Car Races Saturday.
Horse Pulling Sunday
It was predicted last week that almost anything could happen and probably would during a 50 lap Championship Stock Car Race and that just about tells the story of activities at the Wellsville Raceway last Saturday night.
A last minute decision resulted in the running of a 50 lap race for strictly modified cars and a 25 lap feature for semi-modified cars.
Dean Layfield, who won the 1950 Championship race, came through with his second big victory as he shook off all challengers with an average speed of 51.6 mph. Loren Doan of Knoxville went into an early lead but threw a right front wheel in the 21st lap and was forced to withdraw. Dutch Hoag, who usually drives in the modified classification, was entered in the Championship race but he also lost a wheel and although he negotiated six laps on three wheels and a brake drum, he crashed into the fence in the 28th lap.
In the modified feature the race developed into a battle between Curly Hatfield, Dutch Hoag, Gus Nelson, Jack Thomas and Herb Layfield with Thomas taking advantage of the breaks to score his first major win of the season.
Although the Championship race was scheduled to be the final program of the season, track officials have announced that due to the large number of spectators who expressed their desire to have the races continue a regular card of six events will be held this Saturday night.
The gas burners will give way to the hay burners Sunday afternoon at the Wellsville Raceway when area teamsters will compete in a horse pulling con-test in front of the grandstand. A spokesman for the raceway stated the prizes will be large enough to draw out the best teams in western New York.
Interested horseman who desire additional information should contact either Ralph E. Benjamin from Wellsville or Herold Ford at Andover.
The contest is slated to begin at 2:00 p.m. and team owners should plan to have their entry on the grounds by 1:30.
The addition of a horse pulling contest is in keeping with track officials attempts to make the raceway available for diversified spectators entertainment.
At present I have no further articles from the Andover News until the following:
Stock Car Races Open
Again in Wellsville
Wellsville Raceway stock car races that were recently discontinued by Buffalo promoter Ben Lalomia will be resumed under new management on Friday evening, July 31, and will be conducted through the month of August each Friday night.
Jim Dean, Wellsville resident and part owner of the track will take over the promotion and operation of the track on an individual basis.