Fairlawn Cemetery, Town of Scio, Allegany County, NY
Fairlawn Cemetery in Scio is located on Main Street in the village of Scio. It is an active well kept cemetery. The following was recorded by Cheryl Smith, former Scio town Historian, and updated by Mary Rhodes, 11/2006 & again 2/2018
James Babcock, Zebina & Elnor Eastman, York Monument & Mantle, Helia Clark
(Click on above photos for larger images)
Burial List A-B Burial List K-M
Burial List C-E Burial List N-R
Burial List F-G Burial List S-T
Burial List H-J Burial List U-Z
Fairlawn Cemetery maps:
Old Cemetery, Lower Half (West) Old Cemetery, Upper Half
Cemetery division outlines (in the maps):
Old Cemetery | South Division |
Gorton Addition | North Mid Div. |
Flint Reserve | South Mid Div. |
North Division | East Division |
Note: Gorton Addition has no outline.
Burial List A-B
Last First Information Lot # Division
Ackley Almira Davis Spouse of Wm. G. Ackley Born Jan 10, 1822, Died Feb 28, 1887 83 old cem.
Ackley William G. Spouse of Almira Davis Born Mar 18, 1818, Died May 3, 1881 83 old cem.
Adams Candace Spouse of Col.Roswell Died Nov 22, 1863 Age 73 Years 142 old cem.
Adams Harriet Spouse of Luther Died Feb, 22, 1879 Age 81 years 144 old cem.
Adams Luther Spouse of Harret Died Nov 9, 1866 Age 76 Years 144 old cem.
Adams Roswell, Col. Spouse of Candace Died Aug. 28. 1872 Age 79 Years 142 old cem.
Aldrich Carol K "Kato" Spouse of Carole Seaman Born Feb 14, 1939 Died Sept. 20, 2012 162.1 east div.
Aldrich Joshua James d. 1978 192.5 east div.
Allen Henry D Spouse of Pearl J. Born Nov 4, 1894 - Died Dec 2, 1977 PVT US Army WWI 20 north div.
Allen Phoebe Shelly Spouse of Henry D. Born Sept 21, 1898 - died Mar 25, 1975
Allyn Clarence A Spouse of Pearl J. born 1887 - died 1968 24 south mid.div.
Allyn Pearl J. Spouse of Clarence A. Born 1883 - Died 1951 24 south mid. Div.
Ames Alfred J. July 17, 1885 - Dec 23, 1943 NY Cook 81 Field Arty 8 Division 25 north div.
Ames Elizabeth C Spouse of Henry C. Born 1908 - Died Jan 26, 1974 190.1 east div.
Ames Frank Son of Jesse and Minnie, Born June 28, 1891 Died June 11, 1892 73 south div.
Ames Henry C. Spouse of Elizabeth C. Born 1905 - Died Nov 28, 1983 190.2 south div.
Ames Ida Barnard Second wife of Jesse Ames June 17, 1858 - Oct 22, 1920 (no headstone) 73 south div.
Ames Jesse F. Spouses Minnie & Ida Barnard Born May 19, 1859 - Died 1891 73 south div.
Ames Minnie First Wife Jesse F. Born June 17, 1865, Died Apr 29, 1897 73 south div.
Anderson James J. Spouse of Neva P. Born 1890 - Died 1972 82.3 east div.
Anderson Neva P. Spouse of James J. Born 1898 - Died 1982 82.4 east div.
Anderson James Arthur June 9, 1931 - Mar 6, 1958 New York CPL US Army 82.2 east div.
Angel Calvin 1804 - 1854 71 south div.
Angel Franklin 1833 - 1911 Co. K. 86 Regt N.Y. Vol's. 71 south div.
Angel Lucinda Spouse of Calvin Angel 1812 - 1892 71 south div.
Angel Mary J. 1841 - 1925 "Mother" Wife of Franklin Angel 71 south div.
Angell Carrie M. 1872 - 1932 41.4 south mid div.
Angell Earl W. 1891 - 1977 41.5 south mid. Div.
Angell Frances B 1917 - 1921 41.3 south mid. Div.
Angell Hazel B Spouse of Earl W. Born May 3, 1897 - Died Feb 17, 1971 41.6 south mid. Div.
Angell Jay S Jan 30, 1921 - Sept 14, 2014 WWII US ARMY AIR FORCE 41.1 south mid. Div.
Angell Joseph R. 1866 - 1913 41,2 south mid.div.
Angood Norma J. June 1, 1929 - Apr 21, 2011, Married to Robert Apr 10, 1948 121.4 east div.
Angood Robert L. Mar 22, 1923 - Sept 7, 1998 SSgt US Army WWII 121.3 east div.
Apsey Fannie D. Spouse of John T. Born 1844 - Died 1905 4 gorton addit.
Apsey Forrest D. Son of John T & Fannie D. Apsey Died Jan 15, 1888 Aged 21 Years 4 gorton addit.
Apsey John T. Spouse of Fannie E. Died Oct 10, 1883 Aged 46 Years 7 Mo 24 Days. 4 gorton addit.
Apsey Mina E. 1883 - 1900 4 gorton addit.
Asquith Sr. Douglas W Spouse of Lucille Woodcock Born Jan 3, 1905 - Died Sept 24, 1965 Son of Frank and Leona 2 east div.
Asquith Douglas Jr. 1930 - 2013 2 east div.
Asquith Lenora C. Spouse of Rev. Frank W. Born1874 - died 1949 26 old cem.
Asquith Lucille Woodcock Nov 8, 1910 - Oct 31, 2003 (Douglas Asquith, Freeborn) Interred in Florida Interred in Florida
Asquith Rev Frank W. Spouse of Lenora C. Born 1867 - Died 1943 26 old cem.
Atkins Penny Lea White Feb. 15,1946 - Nov. 25, 2020 Dau. of Delbert V. and Dorothea I.(Schram) White 88.1 south div.
Aumick Gerald L. 1942 - 2019 11.3 east div.
Aumick Jeremy Michael Son of Gerald & Deborah Young Aumick Born Oct 9, 1976 - Died Dec 20, 1977 "In Memory of Our Son" 11.2 east div.
Austin Alice Griesemer 1880 - 1940 39 south div.
Austin David W. 1877 - 1943 5 south div.
Austin Donald L.V. 1919 - 1942 56 north mid. Div.
Austin Elizabeth Spouse of John A. Born 1861 - Died 1887 30 gorton addit.
Austin Elmer P. Spouse of N. Belle Born July 18, 1885 - Died Aug 8, 1965 "Father" Mason 56 north mid. Div.
Austin Estella M. Spouse of Olin S. Born June 8, 1900 - Died Apr 12, 1972 39 south div.
Austin F. Glenn 1908 - Uncut Mason (1983 per SSDI) 56 north mid.div.
Austin Glenn F Spouse of Nina P. Born Mar 16, 1898 - Died Jan 26, 1977 A.3 north mid. Div.
Austin Inez Spouse of John A. Born July 13, 1871 - Died Jan 5, 1950 Dau of James and Mary Armstrong Silsby 30 gorton addit.
Austin Ira E Spouse of Lolo A. Born 1881 - Died 1968 55 north mid. Div.
Austin John A. Spouse of Elizabeth Born 1855 - Died 1917 30 gorton addit.
Austin Lilian Rose Stiegler "Lily" Spouse of Victor Jean "Chuckles" Born Apr 21,1930 - Died Mar 10, 1990 87.1 east div.
Austin Lola A. Spouse of Ira E. Born 1889 - Died 1953 55 north mid. Div.
Austin Lydia M. Died Mar 24, 1893 Are 72 Years 30 gorton addit.
Austin Minnie M. d. 03/1914 5 south div.
Austin Nina P. Sept 22, 1904 - Aug 1, 1981 (Glenn) A.4 north mid. Div.
Austin Nora Belle Spouse of Elmer P. Born Mar 5, 1887 - Died June 7, 1964 "Mother" 56 north mid. Div.
Austin Olin S. Spouse of Estella M. Born 1901 - Died 1951 39 south div.
Austin Victor Jean "Chuckles" Spouse of Lillian Rose Stiegler [#1] Born Jan 9, 1928 - Died May 12, 2003 Age 75 Son of Cecil & Gertude Poste Austin Wed. [#1] Oct. 10, 1948 who died Mar. 10, 1990, Wed. [#2] Jeanette DeVore Winans on Sept. 1, 1990, Owner/operator Belevidere Farms. 87.2 east div.
Babbitt Adaline Hall Spouse of John David Born 1872 - Died 1961 22 south div.
Babbitt Alice M. Rhodes Spouse of Milo Born 1885 - Died 1972 "Mother" "Dammy" 50 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Bertha W. 1900 - 1908 52 gorton addit.
Babbitt Burnham J. July 26, 1909 - Mar 8, 1987 14.2 east div.
Babbitt Carol M. Oct 11, 1951 - Dec 13, 2006 (James Tanner, Walter Babbitt) 90.1 east div.
Babbitt Caroline M. Travis Wife of Joseph L., Born May 11, 1844 - Died May 1903 "Mother" 11 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Clarissa 1834 - 1910 "Mother" 46 south div.
Babbitt Clayton J. Spouse of Doris A. Born1935 - Died Dec 11, 1981 68.4 south div.
Babbitt Clayton J. 1878 - 1936 11 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Doris A Spouse of Clayton J. Born 1937 - Uncut 68.4 south div.
Babbitt Frank L. 1898 - 1963 47 old cem.
Babbitt Helen G Spouse of Burnham J. Born 1917 - Died 1994 21.1 east div.
Babbitt John David 1872 - Mar 1954 (Adeline Hall) 22 south div.
Babbitt Joseph L. 1839 - 1914 "Father" 11 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Katie C. 1868 - 1930 "Mother" Wife of Myron 55 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Linda L. Hosley 1941 - Uncut (Robert) 40.4 south div.
Babbitt Lyman Clayton 1911 - 1949 19.1 south div.
Babbitt Madeline E. 1931 - 1933 11 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Marshall Died Mar. 1917 38 gorton addit.
Babbitt Mary Ann Oct 14, 1934 - Nov 21, 1946 Dau of Frank and Mary 47 old cem.
Babbitt Mary E. Crandall Jan 6, 1906 - Dec 5, 1976 (Frank) 47 old cem.
Babbitt Milo S. Feb 6, 1867 - Dec 21, 1942 50 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Myron E 1859 - 1932 "Father" 55 north mid. Div.
Babbitt Ophella Gavitt 1895 - 1981 (Orson) 40.2 south div.
Babbitt Orson L. Sept 17, 1894 - Dec 6, 1964 40.1 south div.
Babbitt Robert A. 1931 - 1999 "Gone Home" 40.3 south div.
Babbitt Walter J. June 15, 1924 - June 12, 2001 "Love Never Ends" "I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know" 90.2 east div.
Babbitt William E. Born Dec 12, 1831, died Jan 1, 1891, Co B 88 Regt NYV 46 south div.
Babbitt Willis C Born June 27, 1850 Died Aug 26, 1912 52 gorton addit.
Babcock Albert A. 1852 - 1924 15 north div.
Babcock Eleanor Voorhees 1826 - Oct 30,1903 15 north div.
Babcock Isabella H. 1836 - Jan 8, 1896 Wife of James U. 135 old cem.
Babcock James U., Dr. Died Dec 18, 1869 Aged 33 Years 135 old cem.
Babcock Josephine C 1855 - 1934 15 north div.
Babcock Lee I. 1892 - 1919 15 north div.
Babcock Martin Grover Born Feb 1871, Died July 1872, Infant son of Francis G and Elizabeth Babcock 135 old cem.
Baisley Charles T. Jan 8, 1871 - Nov 13, 1954 52 & 53 south mid. Div.
Baisley Janet F 1865 - 1957 (Charles) 52 & 53 south mid. Div.
Baker Bertha Herald Sept 8, 1877 - May 12, 1911 (John Baker) "At Rest" (Info from obit) 75 south div.
Baker Harriet 1856 - 1911 "Mother" 11 flint reserve
Baker Lewis K. Apr 15, 1852 - Dec 5, 1920 "Father" 11 flint reserve
Baker Lydia W. 1868 - 1946 14 gorton addit.
Baker Marjorie V 1923 - 1994 33.2 north mid.div.
Bakker Melva A. 1886 - 1926 49 north mid.div.
Balch Cherie Tuttle 1941 - 2018 16.5 south mid. Div.
Ball Erven D. Son of D. H. & A. A. Ball Died Aug 28, 1863 Aged 8 Yrs 4 Mo 24 Days 9 old cem.
Ball Joan M. Herke Spouse of Stevphen Born 12/12/1953 - Died 9/7/2020 181.4 east div.
Ball Lucilla M. 1863 - 1918 BURIED IN ALLENTOWN CEMETERY
Ball Samuel G 1886 - 1965 58.1 north mid. div.
Bangs Lila Sept 4, 1879 - March 17, 1903 (In Huntley Plot) 11 gorton addit.
Barber Ashley B. 1903 - 1909, Son of Volney and Myrtle Barber 54 south div.
Barber Ethel 1880 - 1962 His Wife (William) 48 north mid.div.
Barber Myrtle B 1877 - 1970, Wife of Volney 54 south div.
Barber Onalee 1907 - 1929 "Daughter" 48 north mid.div.
Barber Volney D 1875 - 1939 54 south div.
Barber William L. 1877 - 1965 48 north mid. Div.
Barhight Daisy A Everson Jan 28, 1879 - Aug 22, 1954 (Harry) 24 north mid div.
Barhight Harry W. 1872 - 1940 24 north mid. Div.
Barhight Howard A. Aug 2, 1903 - Dec 23, 1986 24 north mid. Div.
Barry Terrance Lee June 25, 1951 - Aug 23, 1980 124.4 east div.
Bascom Baby Mortie Died May 11, 1871, Son of E.C. & E. F. Bascom 5 ? old cem.
Bascom Hiram Gilbert Son of A. & M. A. Bascom Died Nov 18, 1864 Aged 23 Years 11 Mo 21 old cem.
Batchelder Esther Major Esther Virginia Major Batchelder died Nov 25, 2012 Dau of T C Major wife of William Batchelder. (Per Obit may not be interred in New York)
Baxter Harriet Davis Wife of James Baxter Born Sept 22, 1817, Died Dec 6, 1880 57 old cem.
Beach Annie Murphy 1852 - May 16, 1909 34 north mid. Div.
Beach Charles A. 1849 - 1928 34 north mid. Div.
Beach Herbert L. 1886 - 1934
Beebe Bruce M. June 1, 1935 - Aug 30, 1998 SP2 US Army Korea 75.6 east div.
Beebe Cordelia Spouse of Charle Paddock, b. Mar. 1825 - d. Sept. 1890 1&2 old cem.
Beebe E. (Eleanor) Our Mother
Beebe J. (John) Our Father
Bellinger Sue A. 1956 - 2012 70.6 east div.
Bement Grace B 1893 - July 22, 1984 (Jessie) 195.1 east div.
Bement Jessie G 1885 - 1966 195.2 east div.
Beneway Grace Hall Died Sept 4, 1903, Dau of Merritt Hall, Wife of Fred Beneway (info from obit) (no headstone) 41 south div.
Benjamin Aden Died May 19, 1905 (info from obit, no headstone)
Benjamin Alfred L. 1861 - 1941 20 gorton addit.
Benjamin Amy E 1851 - 1854 42 old cem.
Benjamin Charles A. 1912 - 1977 22.4 east div.
Benjamin Charles H. 1854 - 1855 42 old cem.
Benjamin Clarinda Born Apr 24, 1844 Died Oct 12, 1844 20 gorton addit.
Benjamin David Spouse of Lorenda, Mar 4, 1818 - Sept 18, 1892 "Father" 20 gorton addit.
Benjamin Edwin D 1860 - 1907 42 old cem.
Benjamin Emery W 1856 - 1907 42 old cem.
Benjamin Freda I 1917 - 1993 (Charles) 22.3 east div.
Benjamin Hiram Spouse of Mary, 1819 - 1901 "Father" 10 flint reserve
Benjamin John W. Died Oct 16, 1891 Aged 30 Years "Husband" 10 flint reserve
Benjamin Lorenda Hall Born May 26, 1824 - Dec 16, 1902 (David) 20 gorton addit.
Benjamin Louisa Young Jan 17, 1833 - Jan 18, 1906 (William M) 42 old cem.
Benjamin Mary Burns 1819 - 1900 "Mother" (Hiram) 10 flint reserve
Benjamin Orrena Dec 1, 1847 - Sept 21, 1915 10 flint reserve
Benjamin William F. 1858 - June 24, 1888 42 old cem.
Benjamin William M. 1822 - Feb 24, 1876 42 old cem.
Bennett Mary P. Wife of Benjamin Harris Died July 15, 1880 Aged 69 Years 11 o 17 Days 51 old cem.
Benson Shelley S. Slocum Born May 7,1974 - Died Nov. 9, 2012 92.4 east div.
Bentley Allen Died June 18, 1884 (per obit) Co I 8th NY Inf. 15 gorton addit.
Bentley Beatrice I 1897 - 1968 (Lewis) "Mother" 2 east div.
Bentley C.A. d. 10/1918 43 south div.
Bentley Mrs. C.A. d. 9/1915 43 south div.
Bentley Edward C. Born Jan 19, 1886 Died Oct 1, 1895 43 south div.
Bentley Edward C. July 8, 1921 - May 18, 1990 TEC5 US Army WWII 64.1 terrace east div.
Bentley Geraldine J. Nov 1, 1925 - Nov 2, 2005 (Edward) 64.2 terrace east div.
Bentley Lewis C. Mar 2, 1897 - July 22, 1963 "Father" 2 east div.
Bentley Lucila May Infant died July 23, 1920 43 south div.
Bentley Nancy C. Knickerbocker Born Sept 10, 1831 Died Apr 13, 1901 43 south div.
Bentley Randall E Apr 27, 1948 - Sept 19, 2013 USMC Vietnam 64.6 south mid.div.
Bessey Charles C 1878 - 1949 60 south mid. Div.
Bessey Eunice J. Nov 13, 1884 - Jan 17, 1956 (per obit) 60 south mid. Div.
Bills Eugene D 1897 - 1968 4.2 south mid.div.
Bills Irene Browning 1910 - 2000 (Eugene) 4.3 south mid.div.
Bissell Altron O. Nov 28, 1849 - Nov 24, 1930 (Info from Obit)
Bissell Cyrus A Apr 3, 1847 - Feb 4, 1913 (Sarah Taylor) 43 south mid. Div.
Bissell Fred H. 1846 - 1924 1 south mid. Div.
Infant of Percy Clark d. 4/1919 14 north mid. Div.
Bissell Hiram Died June 12, 1864 Age 17 Years 9 Mo "We'll Meet Again" 3 old cem.
Bissell Nelia B. Died Nov 14, 1885 Age 7 Years 7 Mo 17 Days "Gone But Not Forgotten" 3 old cem.
Bissell Sarah M. Taylor 1854 - 1943 (Cyrus) 43 south mid. Div.
Black A.J. Born Feb 26, 1858, Died Apr 13, 1932 53 south div.
Black Aaron O. 1881 - 1956 30.4 south div.
Black Adeline T 1838 - June 10, 1924 (per obit) (John Henry Black) 44 gorton addit.
Black Alexander 1819 - 1889 36 south div.
Black Amanda M. His Wife (Alexander) Born 1826 - Died 1908 36 south div.
Black Anna R Spouse of Miles A. Born 1865 - Died 1953 "Mother" 25 north div.
Black Augusta I. Wife of Lewis A. Black 1851 - 1912 36 south div.
Black Barbara H. Spouse of Lynn D. Born 1945 - Died Uncut 69 east div.
Black Charles H. Spouse of Minerva Born 1830 - Died May 2, 1907 37 south div.
Black Coral S. 1889 - 1975 44 south mid. Div.
Black David L. June 25, 1955 - July 10, 1979 44.4 east div.
Black Donald M. Born Jan 11, 1929, died Feb 6, 1953, NY CPL Co C 806 Engr AVN BN 28.5&6 north mid.div.
Black Doris G. Nov 28, 1910 - Aug 20, 1981 (King) 53 north mid.div.
Black Earl D. 1927 - 2011 78.5 east div.
Black Ella F. Wife of A.J. Black, Born Aug 8, 1857, Died Feb 23, 1912 "Mother" 53 south div.
Black Elmer E 1862 - 1929 44 south mid.div.
Black Edith M Spouse of Richard A. Born Jan 31, 1935 - Died Aug 12, 2008 30.2 south div.
Black Eugene T Spouse of Martha V. Born 1875 - Died 1945 53 north mid. Div.
Black Eva R. Spouse of Will L.Born 1876 - Died 1955 61 gorton addit.
Black Frank L. Spouse of Louisa Born 1860 - Died 1933 37 south div.
Black George A 1875 - 1933 44 south mid. Div.
Black Girl and Boy No Dates - Baby Markers 27 north div.
Black Gordon M. Sept 7, 1920 - Feb 14, 1977 CPL US Army WWII 28 north div.
Black Grace M. 1920 - 2005 (Robert) 44.3 east div.
Black Grant Died Oct 13, 1936 Aged 71 (Info from Funeral Home Books)
Black Gregory Died July 5, 2018 114.4 east div.
Black Hazel L. Jan 28, 1919 - Nov 16, 2009 78.5 east div.
Black Howard 1920 - 1932 26 north div.
Black Infant 1869 - Mar 10, 1869 Aged 16 Days Child of KS and Mary E Black 21 north mid. Div.
Black James H. 1843 - 1908 6th NY Regt 45 gorton addit.
Black John Henry Died December 1897 (per Dec 16, 1897 Bolivar Breeze
Black John P. Died Feb 8, 1862 Aged 32 Years 8 Days (A second marker 1830 - 1862) 16 gorton addit.
Black Judith A Spouse of Richard P. 1948 - 1996 "Beloved Mother and Grandmother" 60.4 south mid. Div.
Black Julia Harris Died Dec 29, 1841 Aged 32 Yrs "His Wife" (William) 44 gorton addit.
Black King S III Spouse of Patricia A. Born July 9, 1933 - Died Nov 8, 1996, Cpl US Army Korea 83.3 east div.
Black King S. 1900 - 1950 53 north mid. Div.
Black King Solomon Spouse of Mary E. Born 1840 - Died 1921 20 north mid. Div.
Black L. Minerva 1830 - 1907 (Charles) 37 south div.
Black Lawrence R Aug 16, 1923 - Feb 11, 1993 TEC 5 US Army WWII 27 north div.
Black Leo M Spouse of Lulu G. Born 1890 - Died 1960 129.5 east div.
Black Leon 1894 - 1930 26 north div.
Black Louisa Wife of F.L. Black 1856 - 1892 37 south div.
Black Lucy Hall Spouse of Ward Born 1899 - Died 1962 27 north div.
Black Inffant Girl 27 north div.
Black Infant Boy 27 north div.
Black Lulu G Spouse of Leo M. Born Jan 1, 1890 - Died Apr 10, 1984 129.6 east div.
Black Lynn D Spouse of Barbara H. Born Apr. 28,1944 - Died Jan. 10, 2001 69.6 east div.
Black Marguerite C. 1881 - 1961 (Aaron) 30.3 south div.
Black Martha V Spouse of Eugene T. Born 1876 - Died 1954 53 north mid. Div.
Black Mary E Tucker Wife of K S Black 1842 - 1920 20 north mid. Div.
Black Miles A pouse of Anna R. Born 1864 - Died 1940 "Father" 25 north div.
Black Nettie L Doan Spouse of Walter M. Born Sept 3, 1862 - Died Sept 22, 1948 24 north div.
Black Norman E 1914 - 1932 30.5 south div.
Black Onalee M. 1937 - 1968 "Mom" (Richard) 33.1 south div.
Black Patricia A Spouse of King S. lll Born 1937 - Died Uncut 83.4 east div.
Black Rebea Dau of AJ and Frances Black 1891 - 1908 53 south div.
Black Richard P. Born Dec 7, 1934, Died June 27, 1987 "Dad", PFC US Army Korea "Our Loved Ones Sleep Here" (Onalee Allen, 2 Judith Johnson) 33.2 south div.
Black Robert L. Spouse of Grace M. Born Nov. 7, 1918 - Died June 24, 2003 44.2 east div.
Black Sarah M. Wife of Grant Black 1859 - 1929 5 north mid. Div.
Black Solomon L. 1865 - Apr 17, 1869 "Solley" Aged 4 Yr 2 Mo 20 Days Son of KS and Mary E Black 21 north mid. Div.
Black Victor G. 1938 - 1957 83.1 east div.
Black Walter M. Spouse of Nettie L. Born 1861 - Died 1937 24 north div.
Black Ward M. Mar 31, 1897 - July 12, 1948 (Lucy Hall) 27 north div.
Black Will L. Spouse of Eva R. Born 1876 - 1955 61 gorton addit.
Black William A.` Born June 23,1833 Died Dec. 31,1890 61 gorton addit.
Black William D. Spouse of Julia, Died Mar 24, 1888 Aged 88 Yrs 44 gorton addit.
Black William G 1870 - 1878 Son of KS and Mary E Black 21 north mid.div.
Black William H. Died Dec 4, 1871 Aged 8 Mo Stone unreadable 17 old cem.
Black William H. Son of WD and J Black Died Feb 6, 1864 Aged 23 Yrs -Died in Service 44 gorton addit.
Black Wilma Eileen 1919 - 1989 "Love Forever" 138.1 east div.
Bliven Caroline 1826 - 1910 99 & 100 old cem.
Bliven Charles H. 1827 - 1923 "Father" 99 & 100 old cem.
Bliven Gilbert Spouse of Harriet A. Born 1833 - Died 1896 41 gorton addit.
Bliven Harriet A Spouse of Gilbert Born 1843 - Died 1903 41 gorton addit.
Bliven J. N. Born 1820 - Died 1907 99 & 100 old cem.
Bliven John B. Spouse of Mary D. Died Mar 25, 1876 Aged 45 Yrs 61 & 78 old cem.
Bliven Mary Alzina Chaffee His Wife (Charles H.) 1833 - 1911 "Mother" 99 & 100 old cem.
Bliven Mary D. Spouse of John B. Died Sept 7, 1903 Age 73 Yrs 61 & 78 old cem.
Bliven Phinnie E. Dau of J.B. & M.D. Bliven, Died Mar 4, 1881 Age 17 Yrs 61 & 78 old cem.
Boesembark Charles Spouse of Margaret Born 1809 - Died 1885 16 gorton addit.
Boesembark Margaret 1828 - 1900 His Wife (Charles) 16 gorton addit.
Boesenbark Charles Died uncut 143 old cem.
Boesenbark Charlotte Died uncut 143 old cem.
Boesenbark James M. Died 1862 143 old cem.
Boesenbark Sueanna Died 1864 143 old cem.
Boesenbark William D. Died 1862, Long Island, NY Age 22 143 old cem.
Bouten Julia Wife of W. Margeson, Born Jan 5, 1815 Died May 27, 1877 43 old cem.
Boyce Kathryn Collins Spouse of Maynard Born Apr 26, 1919 - Died June 27, 2005 (Order of Eastern Star) 9.2 east div.
Boyce Lawrence G 1944 - 2017 9.1 east div.
Boyce Maynard Spouse of Kathryn Collins Born 1917 - Died Mar. 31, 1997 (Mason Symbol) 9.3 east div.
Boyce Michael P. Apr 6, 1949 - June 12, 1975 "Beloved" 9.5 east div.
Boyd Charles W. Died Apr 1, 1877 Age 27 Years "My Husband" 133 old cem.
Boyd George D. Broken Stone 133 old cem.
Boyer Robert D. Spouse of Stacy L. Born July 13, 1951 - Died Oct. 1, 2001 100.5 east div.
Boyer Stacy L. May 8, 1970 - Uncut (Robert) 100.4 east div.
Boyle Beverly R. Stein Spouse of Dana C. Born 10/1/1927 - Died 9/26/2020 67.5 east div.
Boyle J. Richard Born Mar 21, 1949, Died Mar 22, 1949, son of Beverly & Dana Boyle 53 south div.
Boyle Dana C. 1925 - 2014 67.4 east div.
Bradshaw Arvilla A. His Wife (James) Died May 6, 1891 Aged 63 Years 27 old cem.
Bradshaw James Spouse of Arvilla A. Died Feb 14, 1863 Aged 46 Years Co. E Cav. 27 old cem.
Brands Ernest L Spouse of Maude E. 1887 - Died June 3, 1952 44 north mid. Div.
Brands Frances E 1900 - 1946 Second Wife of Marvin M. Brands 46 north mid. Div.
Brands Hattie J. Spouse of Lafayette M. Born 1860 - Died 1940 44 north mid. Div.
Brands Helen E Died 1910 - Uncut Dau of Ernest & Maude Brands 44 north mid. Div.
Brands Herbert J. In Memory of Son, Interred Mansion Memorial Park, Ellenton, Florida, 1914 - 1972 44 north mid. Div.
Brands Lafayette M Spouse of Hhattie J. Born 1851 - Died 1900 44 north mid. Div.
Brands Leland M 1917 - 1944 46 north mid. Div.
Brands Marvin M. Spouse of Vida M. Born 1889 - Died 1947 46 north mid. Div.
Brands Maude E Spouse of Ernest L. Born Aug. 19, 1889 - Died May 18, 1973 Dau. Of James & Elizabeth Gorton Flint 44 north mid. Div.
Brands Vida M 1887 - 1920 Wife of M.M. Brands 46 north mid. Div.
Braymiller Maryann July 3, 1967 - Mar 6, 2005 Dau. Of Robert & Barbara Zalewski Horton 147.1 east div.
Braymiller Wayne G. Spouse of Judy A. Evans, Born May 1,1938 - Died Nov. 22, 2019 146.5 east div.
Breiding Agnes L. Spouse of John S. Born 1900 - Died 1965 "RNA in Memoriam" 38.3 east div.
Breiding John S Spouse of Agnes L. Born 1900 - Died 1999 38.4 east div.
Breiding Mabel Simpson 1919 - Sept 15, 1978 (1 Charles Simpson, 2 John Breiding) 38.5 east div.
Brewster Belle Died Aug 17, 1856 Aged 1 Yr 7 Mo 23 Days 69 old cem.
Brewster Capt E. Geo. Killed at the Battle of Gains Mills, Va June 27, 1862 Aged 26 Yrs 11 Mo 16 D. 69 old cem.
Brewster Edward Miller Spouse of Pauline Perkins Born Dec. 16, 1915 - Died Jan. 9, 2001 1st Lt US Air Force WWII Purple Heart 125.1 east div.
Brewster Fanny M. 1824 - 1872 (Joseph) 131 old cem.
Brewster Florence Died July 17, 1863 Aged 5 Years 131 old cem.
Brewster George S. Born Oct 9, 1861 Died Mar 1, 1915 Woodmen of the World Memorial "Dum Taget Clamat" 69 east div.
Brewster Joseph Spouse of Fanny E. Born 1814 - Died 1902 131 old cem.
Brewster Pauline Perkins Aug 9, 1911 - May 8, 2006 (Edward M.) Age 94, Dau. Of Burrett & Estella Browning Perkins, Wed.Nov. 8, 1946 in Wellsville. 125.2 east div.
Brewster Sheldon Died Aug 24, 1867 Aged 60 Yr 10 Mo (on stone with E. Geo. Brewster) 69 old cem.
Brewster Sophrona Died Apr. 18, 1868 Aged 35 Yrs "We Miss You" 69 east div.
Brisbee Floyd L. Spouse of Gladys M. Born Oct 6, 1928 - Died Dec 3, 1999 F2 US Navy WWII 66.2 east div.
Brisbee Gladys M. Spouse of Floyd L. Born July 5, 1930 - Died Jan 31, 2002 Together Forever 66.1 east div.
Brodie Francis Died Dec 18, 1878 "My Husband" 2 gorton addit.
Brodie Lizzie M Born July 1863, Died May 1913 54 & 55 south mid. Div.
Brooks A.R. Died Dec 28, 1862 Aged 53 Years 20 old cem.
Brooks Little Walter Baby Marker, No Data 20 old cem.
Brooks Mabel C. 1875 - 1961, Wife of Geo C. Brooks 39 south div.
Brown Almond Curtis Jan 30, 1885 - Nov 19, 1956 Son of Thomas and Ida Evingham Brown (Grace Jacobs) 132.6 east div.
Brown Aaron D. Spouse of Martha W. Dec 6, 1802 - Aug 31, 1877 140 old cem.
Brown Adelbert H. Aug 5, 1913 - Feb 10, 1977 (Veronica Denning) 130.4 east div.
Brown Albert Born Jan 1, 1853, Died Feb 16, 1857 Son of Aaron and Martha 140 old cem.
Brown Caroline H. 1831 - 1903 140 old cem.
Brown Elizabeth M. Dau of AD and MW Brown Born July 5, 1835, Died Feb 16, 1851 140 old cem.
Brown Eugenia Dau of AD & MW Brown 1875 - 1877 140 old cem.
Brown George S. Spouse of Voilet L. Born 1881 - Died 1962 48 north mid. Div.
Brown Grace M Jacobs Spouse of A. Curtis Born Aug 30, 1891 - Died Sept 24, 1990 132.5 east div.
Brown Henrietta C. Born July 28, 1833, Died Dec 31, 1841 Dau. Of A. d. & M. W. Brown 140 old cem.
Brown Ida (Evingham) Wife of Thomas Brown & William Robbins, 1866-1946 1 gorton addit.
Brown J. J. 1862 - 1890 15 gorton addit.
Brown John Edward Nov 10, 1955 - July 14, 1977 32.3 east div.
Brown John M. Born Apr 22, 1839 Died July 23, 1871 140 old cem.
Brown Martha W. Spouse of Aaron D. Born June 24, 1811, Died Dec 2, 1883 Wife of Aaron 140 old cem.
Brown Mary & Minerva Wivies of Bradley Knight, 1837-1887, 1841-1875 126 & 127 old cem.
Brown Pearl Dickson Jan 26, 1894 - June 20, 1965 (Thomas) 83.5 south div.
Brown Polly M. wife of Z. B. Early. b. Sept. 8, 1840 - d. Feb. 17,1938 64 old cem.
Brown Raymond Michael 1961 - 1965 3.1 east div.
Brown Sally Eymer Flint Wife of Simeon Brown "Mother" No Dates 1 gorton addit.
Brown Samuel Oct 18, 1855 - Nov 18, 1942 Son of Simeon and Sally Eymer Brown, Twin of Thomas G. Brown 1 gorton addit.
Brown Sarah L. Hall Died Oct 17, 1878 aged 23 Years 21 Days Wife of Demster Brown 17 gorton addit.
Brown Thomas G. Oct 18, 1855 - Sept 1, 1937 (Ida Evingham) Son of Simeon and Sally Eymer Brown 1 gorton addit.
Brown Thomas Dec 22, 1895 - Aug 10, 1981 (Pearl Dixon, Shirley Butler) 83.4 south div.
Brown Violet I 1888 - 1965 (George S.) 48 north mid. Div.
Browning Albert Died 1887 35 & 36 south mid.div.
Browning Alfred L. 1846 - 1856 Son of Welcome H & Betsey Browning 48 old cem.
Browning Betsey Moore His Wife (Welcome) Born Dec 6, 1814 Died Dec 16, 1891 48 old cem.
Browning Caroline M. Apr 20, 1915 - Aug 29, 2014 (Eastern Star) (Judson) 3 & 4 south mid.div.
Browning Charles E. 1860 - 1860 Son of Welcome H & Betsey Browning 48 old cem.
Browning Davis Died Apr 28, 1871 Aged 68 Years 67 old cem.
Browning Davis Edwin 1925 - 1945 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning Davis Judson 1873 - 1950 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning E Mary Died Sept 12, 1903 Aged 93 Years 67 old cem.
Browning Ellen Sarah 1908 - 1910 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning Ezra M. 1841 - 1858 Son of Welcome H and Betsey Browning 48 old cem.
Browning George D. Died Apr 8, 1863 Aged 17 Years 67 old cem.
Browing Gertrude B. Hyde Died 1966 35 & 36 south mid.div.
Browning Giles Died May 31, 1867 Aged 28 Years Stone made in Belfast 134 old cem.
Browning Hannah E. Wife of W. H. Carle, d. Jan. 21, 1864, ae 32y6m 67 old cem.
Browning Ida May Died 1948 35 & 36 south mid. Div.
Browning Infant Son 1917 - 1917 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning Jessie Coyle 1885 - 1966 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning Judson Died Feb 9, 1852 Aged 22 Years 67 old cem.
Browning Judson D Spouse of Caroline M. Born May 15,1912 - Died May 14,2004 Age 91 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning Katherine A. Spouse of William Q. Born 1855 - Died 1936 "Mother" 61 & 78 old cem.
Browning Lewis Daniel May 20, 1836 - July 19, 1905 35 & 36 south mid. Div.
Browning Lewis Dickinson March 2, 1882 - Mar 17, 1942 Son of Lewis and Sarah 35 & 36 south mid. Div.
Browning Maude M Dau of Lewis and Sarah Jan 7, 1872 - Mar 22, 1942 35 & 36 south mid. Div.
Browning Robert Charles 1921 - 1926 3 & 4 south mid. Div.
Browning Ruby Adelisa Died 1921 35 & 36 south mid. Div.
Browning Sarah Dickenson Died 1921 35 & 36 south mid. Div.
Browning Welcome H. Spouse of Betsy Moore Born Aug 25, 1810 - Died July 31, 1889 48 old cem.
Browning William Q Spouse of Katherine A.1846 - 1936 "Father" 61 & 78 old cem.
Browning Willie Infant son of Lewis & Louise Browning 1883 48 old cem.
Brundage Robert E Spouse of Ruby L. Born Aug 1, 1915, Died June 25, 1993 Sgt US Army WWII 28 south mid. Div.
Brundage Ruby L. Spouse of Robert E. Born April 13,1918 - Died April 3,2003 Age 84 Dau. Of Clark A. & Maude A. Phillips 28 south div.
Buck Edward C. III "Pat" June 23, 1951 - May 3, 1975 SP5 US Army Vietnam "Forever Smiling in Our Hearts" Beloved Son of Etheli 196.4 east div.
Buck Etheli D "Danny" Aug 13, 1921 - Apr 25, 2005 "Always a Twinkle in Her Eye" 195.4 east div.
Buckley Benjamin J. Spouse of Grace Born 1888, Died Nov 16, 1933, New York PVT, Med Dept 58 south div.
Buckley Chester C. Spouse of Libbie M. Born 1878 - 1937 52 south div.
Buckley Grace Y. Mar 13, 1896 - Mar 31, 1983 (Benjamin) 58.4 south div.
Buckley John B Jan 17, 1927 - Apr 17, 2011 95.6 east div.
Buckley Libbie Marshall Mar 19, 1884 - Dec 21, 1976 (Chester) 52 south div.
Buckley Lillian Nimm May 9, 1926 - Jan 4, 2007 (Marshall) 65.1 east div.
Buckley Marshall J Dec 23, 1922 - Mar 24, 2014 USAF WWII 65.2 east div.
Buckley William H. Spouse of Ann Akers Born Feb 19, 1930 - Feb 27, 2011 US NAVY KOREA 70.2 east div.
Bunnell Ann Born Sept 21, 1819, Died Jan 17, 1893 Wife of S.F. 13 flint reserve
Bunnell Charles G. d. 4/1921 13 flint reserve
Bunnell Doris B. 1916 - 1984 7 south mid. div.
Bunnell Dorothy J. 1926 - 1928 7 south mid. Div.
Bunnell Eldyn L. 1891 - 1951 7 south mid. Div.
Bunnell Geroge W Nov 18, 1886 - Dec 31, 1964 NY PVT 4 Co 152 Depot Brigade WWI 131.1 east div.
Bunnell John N. Jan 26, 1851 - July 17, 1867 13 flint reserve
Bunnell M. Beatrice July 11, 1892 - Feb 1, 1976 (Edlyn) 7 south mid. Div.
Bunnell S. F. Spouse of Ann Born May 14, 1824, Died May 30, 1866 Co C 67th NY Inf 13 flint reserve
Burdge Agnes Nov 19, 1890 - Feb 26, 1907, Wife of W. E. Webster 63 gorton addit.
Burdge Elmer W. May 9, 1864 - July 20, 1920, Son of George and Orpha 63 gorton addit.
Burdge Ettie May 1868 - 1907 63 gorton addit.
Burdge George W. Spouse of Orpha A. Born Apr 13, 1822, Died May 3, 1891 "Father" 63 gorton addit.
Burdge Orpha Born Mar 11, 1881, Died Apr 16, 1891 63 gorton addit.
Burdge Orpha A born Sept 8, 1835, Died Sept 29, 1905 "Mother" (George) Married Oct 3, 1852 63 gorton addit.
Burdge Robert Born Jan 1, 1854, Died Apr 6, 1891 63 gorton addit.
Burdick Almond Spouse of Sylvia Stillman Died Nov 23, 1864 Aged 34 Years Co D. 13 N.Y. Heavy Artillery 8 flint reserve
Burdick David L. 1950 - 1999 71.6 east div.
Burdick Don E. Spouse of Doris Born1904 -Died Dec 16, 1977 187.2 east div.
Burdick Doris Collins 1908 - 2001 (Don) 187.1 east div.
Burdick Ella H. 1859 - 1943 59 gorton addit.
Burdick Elwin E. Spouse of Mildred V. 1882 - 1938 "Father" 11 south div.
Burdick Eva Born Sept 12, 1851, Died Jan 17, 1891 "Gone but not Forgotten" 11 south div.
Burdick Gladys P. 1911 - 1996 46.1 east div.
Burdick Mildred V. 1884 - 1949 "Mother" (Elwin) 11 south div.
Burdick Randall A 1914 - 1977 23.4 east div.
Burdick Sylvia Stillman Died Dec 14, 1883 Aged 52 Years (Almond) 8 flint reserve
Burgess Dawn M Johnson Apr 2, 1944 - Jan 2, 2009 (Dale) 142.6 east div.
Burns Charles H. Thier Son, Killed at Gettysburg. Died July 3, 1863 Aged 19 Years 3 Mo 17 old cem.
Burns Harry S. Spouse of Lida P. 1881 - 1961 58 north mid. Div.
Burns John C. Died Mar 29, 1883 Aged 63 Years 6 Mo 17 old cem.
Burns Lida P. 1890 - 1965 (Harry S.) 58 north mid. Div.
Burns Louisa S. His Wife (John) Died Apr 11, 1886 Aged 63 Years 7 Mo 17 old cem.
Burns William Son of John C and Louisa S. Burns Died Nov 14, 1859 Aged 7 Years 9 Mo 29 Days 17 old cem.
Burrows Emma O. Spouse of Lemuel 1852 - 1927 54 south div.
Burrows Lemuel P. Spouse of Emma O. 1846 - 1915 54 south div.
Burt Mary Lou Standish June 13, 1930 - Oct 24, 2000 "Proud Parents of two children Scott and Kira" (Richard) 145.4 east div.
Burt Richard E Apr 17, 1932 - Nov 7, 2001 HM2 US Navy Korea 145.3 east div.