From the Andover News, December 4, 1914.
Transcribed by Suzette Pondillo.
Died, at his home in this village, on Church street, Thursday morning, Nov. 26th, Jeremiah Clarke, who was in his 90th year.
Another name is stricken from the roll of the pioneers who so materially aided in developing Andover. When a mere babe of two months, Jeremiah Clarke was brought to Andover by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clarke, who settled in the township of Andover in June 1825; coming from Brookfield, N.Y. Since that time Mr. Clarke was passed his entire life as a resident of Andover, and such a life as his could but be an inspiration to nobler deeds and higher attainments to the citizens of any town.
Until about twenty years ago, when rheumatism made it wise for him to retire from active farm work, and he came to this village to live, Mr. Clarke was the proprietor of the Holstein Stock Farm located about 3 ½ miles southeast of Andover, now known as “Hillview Stock Farm”, owned by his son, E.E. Clarke. He was therefore not only widely known all over this section, but his acquaintance was state wide. Over thirty years ago he was one of the first, if not the first, to introduce the celebrated registered Holstein stock into this section of the sate, and was therefore well known especially among breeders and dealers of pure bred cattle and stock all over New York State.
Mr. Clarke was one of the men who made a success of life, and made it where many others failed. He was a very successful farmer. He made farming pay even under conditions that were much more unfavorable than they are today.
Jeremiah Clarke was born in Brookfield, Madison County, N.Y., April 11, 1825. He married Miss Catherine Crandall, Oct. 4, 1851. To them four children were born; one daughter, Miss Alice Clarke of Andover, who has faithfully ministered to and cared for her father since they came to this village, being his home-keeper since the death of her mother, ten years ago; Edson Clarke, who preceded his father to that unknown country only nine months ago; and Clarence and Ellsworth Clarke, both of Andover. He also leaves an aged sister, Mrs. Emily Wells of Little Genesee, N.Y.
Mr. Clarke united with the Seventh-day Baptist church, at Independence, when a young man, and had continued his active membership therein to the time of his death.
Funeral services were conducted Saturday morning at the usual church hour, in the Seventh-day Baptist church of this village, E. Clyde Ehret, Pastor, officiating. The interment was in the Independence cemetery.
Mr. Clarke was a man who united sound common sense with strong convictions, and was of a candid, outspoken disposition. He was eminently fitted to mould the rude elements of pioneer society into form and consistency and aid in raising a higher standard of citizenship. How much this community owes him, and such as he, it is impossible to say, though it would be a grateful task to trace his influence to hold him up in these days, in his various characters of husband and father, neighbor and friend; to speak of the children he has reared to perpetuate his name and emulate his virtues. But It comes not in the scope of this brief article to do so. Suffice it to say, he lived nobly, and died peacefully at the advanced age of nearly ninety years, his mental faculties being undimmed up to the very last. The Stern Reaper found him, “as a shock of corn, fully ripe for the harvest.”
Not for him be our tears. Rather let us crown his grave with garlands. Few of us will live as long, or as well, and fewer yet will the Angel of Death meet with such a loving touch.
Andover News 12-04-1914