Obituary for Bessie Belnet Cornwell
Mrs. Bessie Belnet Cornwell, 34 years old, of Fords Brook, town of Willing, died in her home at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was a life long resident of this section.
Born in the town of Willing September 28, 1895, deceased was a daughter of Milo R. Daley and Ella Ardella Fanton Daley. In 1912, she was married to Clarence C. Cornwell, who survives her, together with her father and two daughters Margaret Allene Cornwell, 16, and Dorothy May Cornwell, 14, both at home. Her mother died October 6, 1921.
One sister, Mrs Nina Irene Sawyer and on brother Robert Wesley Daley, also survive. Mrs Cornwell became a member of the Methodist Protestant Church in Stannards in 1916 and had since been active in church work.
Services will be held in the Stannards M.P. Church Tuesday at 2 p.m. the Rev. W.E. Windsor officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.
(from Obit Collection of Linda S. Smith)