
Tarbell, Bruce

Legs Crushed By the Cars

Bruce Tarbell Loses His Life as a Result of Falling Under the Wheels of a Freight Train. Date of Death: March 18, 1905)

The shocking report reached Fillmore Saturday afternoon that Bruce Tarbell had had both his legs crushed while attempting to board a freight train at Portage.

He, with three other boys – Forrest Scott, Bruce Sweet and Earl Carroll – had ridden to that place earlier in the day on a freight, and at about 3:15 in the afternoon, in an attempt to catch on a rapidly running train coming in this direction, and in which his companions were successful, Bruce fell under the wheels.  Several cars passed over his legs, it is supposed.  He was carried into the Pennsylvania depot, near which the terrible accident happened, and Dr. Rae summoned.

The wheels had crushed to a pulp one leg at the ankle and the other just below the knee, and from the first his recovery was considered doubtful.

Dr. A H Lyman was sent for and he went down on the 5:07 train, but could give but slight hope that Bruce would ever be any better.  He had lost too much blood to withstand the terrible shock.  His mother also came on the same train and has the consolation of knowing that her son died with a prayer on his lips.  He lived until shortly after eight o’clock, being conscious until a few minutes before he died.

It was a terrible shock to Mrs. Tarbell, and the whole community deeply sympathizes with her and her husband in this severe affliction.

Bruce was 15 years old last October, being the youngest child of the family and the only child of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Tarbell, he was their hope and idol, and his sudden taking away is a sad blow to them.

His body was brought home Sunday on a freight train, it being impossible to drive to Portage on account of the condition of the roads.

The funeral was held Tuesday at 1:30 pm at the Wesleyan church, Rev Mr. Bedford, pastor of the church, preaching to a crowded house.  The church was very prettily draped, and arranged with flowers and plants. The pupils of Fillmore High School met at the schoolhouse and marched to the church in a body, carrying evergreen wreaths.  These were afterwards lain on the casket at the grave in Pine Grove cemetery.  It was a very impressive funeral.

Those of the family present at the funeral were Homer Judd and wife of Sonyea, Pearl Judd who is working in Munnsville, NY, Mrs Louis Miller of Walton, NY and Miss Francelia Judd, children of Mrs. Tarbell.  Another daughter, Mrs. E. A. Fuller of Munnsville, was unable to come on account of her baby which is only a few weeks old.

A singular circumstance connected with the affair was the fact that neither the train crew nor the boys who succeeded in catching on knew of the accident until they reached Fillmore.

While the injured boy was lying in the depot at Portage waiting for the physician, he was tenderly cared for by those present, the agent Forest Haynes, doing all in his power for his welfare, Rev Frank Meyer of Portage was also present and did many acts of kindness, looking after his comfort in every way possible.

From: scrapbook "Wide Awake Club Library" - Fillmore, NY
Unknown newspaper; unknown date of publication.