G. Spouse of Hattie B. 1858 - 1931 47 north mid.div.
Earley Betsey Daughter of Jonah & Susan French, 1832 - 1919 "Mother" 65 & 66 old cem.
Earley Carrie A Spouse of S. H. Earley 1842 - 1911 142 old cem.
Earley Hattie Baldwin Apr 8, 1866 - July 15, 1965 (Benton Earley) 47 north mid.div.
Earley James (Broken stone - no data) 65&66 old cem.
Earley Jennette Wife of H.R. Earley and Daughter of..(stone broken, no other data) 65 & 66 old cem.
Earley Jonathan S. Died July 26, 1889 age 74 (info from obit)
Earley Lorana Sortore His Wife (William) Died Sept 30, 1863 Aged 71 Yrs 3 Mo 3 Days 65 & 66 old cem.
Earley Lottie B. Daughter of W. & A Hammond, Wife of B.C. Earley "At Rest" Died June 12, 1881 Age 23 Y, 2 Mo 12 Days 65 & 66 old cem.
Earley Mattie M. Died Nov 9, 1876 Aged 7 Yr 1 Mo 17 Day, Son of Z.B. & Polly Earley 64 old cem.
Earley Our Baby July 29, 1881 64 old cem.
Earley Polly M. Brown Wife of Z.B. Earley, Born Sept 8, 1840, Died Feb 17, 1938 (Benton Early, Joseph Doty) 64 old cem.
Earley Stout Died Feb 8, 1876 Aged 48 Yrs 3 Mo 16 Ds 65 &66 old cem.
Earley Susan L. Died Apr 25, 1865 Aged 47, Wife of J. S. Earley 64 old cem.
Earley Susie M. Died Jan 6, 1882 Aged 11 Yr 5 Mo, Dau of Z.B & Polly Earley 64 old cem.
Earley William Spouse of Lorana Born 1772 Ireland, Died Apr 28, 1864 Aged 91 Yrs 10 Mo 65 & 66 old cem.
Earley Z. Barton Spouse of Polly M. Born Dec 27, 1830 Died Mar 1, 1896 64 old cem.
Eastman Chester S. Spouse of Delcena Born June 21, 1835, Died Sept 19, 1897 123 old cem.
Eastman Delcena Wife of Chester S. Eastman, Died Oct 18, 1873, Age 26 Yrs 7 Mo 14 Days 123 old cem.
Eastman Elnor Died Mar 19, 1871 Aged 81 Years, Wife of Z Eastman 130 old cem.
Eastman Harriet M. Wife of R.B. Eastman Aug 1, 1835 - June 22, 1905 (Reuben) 82 south div.
Eastman Isaac M. Born Jan 7, 1870, Died Apr 20, 1896 123 old cem.
Eastman Joseph P. Died Oct 31, 1888 Aged 77 Years 8 Mo 9 Days 130 old cem.
Eastman Loley Spouse of Joseph p. Died Apr 9, 1880 Aged 70 Years 130 old cem.
Eastman Ruben Died 11/1913 82 south div.
Eastman Zebina Spouse of Elnor Died Aug 15, 1865 Aged 81 Years 130 old cem.
Eaton Clifton C. Spouse of Mary I. Aug 2, 1924 - Mar 9, 1992, PVT US Army WWII 27 north mid.div.
Eaton Mary I Born June 13, 1926, Died June 25, 2007 (Clifton) age 81 Dau. Of Myron L. & Irene M. Burrows 27.3 north mid.div.
Eck Florence B. Dec 28, 1919 - Dec 22, 2015 89.1 east div.
Eck Gordon L. "Bill" Mar 8, 1933 - Feb 6, 1995 "Beloved Father" PFC US Army Korea 72.1 east div.
Eck Jean M. 1935 - 2000 "Beloved Mother" (Gordon) 72.1 east div.
Edwards Harold H. Spouse of Myrtle E. 1906 - 1959 28 south mid.div.
Edwards Harold J 1942 - 1945 28 south mid.div.
Edwards Linda R " Minnie" spouse of Michael D. Aug 1, 1953 - Apr 11, 2009 94.4 east div.
Edwards Myrtle E Apr 27, 1915 - Feb 21, 2006 (Harold) 28.4 south mid.div.
Egbert Bessie M Spouse of George W. 1904 - 1987 28.4 south div.
Egbert George W. Spouse of Bessie M. 1900 - 1959 28.5 south div.
Eldridge Sally Born Aug 27, 1799 Died Jan 28, 1881 129 old cem.
Emerick Clarence E Spouse of Nellie V.1878 - July 16, 1959 131.3 east div.
Emerick Mary N. June 24, 1927 - Nov 23, 1992 (Raymond) 1.3 east div.
Emerick Nellie V. May 25, 1879 - Nov 18, 1959 (Clarence) 131.2 east div.
Emerick Raymond C. May 13, 1918 - June 20, 2005 Veteran World War II 1.4 east div.
Emerick Pauline H 1908 - 1944 38 south mid.div.
Emrick Harold Frank July 1, 1907 - Feb 2, 1991 178.3 east div.
Emrick Olive June 14, 1914 - June 13, 2008 (Harold) 178.4 east div.
Evans Charla J. Born Dec 12, 1952, Died Dec 9, 1999 62.1 south mid. div.
Evans Ryan Willis Sept 22, 1981 - July 19, 2008 62.1 south mid.div.
Evingham Elias 1886 - 1903 "Gone But Not Forgotten" 39 gorton addit.
Evingham Ida J. Pendleton 1864 - 1923 (Pendleton Plot) 1 north div.
Evingham John A 1869 - 1931 (Pendleton Plot) 1 north div.
Evingham Philip 1861 - 1900 39 gorton addit.
Evingham Seth Died 10/1922 21 north div.
Evingham Maria Died Aug 18, 1910 age 69 Years (per obit)
Eymer Eldyn M Dec 13, 1901 - July 8, 1992 (1 Fanny Barnard, 2 Cora Bigelow) 7 north div.
Eymer Fannie A Barnard Spouse of Eldyn M. Jan 17, 1910 - Apr 24, 1962 7 north div.
Eymer Fannie E Graham Spouse of G. Frank Dec 10, 1879 - Feb 5, 1979 22 north div.
Eymer G. Frank Spouse of Fannie E. Dec 10, 1875 - June 29, 1969 22 north div.
Eymer George F. Feb 7, 1920 - Oct 29, 1934 Son of Frank and Fannie Graham 22 north div.