Obituary for Charles N. Dean
"Charlie" Dean of Wellsville Died there last Friday and was born in Belmont, NY.
Charles N Dean, 67, Wellsville Druggist for 31 years passed away last friday night in hospital there following an illness of several months. Mr Dean was born Feb. 7, 1880, In Belmont, son of John W and Mandana (Williams) Dean.
He Graduated from the University of Buffalo school of Pharmacy in 1900 and was employed by M A Lyons Drug Company and in 1911 moved to Dunkirk as manager of the West Drug Company.
He returned to Wellsville in 1916 and opened his own store which he
operated since that time.
operated since that time.
He is survived by widow, Mrs Florence Hosley Dean, and Two daughters, Mrs. T.J. Adhern of Larchmont and Mrs. Virginia Dean Potter of Wellsville NY.
He died May 2, 1947
From the May 2, 1947 "Belmont Dispatch"; submitted by Jay Warner.