Hillside Cemetery - Andover NY
North Main Street, Top of the Hill on the Right.....
This list updated with additions & corrections on 1/31/2017. If you find information or corrections needed email: webmaster@alleganyhistory.org
This information is taken from Cemetery Records (when available), Andover News Archives, Family & Town Historical Records & finally, physically walking the cemetery comparing written records with tombstone information. We feel that the information is as accurate as it can be provided unless variable information comes forth in the future to disprove.
This information is meant to help you in your quest for family. As with all material provided by others, you must verify using your own methods. Please report any errors you may discover (with proof of correction needed) so we can provide accuracy on the web.
copyright ©2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 William A. Greene
Choose a Section Below:
A-Ch | Ci-G | H-M | N-S | T-Z |
H.A.B. | ||
Hackett, Beverly J. (Dau. Of Phillip M. & Thelma Gee) | 2/14/1934 | 1/25/1950 |
Hackett, Inez | 0/0/1931 | 10/00/1998 |
Hackett, Thelma R. Gee (Wife of Phillip M.) | 3/18/1913 | 9/21/1963 |
Haist, Daniel W. (Hus. Of Harriet Cole) | 3/1//1874 | 10/1/1963 |
Haist, Harriet Cole (Wife of Daniel W.) | 10/11/1863 | 4/7/1936 |
Hajde, Elsie Ann Owen, (wife of George Owen) | 0/0/1954 | 3/23/2010 |
Hall, Caroline Ann (Infant of Clyde E. Jr. & Rose P. Elliot) | 4/4/1953 | 6/5/1954 |
Hall, Clyde E. Jr. (Hus. Of Rose P. Elliot) | 3/13/1926 | 6/11/1954 |
Hall, Clyde E. Sr. (Hus. Of Josephine E. Monroe) | 0/0/1902 | 4/5/1967 |
Hall, Edgar E. (Son of Lewis H. & Elizabeth Matteson) | 0/0/1867 | 2/27/1888 |
Hall, Eliza (Wife of W.B. Hall) 38yrs. | 6/8/1876 | |
Hall, Elizabeth Matteson (Wife of Lewis H.) | 9/5/1839 | 9/8//1897 |
Hall, Josephine E. Monroe (Wife of Clyde E. Sr.) | 8/16/1906 | 3/11/1955 |
Hall, Lewis H. (Hus. Of Elizabeth Matteson) CIVIL WAR | 0/0/1830 | 2/12/1892 |
Hall, Mary Elizabeth (Infant of Clyde Sr. & Josephine) | ||
Hall, Minnie (Dau. Of Lewis & Elizabeth Matteson) | ||
Hall, Rose P. Elliot (Wife of Clyde E. Jr.) | 11/25/1920 | 816/1968 |
Halladay, Florence B. Shelly ( Wife of William F.) | 0/0/1901 | 0/0/1932 |
Halladay, Mabel M. (Dau. Of William D. & Myrtle D. Emery) | 0/0/1899 | 6/12/1907 |
Halladay, Myrtle M. Emery (1st wife of William D.) | 0/0/1877 | 4/8/1905 |
Halladay, Thedora D. (2nd wife of William D.) | 0/0/1887 | 8/20/1970 |
Halladay, William D.(Hus. Of Myrtle M. Emery & Thedora D.) | 10/4/1871 | 6/18/1949 |
Halladay, William F. (Hus. Of Florence B. Shelly) | 1/6/1897 | 9/8/1927 |
Halladay, William N. (Hus. Of Betty Cline) WW II | 10/19/1918 | 3/15/1988 |
Halsey, Glenn (Hus. Of Lillian E. Grossman) | 5/9/1905 | 4/19/1978 |
Halsey, Helen Louise (Infant twin of Mr. & Mrs. Bert Halesy) 7mos. | 3/5/1935 | |
Halsey, Lillian E. Grossman (Wife of Glenn) | 6/27/1904 | 7/17/1995 |
Halsey, Matt (Hus. Of Minnie Baker) 85yrs. | 8/12/1931 | |
Halsey, Minnie Baker (Wife of Matt) | 5/18/1859 | 4/22/1930 |
Hammond, Eugene L. (Son of James B. & Ida H. Krusen) 26yrs. | 8/12/1912 | |
Hammond, Girl (Dau. Of James B. & Ida H. Krusen) | ||
Hammond, Ida H. Krusen (Wife of James B.) | 7/22/1857 | 9/7/1940 |
Hammond, James B. (Hus.of Ida H. Krusen) | 10/27/1856 | 9/10/1920 |
Hammond, Jeanne Dunham( Wife of Donald Hammond) | 3/1/1923 | 12/10/1980 |
Hammond, Lynn G. WW I | 2/2/1896 | 12/14/1966 |
Hammond, Richard K. | 2/27/1881 | 7/12/1953 |
Hancock, Scott Lee (Son of Rick & Rhonda Geffers) | 7/25/1977 | 7/3/2005 |
Hand, Jacob (Son of Jacob & Electa Howland Hand Sr.) | 2/24/1878 | 1/20/1955 |
Hann, Anna Swain (Wife of Michael H.) | 12/27/1829 | 5/6/1903 |
Hann, Burdette B. (Hus. Of Roxie Carpenter & Luella Cronk Benton) | 3/29/1872 | 4/23/1955 |
Hann, Clinton E. (Hus. Of Elizabeth M. Taylor) | 12/13/1867 | 2/9/1935 |
Hann, Edgar James (Hus. Of Elizabeth) | 0/0/1847 | 7/26/1881 |
Hann, Elizabeth (Wife of Edger James) | 0/0/1839 | 10/30/1889 |
Hann, Elizabeth M. Taylor (Wife of Clinton E.) | 3/5/1875 | 12/25/1961 |
Hann, Evelyn Edwards (Wife of Lawrence F.) | 5/14/1913 | 8/31/1979 |
Hann, Flossie Irene Harding (Wife of Gerald W.) | 2/25/1912 | 6/11/2002 |
Hann, Gerald W. (Hus. Of Flossie Irene Harding) WW II | 4/19/1909 | 8/7/1978 |
Hann, Helen Collins (Wife of Francis A.) | 7/12/1945 | 8/30/2000 |
Hann, Lawrence F. (Hus. Of Evelyn Edwards) | 4/21/1913 | 3/17/1976 |
Hann, LeRoy Howard (Infant son of Lawrence F. & Evelyn Edwards) | 9/27/1947 | 9/27/1947 |
Hann, Luella Cronk Benton (2nd wife of Burdette B.) | 8/13/1872 | 3/14/1953 |
Hann, Michael H. (Hus. Of Anna Swain) | 3/16/1820 | 12/2/1895 |
Hann, Richard J. (Son Gerald & Flossie Irene) | 11/7/1931 | 9/9/1943 |
Hann, Roxie Carpenter (1st wife of Burdette B.) | 6/22/1877 | 6/1/1933 |
Hann, Victor W. (Hus. Of Alverdia) WW I | 11/6/1895 | 10/6/1974 |
Hann, Warren (Infant of Clinton E. & Elizabeth M. Taylor) 5yrs. | 1/4/1904 | 4/24/1909 |
Hann, Warren C. (hus. Of Nancy Blesy) | 5/15/1942 | 8/12/2006 |
Harder, Emma Ludden (Wife of Guy A.) | 8/10/1884 | 3/4/1965 |
Harder, Guy A. (Hus. Of Emma Ludden) | 12/8/1882 | 2/9/1969 |
Harder, Richard V. (Hus. Of Sarah Bettinger & Doris Bufton Reil) | 1/7/1906 | 9/28/1971 |
Harder, Sarah Bettinger (1st wife of Richard V.) | 4/17/1908 | 8/23/1964 |
Hardy, Bertha Bell (Dau. Of Roswin W. & Georgianna Dyer) 11yrs. | 2/3/1879 | |
Hardy, Bertha Livermore (Wife of Harold D.) | 11/28/1894 | 1/29/1964 |
Hardy, Donald E. (Plane shot down in Pacific) WW II | 8/10/1920 | 5/25/1945 |
Hardy, Edward D.(Hus. Of Frances Keefe) | 0/0/1872 | 12/12/1965 |
Hardy, Georgianna Dyer (Wife of Roswin W.) | 6/29/1845 | 1/5/1927 |
Hardy, Harold D.(Hus. Of Bertha Livermore) WW I | 9/27/1893 | 9/9/1941 |
Hardy, Mary K. (Wife of William C.) | 10/19/1868 | |
Hardy, Roswin W. (Hus.of Georgianna Dyer) CIVIL WAR | 1/24/1839 | 9/26/1919 |
Hardy, Sylvia J. (Dau. Of Roswin W & Geogianna Dyer) | 6/6/1880 | 3/17/1971 |
Hardy, William C.or K. (Hus.of Esther Lovina Hall ) CIVIL WAR | 11/27/1829 | 9/24/1866 |
Hardy, William C. or K. (hus of. Mary F. Kingsbury. | 2/10/1784 | 12/06/1867 |
Harmon, Agnes M. Redinour (Wife of Miles) | 7/29/1850 | 2/7/1927 |
Harmon, Eliza A. Clark (Wife of John J. Harmon M.D. & S. K. Hale) | 6/6/1823 | 4/12/1895 |
Harmon, John J. M.D. (Hus.of Eliza A. Clark) | 5/6/1817 | 6/18/1884 |
Harmon, Jennie (Dau. Of J.J. & Eliza) 2yrs. 9mo. | 12/4/1863 | |
Harmon, Miles H.(Hus. Of Agnes M. Redinour) | 5/26/1845 | 8/9/1897 |
Harmon, Nellie (Dau. Of J.J. & Eliza) 2yrs. | 1/0/1859 | |
Harris, Clyde (Hus. Of Mary L. Yager) | 4/4/1909 | 5/24/1975 |
Harris, Donald (Hus. Of Brenda Price) Viet Nam | 7/15/1941 | 3/30/2005 |
Harris, Julia Renwick (Wife of Charles Fanning & George Harris) | 2/8/1853 | 7/5/1920 |
Harris, Marilyn Edna (Dau. Of Clyde & Mary L. Yager) | 10/22/1938 | 8/24/1957 |
Harris, Mary L. Yager (Wife of Clyde) | 6/15/1911 | 4/12/2003 |
Hartrum, Harriet M. (Dau. Of J. Melvin & Mary E.) | 3/13/1884 | 6/23/1893 |
Hartrum, J. Melvin (Hus. Of Mary E. Corwin) | 5/4/1855 | 11/21/1937 |
Hartrum, Mary E. Corwin (Wife of J.Melvin) | 12/30/1863 | 5/18/1937 |
Hartrum, Sarah M. Backus (Wife of William L.) 72yrs. | 0/0/1833 | 3/18/1906 |
Hartrum, William L. (Hus. Of Sarah M. Backus) | 0/0/1827 | 12/6/1906 |
Haste, Daniel W. (Hus. Of Harriet Cole) | 3/1/1874 | 10/1/1963 |
Haste, Harriet Cole (Wife of Daniel W.) | ||
Haven, Angeline (Wife of John) 36yrs. | 12/9/1853 | |
Haven, James (Son of John & Angeline) 8yrs. | 2/8/1854 | |
Haven, John (Hus. Of Angeline) 38yrs. | 10/9/1853 | |
Hayes, Bessie C. (Dau. Of Henry S. & Charlotte Moore) | 5/2/1889 | 7/23/1956 |
Hayes, Edna G. | 6/12/1911 | 9/20/1911 |
Haynes, Cora Dell Potter (Wife of Fred) | 2/20/1884 | 3/5/1955 |
Haynes, Edna G. (dau. of Fred & Cora Dell Potter Haynes) | 6/12/1911 | 9/20/1911 |
Hemmer, Magdaline Elizabeth (Mother of William & Joseph) 77yrs. | 0/0/1846 | 1/22/1923 |
Hemmer, Joseph A. (2nd hus. Of Mildred W.Perry) | 11/25/1879 | 7/25/1950 |
Hemmer, Mildred W. Perry (Wife of Prentice Coats & Joseph A.) | 3/12/1882 | 7/14/1963 |
Hemmer, William H. | 5/26/1877 | 6/1/1954 |
Henderson, Aziel Ransom (Hus. Of Celia Maria Wood) | 7/3/1836 | 3/17/1910 |
Henderson, Burton R. (Hus. Of Hattie Wilson) | 7/21/1872 | 8/16/1901 |
Henderson, Celia Maria Wood (Wife of Aziel Ransom) | 12/25/1836 | 4/27/1916 |
Henderson, Eilza Ann Baker (Wife of William Y.) | 12/4/1795 | 3/4/1876 |
Henderson, Fred R. (Hus. Of Mary Wilson ) | 0/0/1865 | 12/12/1929 |
Henderson, Mary Wilson (Wife of Fred R.) 24yrs. | 5/18/1897 | |
Henyan, Emma N. Rogers (Wife Eugene F. Hurd & Charles Henyan) | 9/1/1881 | 3/12/1967 |
Herrick, Grace A. Smith (Wife of ?) | 0/0/1892 | 9/22/1969 |
Heselton, Cary Lee (Infant son of Richard D. & Dorthy Schoonover) | 4/25/1949 | 7/18/1950 |
Heselton, Richard L. (1st Hus. Of Dorthy Schoonover(Ordiway) WW II | 5/14/1927 | 11/24/1979 |
Hess, Louise Miller (Wife of William C.) 61yrs. | 0/0/1872 | 2/6/1934 |
Hess, William C.(Hus. Of Louise Miller) 66yrs. | 0/0/1860 | 5/15/1926 |
Higby, Ernest (Hus. Of Nora Burgett) | 0/0/1884 | 2/20/1968 |
Higby, Nora Burgett (Wife of Ernest) | 9/2/1890 | 1/16/1972 |
Hinkley, Amelia D. (Wife of Milton Jerome) | 10/27/1842 | 3/24/1925 |
Hinkley, Milton Jerome (Hus. Of Amelia D.) | 6/13/1841 | 2/4/1922 |
Hoagland, Altha M. Mead (Wife of Edgar J.) | 1/21/1882 | 2/24/1957 |
Hoagland, Cecil (1st hus. Of Doris Enger) | 0/0/1908 | 2/4/1944 |
Hoagland, Doris Enger (Wife of Cecil & Ronald) | 7/24/1919 | 6/15/1976 |
Hoagland, Gary L. (Hus. Of Melinda Baker & Barbara Barnhart) | 10/6/1942 | 1/10/1986 |
Hoagland, Ronald E. (2nd hus. Of Doris Enger) | 11/20/1917 | 7/19/1987 |
Hoard, Ada E. Slocum (Wife of Charles M.) | 9/8/1877 | 3/13/1958 |
Hoard, Alexander J.(Hus. Of Mary) | 0/0/1839 | 2/17/1914 |
Hoard, Charles M. (Hus. Of Ada E. Slocum) | 8/3/1873 | 7/2/1956 |
Hoard, John J. (Hus. Of Lena) 68yrs. | 5/25/1947 | |
Hoard, Mary, (Wife of Alexander J.) | 0/0/1846 | 12/16/1914 |
Hoff, Elizabeth Bassett (Wife of Gust C. Hoff who died in 1941) | 4/29/1891 | 11/24/1963 |
Hoffman, John H. (Hus. Of Mary Caster) | 5/26/1877 | 7/28/1930 |
Holland, Clifford H. (Hus. Of Dorothy Wheaton & Deloris Jusko) KOREA | 3/7/1933 | 11/2/2007 |
Holland, Dorothy A. Wheaton (Wife of Richard D. Steadman & Cliff Holland) | 10/6/1927 | 11/10/1986 |
Hombs, Thelma Alvord (Wife of Geil Reynolds & William Hombs) 73yrs. | 0/0/1904 | 3/26/1977 |
Honegger, Bertha Blodgett (Wife of Hugo) | 3/15/1892 | 6/3/1966 |
Honegger, Carl (Mike) H. (Son of Hugo & Bertha Blodgett ) WW II | 8/11/1910 | 10/27/1995 |
Honegger, Hugo (Hus. Of Bertha Blodgett) | 3/18/1884 | 1/21/1973 |
Hoover, Alvin M. (Hus. Of Harriet L. Williams) WW II | 7/30/1908 | 1/14/1995 |
Hoover, Harriet L. Williams (Wife of Alvin M.) | 8/2/1902 | 9/28/2005 |
Horsefall, Ellis (Son of John & Sarah Ickringill) | 0/0/1903 | 9/20/1989 |
Horsefall, John W. (Hus. Of Sarah Ickringill) | 0/0/1867 | 8/22/1912 |
Horsefall, Sarah Ickringill (Wife of John W. & Jett J. Blodgett) | 1/21/1867 | 12/24/1959 |
Horsefall, Sarah Jane (Wife of Thomas) | 0/0/1874 | 0/0/1921 |
Horsefall, Thomas (Bro.of John) | 0/0/1881 | 0/0/1930 |
Houghtaling, Frank (Hus. Of Lavinia Hemingway) | 2/14/1872 | 3/23/1934 |
Houghtaling, Lavinia Hemingway (Wife of Daniel Cook & Frank Houghtaling) | 4/10/1862 | 6/21/1953 |
Houghtling, Amy L. (Wife of Terrance H.) | 0/0/1903 | |
Houghtling, Lawrence (Hus. Of ?) 54yrs. | 7/31/1967 | |
Houghtling, Terrence H. (Hus. Of Amy L.) | 0/0/1905 | 3/12/1964 |
House, Minnie E. Walker (Wife of Sidney Scribner & Frank House) 91yrs. | 0/0/1869 | 4/30/1961 |
Howard, Siles W. ( Hus. Of ) | 4/10/1940 | |
Hower, George (Hus. Of Louisa English) | 2/4/1915 | |
Hower, Louisa English (Wife of George) | 1/31/1923 | |
Hower, Mattie K. DeLong (Wife of William K.) | 3/3/1881 | 5/12/1958 |
Hower, William K. (Hus. Of Mattie DeLong) | 6/20/1881 | 7/26/1938 |
Howland, Amelia Rosebush (Wife of Martin T.) | 6/15/1849 | 8/25/1920 |
Howland, Arretta Mae (Wife of John H. Howland) | 11/22/1926 | |
Howland, Byron F. (Hus. Of Elizabeth J. Wycott) | 10/19/1852 | 11/25/1928 |
Howland, Elizabeth J. Wycott (Wife of Byron F.) | 12/9/1858 | 12/21/1924 |
Howland, John H. (Hus. Of Arretta Mae Dunham) WWII | 3/7/1924 | 12/12/2005 |
Howland, Judy | ||
Howland, Martin T. (Hus.of Amelia Rosebush) | 9/8/1845 | 11/7/1922 |
Hoyer, Anna Heydon (Wife of John Martin) | 8/2/1871 | 9/3/1964 |
Hoyer, Johann Martin (Hus of Anna Heydon) | 1/16/1865 | 10/27/1952 |
Hoyer, Max J. (Son of Martin & Anna) WW I | 12/28/1896 | 9/22/1922 |
Hubbard, Edna Guinn (Wife of Frank L.) | 4/10/1910 | 12/9/1985 |
Hubbard, Frank L. (Hus. Of Edna Guinn) | 3/23/1903 | 12/28/1980 |
Huff, Helen E. | 0/0/1909 | 10/4/2002 |
Huffman, John H. (Hus. Of Mary A. Castor) | 5/26/1877 | 7/28/1930 |
Huffman, Mary A. Castor (Wife of John H.) | 0/0/1877 | 8/26/1955 |
Hulse, Tracy Howard (Child of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hulse) | 5/3/1961 | 7/10/1961 |
Hultquist, Milton E. (Hus. Of Myrtle Mae Wilber) WW I | 10/9/1893 | 1/11/1964 |
Hultquist, Myrtle Mae Wilber (Wife of Milton E.) | 0/0/1894 | 7/14/1965 |
Hunt, Albert C. (Son of Charles & Polly) 5yrs. | 7/24/1842 | |
Hunt, Albert D. (Son of Charles) | ||
Hunt, Amanda (Dau. Of Elijah J. & Julia) 3mo. | 8/31/1844 | |
Hunt, Annie Ritchie (Wife of Earl Levant "Ching" Hunt) 22 yrs. | 2/4/1876 | |
Hunt, Caroline Reimann (Wife of Jesse) | 1/13/1866 | 10/14/1948 |
Hunt, Elizabeth | ||
Hunt, Elmina E. Martindale (Wife of Jason A.) | 5/3/1833 | 2/12/1916 |
Hunt, Grata M.,George W., Amelia A., Sarah E. (Children of Jason & E.E.Hunt) | ||
Hunt, Jason A. (Hus. Of Elmina E. Martindale) | 5/5/1830 | 4/2/1917 |
Hunt, Jesse F. (Hus. Of Caroline Reimann) | 10/28/1863 | 4/26/1936 |
Hunt, Jessie Bloss (Wife of Lawrence R.) | 7/7/1891 | 10/8/1975 |
Hunt, Julia Lee | 0/0/1891 | 0/0/1972 |
Hunt, Julia V. Cook (wife of Elijah Hunt Jr.) | 9/5/1820 | 11/9/1857 |
Hunt, Lawrence R. (Hus. Of Jessie Bloss) | 3/6/1891 | 12/11/1972 |
Hunt, Lester E. (Hus. Of Ethel Mae Van Kuren ) | 7/3/1895 | 11/7/1967 |
Hunt, Parley (Hus. Of Persis) 68yrs. | 11/18/1863 | |
Hunt, Persis (Wife of Parley) | 5/27/1832 | |
Hunt, Sarah Manroe (Wife of Frank G. buried in N. Cohocton) | 10/19/1874 | 4/26/1941 |
Hurd, Eugene F.(1st hus. Of Emma Rogers) ( see Henyan) | 11/29/1875 | 12/30/1949 |
Hurd, Charles R. (Son of Eugene F. & Emma Rogers) | 0/0/1921 | 6/17/1923 |
Ingraham, Belle Lee (Wife of Frank) | 4/27/1866 | 2/19/1920 |
Ingraham, Frank (Hus. Of Belle Lee Ingraham) | 3/20/1858 | 5/30/1944 |
Ingraham, Harry (Hus. Of Olive Storms) | 5/3/1891 | 5/5/1959 |
Irvin, Addie (Wife of William) also Ervine | 10/27/1863 | 3/12/1939 |
Irvin, William (Hus. Of Addie) also Ervine | 5/2/1856 | 3/14/1920 |
Jackson, Noble Victor (Hus. Of Katharina Weimer) | 12/29/1827 | 6/15/1907 |
Jamison, Sarah Macauley (Wife of William) | 3/28/1844 | 12/13/1932 |
Jamison, William (Hus. Of Sarah Macauley) | 0/0/1841 | 5/14/1908 |
Jeliff, George | ||
Johnson, Helena Huslandser (Wife of Lewis A.) | 0/0/1879 | 1/13/1971 |
Johnson, Lewis A. (Hus. Of Helena Hulsander) | 12/26/1879 | 7/11/1926 |
Johnson, Myra M .(Dau. Of Lewis A. & Helena H.) 14yrs. | 0/0/1905 | 8/27/1919 |
Jones, Earnestine Nelson (Wife of Leon E.) | 1/2/1921 | 2/22/1964 |
Jones, Edward D. (Hus of Ella Wesch & Mrs. Ida Conelius Babbitt) | 1/13/1854 | 3/30/1936 |
Jones, Ella Welch (Wife of Edward D.) 22yrs. | 0/0/1867 | 9/11/1890 |
Jones, Ernest W. | 0/0/1864 | 12/23/1944 |
Jones, Ida A. Cornelius ( wife of ? Babbitt & Edward D. Jones) | 0/0/1855 | 0/0/1928 |
Jones, Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jones | 11/5/1934 | 11/7/1934 |
Jones, John Joseph (Infant son of Donald & Amanda Maynard Jones) | 4/4/1944 | 4/5/1944 |
Jones, Mrs. Net. | ||
Jones, William | ||
Joyce, Viola Henderson (Wife of Frank Cole & Edward Joyce buried in V.B.) | 12/12/1858 | 10/24/1947 |
Kahl, Andrew W. (hus of Gloria R. Wolfson) Korean War | 9/25/1930 | 10/14/2012 |
Kaple, Annabell E. French (Wife of Sidney) | 3/31/1900 | 8/18/1950 |
Kaple, Elmer M. (Hus. Of Lida Pingrey & Nellie French) | 6/25/1868 | 6/13/1942 |
Kaple, Erma (Dau. of Paul E. & Mabel A. Bines) | 10/31/1904 | 11/14/1904 |
Kaple, Fred (Hus. Of Grace Bennett) | 0/0/1873 | 11/24/1909 |
Kaple, Lida Pingrey (1st wife of Elmer M.) | 11/24/1864 | 4/17/1915 |
Kaple, Nancy J. Laughlen (Wife of William F.) | 0/0/1844 | 3/11/1907 |
Kaple, Nellie Caple (Wife of William French & Elmer M. Kaple) | 4/25/1878 | 3/4/1958 |
Kaple, Sidney (Hus. Of Annabell French) | 0/0/1894 | 2/2/1963 |
Kaple, William F. (Hus. Of Nancy J. Laughlen & Mrs. Mary Mix) | 9/17/1836 | 3/1/1914 |
Kaufman, Albert W. (Hus. Of Bessie Smith & Zadie Smith) | 8/10/1875 | 7/31/1955 |
Kaufman, Bessie Smith (1st Wife of Albert W.) | 4/26/1876 | 4/25/1934 |
Kaufman, Zadie Smith (2nd Wife of Albert W.) | 2/7/1878 | 12/21/1966 |
Kemp, Archie O. (Hus. Of Hattie B. Swartz & Grace McClure) | 10/131881 | 6/10/1963 |
Kemp, Arthur L. (Hus. Of Louise R. Snyder) | 12/10/1922 | 2/13/1995 |
Kemp, Dora E. Whitaker (Wife of Ralph A.) | 12/1/1858 | 12/24/1940 |
Kemp, Ethel Rogers(2nd wife of Earl E. Kemp) ( V.B.) | 0/0/1987 | |
Kemp, Francis C. (Hus. Of Myrtle S. Rogers) | 2/20/1861 | 9/23/1936 |
Kemp, George W. ( Hus. Of Abigail L. Baker & Mary E. Rollins) | 3/22/1865 | 7/7/1921 |
Kemp, Hattie B. Swartz (1st wife of Archie O.) | 5/0/1874 | 2/19/1945 |
Kemp, Louise R. Snyder (Wife of Arthur L.) | 10/12/1923 | 1/16/1993 |
Kemp, Mary E. Rollins (Wife of Eli Carter & George W.) | 8/1/1859 | 2/27/1944 |
Kemp, Myrtle S. Rogers (Wife of Frannis C.) | 3/-/1871 | 2/12/1941 |
Kemp, Oliver I. (Hus. Of Margaret Powers) | 12/29/1912 | 10/29/2004 |
Kemp, Ralph A. (Hus. Of Dora E. Whitaker) | 11/19/1856 | 11/7/1944 |
Kemp, Raymond C. WW I | 2/10/1887 | 8/9/1960 |
Kennedy, Eliza (Wife of William) | 12/31/1791 | 2/12/1881 |
Kennedy, William | 0/0/1882 | 0/0/1961 |
Kennedy, William (hus. Of Eliza) War of 1812 | 11/27/1790 | 4/25/1860 |
Kent, Donald E. (Hus. Of Elizabeth B. Kibler) WW II | 9/2/1918 | 3/10/1999 |
Kent, Elizabeth B. Kibler (wife of Donald E.) | 2/3/1922 | 1/12/2012 |
Keyes, Marian Eldredge (1st wife of Edward L. Kent) | 0/0/1895 | 4/18/1984 |
Kibler, Martha J. Updyke (Wife of Charles Bines & William J.) | 0/0/1889 | 2/16/1975 |
Kibler, William J. (2nd Hus. Of Martha J. Updyke) | 2/2/1882 | 12/16/1961 |
Kleinback, John F. (Hus.of Helen G.) WW II | 9/3/1910 | 6/19/1966 |
Kleinback, Helen G. (Wife of John F.) | 7/20/1903 | 8/29/1968 |
Knight, Cynthia (Wife of Capt. Silas Knight) | ||
Koehler, Elizabeth Buch (Wife of William) | 8/16/1890 | 12/30/1967 |
Koehler, Herman A. (Hus. Of Marie Mills) | 11/28/1916 | 11/10/1967 |
Koehler, Marie E. Mills wife of 1) Herman A. Koehler & 2) Kenneth R. Austin | 3/15/1921 | 9/3/2016 |
Koskie, Ethel Mae Van Kuren (Wife of Lester Hunt & ? Koskie) | 6/16/1907 | 12/30/1971 |
Krusen, Arbelle (Wife of Joseph) | 2/29/1820 | 10/1/1898 |
Krusen, Charles | ||
Krusen, Joseph (Hus. Of Arbelle) | 9/27/1815 | 2/18/1904 |
Lambert, Hannah | 0/0/1841 | 0/0/1880 |
Lamoreaux, Bonnie Witter (Wife of Thomas) | 9/6/1951 | 2/1/2004 |
Lane, Asenath Thompson | 0/0/1790 | 0/0/1855 |
Lane, Nancy Maria (Dau. Of Asenath) | 0/0/1831 | 0/0/1842 |
Larrah, Stephen | ||
Lathrop, Doris A.Yeager (Wife of Roland F.Carpenter & Edward Lathrop) | 1/29/1913 | 3/23/1986 |
Lauterborn, Minnie J. Howland (Wife of William B.) | 6/23/1885 | 11/28/1962 |
Lauterborn, Opal E. (Infant dau. of William B. & Minnie J. Howland) | 0/0/1912 | |
Lauterborn, William B. (Hus. Of Minnie J. Howland) | 6/9/1878 | 4/19/1965 |
Lee, Calvin F. | 0/0/1856-7 | 1/-/1864 |
Lee, Davis B. Lee (Hus. Of Julia A.) 74yrs. | 0/0/1828 | 9/15/1902 |
Lee, Edward Burdette (Son of Davis & Julia Elliott Lee) | 6/22/1868 | 2/4/1955 |
Lee, Eliva M. (dau. of Philemon & Eliza C.) | 3/1/1823 | 8/5/1850 |
Lee, Eliza C. (wife of Philemon) | 7/15/1791 | 4/5/1853 |
Lee, Franklin J. (Hus.of Syrena L. Wescott) | 6/25/1826 | 12/24/1877 |
Lee, Franklin W. (Hus. Of Ida E. Demming) | 0/0/1860 | 3/13/1907 |
Lee, Ida E. Demming (Wife of Franklin W.) | 8/24/1863 | 6/16/1943 |
Lee, Julia A. (Wife of Davis B.) 87yrs. | 0/0/1828 | 7/23/1915 |
Lee, Lettie L. Dau. Of Franklin J. & Syrena L. Wescott) | 11/6/1851 | 1/5/1853 |
Lee, Letty 5yrs. | 1/5/1859 | |
Lee, Lucy Morgan (Wife of Schuyler) 72yrs. | 0/0/1840 | 2/27/1912 |
Lee, Minnie White (Wife of ) | 2/1/1899 | |
Lee, Nelson 62yrs. | 9/22/1878 | |
Lee, Philemon (hus.of Eliza C. | 0/0/1830 | 8/9/1870 |
Lee, Schuyler (Hus. Of Lucy Morgan) | 11/4/1830 | 12/2/1901 |
Lee, Syrena L. Wescott (Wife of Franklin J.) | 0/0/1831 | 6/16/1908 |
Lehman, Arthur W. (Hus. Of Elizabeth A. Isaman) WW II | 4/12/1924 | 9/30/1994 |
Lehman, Burton A. "Bert" (Son of Herman E. & Maude Wheeler Lehman) | 11/3/1917 | 8/16/2007 |
Lehman, Charles Darwin "Dod" (Hus. Of Fanny M. Perry) | 4/12/1906 | 3/28/1975 |
Lehman, Eric S. (son of Tracy Preston & Brenda Lehnam) | 2/9/1979 | 8/26/2008 |
Lehman, Fannie E. Taylor (Wife of Harold (Slim) | 3/9/1919 | 10/1/1973 |
Lehman, Fanny M. Perry (Wife of Charles Darwin "Dod") | 7/10/1907 | 8/5/1998 |
Lehman, George L. (Son of Herman E. & Maude Wheeler) WW II | 2/15/1920 | 7/4/2004 |
Lehman, Harold (Slim) (Hus. Of Fannie E. Taylor) | 6/18/1908 | 10/15/1979 |
Lehman, Herman D. "Sonny" (Hus. Of Sylvia Clark) KOREA | 6/26/1933 | 8/23/1991 |
Lehman, James H. (Son of Harold & Fannie Taylor) | 11/19/1943 | 9/19/1962 |
Lehman, Michael E. (Son of Charles & Delores McGillivary)Served during 3 wars | 12/17/1958 | 5/23/2008 |
Lehman, Robert A. (Infant son of Harold & Fannie Taylor) | 7/9/1953 | 7/10/1953 |
Lehman, Wilbur C. (Son of Herman E. & Maude Wheeler) WW II | 3/23/1922 | 10/24/1991 |
Leonard, Lena Elizabeth "Liz" (Wife of Herbert Leonard) | 6/11/1932 | 5/6/2016 |
Leonard, Herbert (Hus. Of Elizabeth Bridge) WW II | 5/13/1917 | 11/22/1993 |
Leonard, Raymond Herbert (Infant son of Herbert & Elizabeth Bridge) | 8/30/1952 | 9/4/1952 |
Lever, Agnes J. (Dau. Of William J. & Alsamena F.) | 0/0/1867 | 0/0/1877 |
Lever, Alice M. Hann (Wife of Charles B.) | 8/28/1859 | 4/12/1936 |
Lever, Alsamena F. Potter (Wife of William J.) 61yrs | 9/6/1820 | 1/22/1882 |
Lever, Baby 5days | 1/14/1854 | |
Lever, Charles B. (Hus. Of Alice M. Hann) | 11/0/1857 | 10/3/1921 |
Lever, Charles W. (Hus. Of Anna Michaels) WW II | 6/16/1915 | 4/21/1945 |
Lever, Floye Graves (Wife of John C) | 11/25/1890 | 2/3/1976 |
Lever, John C. (Hus.of Floye Graves) | 6/12/1886 | 9/13/1962 |
Lever, Mary A. (Baby) 3yrs. | 11/30/1858 | |
Lever, Nancy Comstock (2nd Wife of William C.) 78yrs. | 10/18/1851 | 12/13/1928 |
Lever, William A. (Son of William J. & Alsamena F.) | 0/0/1871 | 0/0/1877 |
Lever, William Castner (Hus. Of Jennie Hough & Nancy Comstock) 52yrs. | 2/30/1842 | 8/6/1894 |
Lever, William J. (Hus. Of Alsamena F. Potter) 57yrs. | 9/28/1816 | 12/22/1873 |
Lewis, Ewrin Donald ( Hus. Of Carol) MARINES | 3/30/1937 | 1/27/2004 |
Livermore, Elwin M. (Hus. Of Lillie Baker) | 2/21/1854 | 10/17/1938 |
Livermore, Henry S. (Hus. Of Lelia Davidson) | 10/27/1883 | 2/13/1946 |
Livermore, Lelia Davidson (Wife of Henry S.) | 3/27/1885 | 28/1974 |
Livermore, Lillie Baker (Wife of Elwin M.) | 6/6/1861 | 5/17/1938 |
Lobdell, Harold M. (Son of Amos & Mrs. Lobdell) | 3/2/1902 | 2/24/1935 |
Loucks, Claude H. (Hus. Of Rebecca H. Reisman) | 0/0/1908 | 4/20/1978 |
Loucks, Patricia J. | 1941 | |
Loucks, Rebecca H. Reisman (Wife of Claude H.) | 0/0/1917 | 7/8/2000 |
Loughhead, Alva F. (Son of Dr. William H. & Jennie Fiske) | 5/10/1906 | 10/18/1932 |
Loughhead, Doris Simpson | 0/0/1902 | 1/29/1980 |
Loughhead, William H. Dr. (Hus. Of Jennie Fiske) | 4/16/1861 | 9/12/1912 |
Loughhead, Jennie Fiske (Wife of Dr. William H.) | 10/18/1874 | 1/13/1963 |
Loughhead, Tryhena H. (Wife of William Sr.) | 6/13/1829 | 8/14/1907 |
Loughhead, W. Isabel | 0/0/1898 | 5/11/1979 |
Loughhead, William H. (Hus. Of Doris Stimson d: 1980) | 7/18/1904 | 11/12/1981 |
Loughhead, William H. Sr. (Hus. Of Tryhena H.) | 6/2/1828 | 5/24/1909 |
Lyke, Earl F. (Hus. Of Ethelyn A. Orvis) | 0/0/1900 | 1/17/1976 |
Lyke, Ethelyn A. Orvis (Wife of William J. Dodge & Earl F.) | 0/0/1891 | 7/24/1986 |
Lynton, Evelyn Slocum (Wife of ? Armstrong & Harry F.) | 8/23/1886 | 3/28/1979 |
Lynton, Harry F. (Hus. Of Evelyn Slocum) | 8/7/1886 | 8/28/1949 |
M.J.B. | ||
Macauley Ellen (Dau. Of Robert & Sarah Young) | 0/0/1849 | 10/11/1888 |
Macauley, Frank (Son of Robert & Sarah Young) | 7/12/1858 | 10/13/1939 |
Macauley, Jane H. (Dau. of Robert & Sarah Young) | 0/0/1842 | 0/0/1919 |
Macauley, Jean B. (Dau. Of Robert & Sarah Young) | 0/0/1873 | 9/13/1919 |
Macauley, John (Son of Robert & Sarah Young) | 1/16/1848 | 1/12/1935 |
Macauley, Nelson (hus of Etta Miller) | 0/0/1845 | 6/26/1920 |
Macauley, Robert (Hus. Of Sarah Young) 98yrs. | 1/2/1809 | 3/8/1907 |
Macauley, Sarah Young (Wife of Robert) 66yrs. | 2/14/1885 | |
MacGregor, Clarence A. (Hus. Of Dorothy Oakes) WW II | 6/19/1902 | 6/9/1960 |
MacGregor, Dorothy Oakes (wife of Clarence A.) | 6/30/1915 | 9/21/2010 |
Mack, John Henry (Son of John & Anna Barrett Mack) | 7/25/1885 | 12/6/1953 |
Magee, Irving 23yrs. | 2/28/1868 | |
Magee, Peter 69yrs. | 1/23/1869 | |
Magee, Sidney 42yrs. | 4/16/1880 | |
Main, Alberta Dean (Wife of Roland C.) | 3/1/1922 | 12/5/2007 |
Main, Reva Ann Perry (Wife of ?) | 3/12/1922 | 12/22/1997 |
Main, Roland C. (Hus. Of Alberta Dean) WW II | 5/5/1917 | 5/9/1956 |
Mallory, Homer 81yrs. | 2/28/1918 | |
Mallory, Mrs. (Wife of Homer) | 2/21/1888 | |
Manion, Eric Richard (Son of Richard & Gloria Jean Lemar) | 11/13/1974 | 8/17/1993 |
Manion, Richard J. (hus of Gloria Jean) Viet Nam | 8/26/1942 | 8/8/2012 |
Manroe, Celia A. | 0/0/1888 | |
Manroe, Charles F. (Hu.s of Mary) | 0/0/1870 | 0/0/1940 |
Manroe, Charles W. (Hus.of Frances I. Foster) | 4/11/1915 | 6/21/1990 |
Manroe, Elmer J. (Hus. Of Shirley R. Wraight) AIR FORCE | 11/8/1937 | 2/24/1976 |
Manroe, Francis I. Foster (wife of Charles W.) | 6/9/1921 | 5/30/2013 |
Manroe, John R. (Hus of Hattie Slocum buried in Mead Cemetery) | 0/0/1880 | 10/27/1952 |
Manroe, Mary (Wife of Charles F.) | 0/0/1872 | 0/0/1921 |
Manroe, Shirley R. Wraight (Wife of Elmer J.) | 1/3/1937 | 7/28/2010 |
Manroe, William (Hus. Of Codelia Tuttle who died in 1938) | 3/19/1884 | 11/23/1949 |
Marlowe, Lorraine | ||
Marsh, Bernice W. Williams (wife of Eugene E. Marsh) (Woodlawn Wlsv.) | 1/31/1917 | 5/21/2011 |
Martin, Clara Hann (Wife of Frank E.) | 0/0/1876 | 10/23/1960 |
Martin, Frank E. (Hus. Of Clara Hann) | 9/212/1868 | 4/5/1953 |
Marvin, Clair 16yrs. | 0/0/1894 | 4/1/1910 |
Marvin, Clayton (Son of Fredrick & Minnie A. Clair) | 0/0/1900 | 9/31/1902 |
Marvin, Donald F. (Son of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Marvin) | 2/22/1919 | 12/15/1936 |
Marvin, Fredrick H. (Hus. Of Minnie A. Clair) | 3/26/1871 | 5/24/1938 |
Marvin, Ila Jeanette (Infant dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. Leon Marvin) | 7/1/1936 | 7/2/1936 |
Marvin, Leon C. (Hus. Of Viva Vanderhoff) | 4/26/1910 | 12/27/1969 |
Marvin, Lewis (Son of Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Marvin) 5yrs. | 9/1/1914 | |
Marvin, Minnie A. Clair (Wife of Fredrick H.) | 5/31/1874 | 8/18/1963 |
Mathern, Ada (Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Charles) 21yrs. | 8/29/1913 | |
Mattison, Floyd (1st hus. Of Betsy E. McCurdy) (see Waters) | 6/27/1891 | 4/18/1932 |
Mattison, George A. (Hus. Of Rose M. Coats) | 5/2/1867 | 2/17/1932 |
Mattison, Rose M. Coats (Wife of George A.) | 6/5/1872 | 5/12/1942 |
Maulby, Frank (Hus. Of Myrtle Halsey) 89 yrs. | 9/9/1962 | |
Maulby, Infant (Dau. Of Frank & Myrtle Hasely) 22mos. | 9/26/1910 | |
Maulby, Myrtle Halsey (Wife of Frank) | 6/26/1878 | 3/12/1965 |
Maynard, Amanda (dau of Adelbert & Minnie Rarey Maynard) | 2/17/1926 | 4/29/2012 |
McCoubrey, Finley F. (Hus. Of Sylvia Reiss) | 1/12/1904 | 9/22/1974 |
McCoubrey, Sylvia Reiss (Wife of Finley F.) | 1/27/1907 | 5/11/1989 |
McCullen, (Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCullen) | 12/1/1957 | 12/1/1957 |
McGraw, Francis (Hus. Of Hannah M.Gardiner) | 2/25/1836 | 4/24/1899 |
McGraw, Hannah M.Gardiner (Wife of Francis) | 6/15/1825 | 3/12/1897 |
McKay, Rose Bell Anson | 1/9/1882 | 2/6/1918 |
McPeak, Margaret | 1/5/1906 | |
Mead, Alma Slocum (Wife of George W.) | 0/0/1849 | 5/10/1908 |
Mead, Elvira E. Pingry (Wife of Sanford Jr.) | 2/21/1838 | 5/31/1918 |
Mead, George W. (Hus. Of Alma Slocum) CIVIL WAR | 10/15/1843 | 11/24/1921 |
Mead, Sanford Jr. (Hus. Of Elvira E. Pingry) | 7/25/1835 | 8/30/1914 |
Meredith, Effie B. Rennels (Wife of Charles ) | 8/26/1880 | 7/2/1945 |
Meservey, Maria S. Dildine (Wife of Benjamin F.) | 0/0/1856 | 7/13/1882 |
Meyer, Richard E. (Hus. Of Bonnie Nevol) VIET NAM | 8/7/1943 | 8/4/2007 |
Milae (nothing else on stone) | ||
Miller, Barbara Keyes (wife of Dean Miller) 78 yrs. | 4/18/1930 | 3/21/2009 |
Miller, Douglas D. Sr. (Hus. Of Nancy M. DeRemer) VIET NAM | 10/25/1942 | 11/24/2002 |
Miller, Eliza Jane Knox (Wife of John) | 0/0/1831 | 10/15/1895 |
Miller, John | 11/25/1904 | 4/2/1951 |
Miller, John (Hus. Of Eliza Jane Knox) | 0/0/1818 | 4/23/1898 |
Miller, Margaret Ann (dau. of John & Eliza Knox) | 8/24/1872 | 11/8/1952 |
Miller, Ruth M. 87yrs. | 9/28/2004 | |
Miller, William | ||
Milligan, Ernest H. (Hus. Of Ruth Perry) | 7/30/1904 | 5/3/1989 |
Milligan, Kenneth P. (Hus. Of Virginia A. Kibbe) KOREA | 6/26/1932 | 12/14/1994 |
Milligan, Ruth Perry (Wife of Ernest H.) | 5/11/1905 | 5/27/1998 |
Milligan, Virginia A.Kibbe (Wife of Kenneth P.) | 3/31/1937 | 10/1/2000 |
Mills, Anna E. Burgher (Wife of Arthur R.) | 4/19/1901 | 3/7/1972 |
Mills, Arthur R. (Hus. Of Anna E. Burgher & Mildred Allison) | 5/15/1898 | 3/11/1980 |
Mills, Kimberly Ann (Infant dau. Of Mr. & Roger Mills) | 10/30/1969 | 10/30/1969 |
Mills, Wanda R. Sweet (Wife of Kevin) | 4/6/1951 | 9/6/1986 |
Miner, Bennie H. (Son of Henry C. & Martha) 13yrs. | 0/0/1881 | 4/11/1894 |
Miner, Henry C. (Hus. Of Martha J.) | 0/0/1838 | 1/4/1925 |
Miner, Loretta Raplee (Wife of J.M.) | 11/8/18767 | 12/31/1894 |
Miner, Martha J. (Wife of Henry C.) | 11/3/1848 | 4/29/1894 |
Miner, Nina Martindale (1st wife of Frank Miner) 30yrs. | 0/0/1871 | 10/21/1901 |
Mitchell, Addie Rice ( 2nd wife of Mahlon A.) | 9/1/1900 | 5/15/1976 |
Mitchell, James (Hus. Of Blanch McDonnell who died in 1944) | 2/18/1869 | 2/23/1951 |
Mitchell, John Jr. | 2/18/1869 | |
Mitchell, John Sr. (Hus. Of Mary ? & Katherine Woods) 80yrs. | 11/11/1904 | |
Mitchell, Mahlon A. (Hus. Of Rosalie Byam & Addie Rice) | 8/18/1883 | 10/8/1971 |
Mitchell, Mary (Wife of John Sr.) | ||
Mitchell, Mary Ann (Infant dau. Of John & Anna) | ||
Mitchell, Rosalie I. Byam (1st wife of Mahlon A.) | 8/19/1873 | 10/24/1955 |
Mitchell, William (Son of John & Katherine Woods) | ||
Moline, Marline P. Coats (Wife of ?) | 12/1/1927 | 10/18/1995 |
Monahan, Hazel M. Sanford (Wife of James J.) | 7/18/1893 | 4/18/1967 |
Monahan, James J.(Hus. Of Hazel M. Sanford) | 0/0/1897 | 12/31/1964 |
Monahan, Leslie J. (hus of Carl A. Clark) KOREA | 7/25/1934 | 8/20/2016 |
Monahan, Ronald J. (2nd hus. Of Charlotte Clark) KOREA | 2/3/1933 | 2/15/1988 |
Monroe, Adelia Gasper (Wife of Ransome) | 0/0/1859 | 10/23/1922 |
Monroe, Alida Hazzard (Wife of Clinton J. Rice & John Monroe) | 6/9/1860 | 12/23/1937 |
Monroe, Carl William (Infant of William & Cheryl Pelton) | 10/9/1976 | 10/9/1976 |
Monroe, John (2nd hus. Of Alida Hazzard Rice) | 5/8/1880 | 10/27/1952 |
Monroe, Joseph E. (Son of Joseph & Olive Cartwright) WWII | 5/30/1910 | 6/15/1980 |
Monroe, Ransome (Hus. Adelia Gasper & Mrs. Hattie Whitney) | 12/19/1854 | 12/14/1933 |
Moore, Margaret D. (Dau. Of James C. & Kansas Whiting) | 3/7/1878 | 2/21/1973 |
Moore, Norman I. (Hus of Virginia L. Robbins) WW II | 1/10/1918 | 9/17/1999 |
Moore, Virginia L. Robbins (wife of Norman I.) | 10/12/1931 | 10/2/2012 |
Morey, Elizabeth Jones 40 yrs. | 12/27/1890 | |
Morgan, Julius 67yrs. | 3/21/1863 | |
Mosca, Andrew F. (Hus. Of Vivian Bonetti) | 5/24/1907 | 1/20/1986 |
Mosca, Vivian Bonetti (Wife of Andrew F.) | 0/0/1910 | 12/22/1989 |
Mosher, Helen Reynolds ( wife of Eldon Mosher) | 3/8/1938 | 1/22/2015 |
Mosher, Tania R. Monahan (Wife of Harry S.) | 11/14/1966 | 4/24/2000 |
Mother (No other data buried on Blodgett Lot) | ||
Mulby, Edith E. (dau. Of Frank & Myrtle Halsey) | 0/0/1908 | 9/26/1910 |
Mulby, Frank (Hus. Of Myrtle Halsey) | 2/2/1873 | 10/9/1962 |
Mulby, Myrtle Halsey (Wife of Frank) | 6/26/1878 | 3/12/1965 |
Mulconery, Bessie Cook (Wife of Lyle E.) | 0/0/1901 | 10/4/1989 |
Mulconery, Doris Wintemberg Norris (wife of Donald L.) | 4/15/1930 | 10/13/2014 |
Mulconery, Emma J. Yaeger (Wife of Grenville Hurd & Thomas J.) | 5/31/1853 | 4/24/1933 |
Mulconery, Lyle E. (Hus. Of Bessie Cook) WW I | 1/11/1898 | 11/26/1973 |
Mulconery, Thomas J. (2nd hus. Of Emma J. Yaeger) | 12/18/1867 | 1/16/1934 |
Mulholland, James B. (Hus. Of Jean Ann Osborn) | 11/2/1913 | 11/19/1962 |
Mulholland, Jean Ann Osborn (Wife of James B.) | 4/13/1918 | 10/11/1986 |
Mulholland, Taylor Joseph 3mo. | 4/3/1920 | |
Mullen, Archibald Jr. 66yrs. | 3/10/1897 | |
Mullen, Archibald Sr. (Hus.of Elizabeth) 82yrs. | 9/5/1880 | |
Mullen, Elizabeth (Wife of Archibald Sr.) 74yrs. | 7/26/1877 | |
Mullen, Erik Edward (Infant son of Edward & Cynthia Cahill) | 5/30/1980 | 6/2/1980 |
Mullen, George (Hus. Of Ida Rogers) | 3/22/1855 | 12/4/1936 |
Mullen, Hugh 69yrs. | 6/26/1895 | |
Myers, Carlyle D. (Hus. Of Rita Slocum) WWI | 2/12/1896 | 6/6/1965 |
Myers, Elvin P. (Son of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Myers) | 2/16/1894 | 4/3/1920 |
Myers, Harry P. (1st Hus. Of Lulie M. Cook) (see Wilson) | 4/26/1854 | 5/26/1903 |
Myers, Marion Gill (Wife of Harold J.) | 12/13/1892 | 8/17/1921 |
Myers, Rita Slocum (Wife of Carlyle) | 4/10/1900 | 1/30/1988 |