

“When Wits Won [again]”

Our home after I married was in the suburbs of a little country village.  Our nearest neighbor not being within speaking distances, quite often, I was left alone in the house until quite late in the night.  I usually sat up and [a]waited my husband’s return.

About ten p.m. on this evening I heard the gate open and supposing it was the return of my husband, felt quite secure until the man stumbled on the walk, and began to talk in a scolding mood.

I quickly rose, and bolted the door, when my fathers faithful dog Carlo, who had come to visit me rushed for the door and, with hair standing up showing his teeth making a low growl ready for any imergency [sic].

The man came on, and up the steps to the door.  He made two or three loud raps with his cane, then tried the door, continuing to press on it, until I feared it would give way, all this time talking in an incoherent tone.  I placed my hand on Carlo’s head feeling quite secure.

I finally told the man, I had a big dog who would not let him in, and he must leave.  After some hesitation he left.  I learned the next day, that it was a crazy man who was considered quite harmless, but noisy.