Fairlawn Cemetery, Town of Scio, Allegany County, NY
Fairlawn Cemetery in Scio is located on Main Street in the village of Scio. It is an active well kept cemetery. The following was recorded by Cheryl Smith, former Scio town Historian, and updated by Mary Rhodes, 11/2006 & again 4/2/2018
James Babcock, Zebina & Elnor Eastman, York Monument & Mantle, Helia Clark
(Click on above photos for larger images)
Fairlawn Cemetery maps:
Old Cemetery, Lower Half (West) Old Cemetery, Upper Half
Cemetery division outlines (in the maps):
Old Cemetery | South Division |
Gorton Addition | North Mid Div. |
Flint Reserve | South Mid Div. |
North Division | East Division |
Note: Gorton Addition has no outline.
Burial List A-B Burial List K-M
Burial List C-E Burial List N-R
Burial List F-G Burial List S-T
Burial List H-J Burial List U-Z