From "The Spirit of Rushford, 1808-1858", published for the Rushford Sesquicentennial, 1958.
Rm 3/c Arthur Adams, USN, September 1943-January 1946, 1 year in Philippines. 2nd Lt. Robert E. Agett, USAF, August 1942-February 1945. Cpl. Donald Alderman, USA, October 1944-December 1952. 51/2 years Belgium, Austria, Germany, Holland. Pfc. Ralph L. Alderman, USA, January 1943-January 1946. A musician with 82nd Airborne Division Band. 2 years in England. Battles of Ardennes and Rineland. Pfc. Robert Alderman, USAF, January 1943-January [1946]. Chemical warfare. 3 years in England, France, Belgium, Germany. Sgt. Howard Andrus, USA, April 1943-December 1945. 19 months England, France. T/4 Allen Austin, USA, July 1945-August 1946. 1 year Belgium, France. PM 3/c M. Eugene Austin, USN, January 1944-January 1946. M Sgt. David Babbitt, USAF, September 1941-October 1945. 29 months Air Transport Command, Natal, Brazil. MM 3/c Edward Babbitt, USN November 1945-October 1947 Europe, Japan and Guam.
AC 2/c Grover Babbitt, Jr., USAF, July 1944-June 1946. M 2/c James Babbitt, USN, March 1943-April 1946. USN Band in ATO. T/4 John S. Babbitt, USA, February 1941-October 1945. Medical Corps. 18 months in North Africa, 10 months in Europe. Pfc. Shirley D. Babbitt, Jr., USA, February 1942-December 1945. 3 years in ATO. T 3 Loyal E. Baker, USA, June 1942-December 1945. 15 months in New Guinea, Bismarch Archipilago, Luzon. Cpl. Orrin C. Baker, USA, October 1941-October 1945. years in Africa, Sicily, Belgium, Germany, Sudetanland. Sgt. Robert M. Baker USA, October 1941 1946. Medical discharge. Wounded in action in North Africa. S/Sgt. Charles F Balcom, USA, May 1944-May 1946. 2 years in Philippines and Japan. Wayne Balcom. Capt. Emelene Ballard, USANC, October 1942-February 1946. 3 years 9 months in North Africa, Italy and France.
Sgt. Orson Beardsley, USA, April 1942-January 1946. 3 years 9 months in Luzon. Bn 1/c George L. Benjamin, USN, September 1941-killed May 1946 in auto accident while home on furlough. 16 months in Pacific Theater Capt. Peter G. Besiot, Jr., USAF, July 1942-1949. Transferred from US Coast Guard to USAF in 1943. Commissioned pilot in 1944. Served in Formosa, Okinawa, Philippines. Sic Donald Bliss, USN, March 1945-May 1946. 1 year in Japan. S 1 c Malcom Bliss, USN November 1944-July 1946. Made 4 trips to China, Guam, Philippines on USS Neshoba. Pfc. Frank Bliss, USA, July 1946-December 1947 S/Sgt. Frederick Blom, USA, January 1943-February 1946. Electronics instructor T 5 Milford Wayne Bosworth, USA, July 1942-November 1946. 14 months in Pacific Theater Pvt. Dean Botens, USA, February 1943-December 1915. 11th Airborne, Btry D, 457 Pacht. Fd. Arly Bn. 20 months in South Pacific Theater T 5 Keith Botens, USA, April 1941 July 1915. 29 months in South Pacific. Norman Brown, USN Medical discharge after Basic Navy Training.
Pfc. Billy R. Brown, USA, 1942-November 1945. 34 months in India, Africa and Europe. Robert Brown, USN, September 1945-November 1945. Medical Discharge. T Sgt. Sylvester C. Brown, USAF September 1942-September 1954. 12 years service in Africa, Italy England. 11 months a prisoner of war in Bulgaria, released September 1944. Sgt. Waiter Brown, USA, May 1945-November 1946. 11 months in Germany Pvt. Donald Buchanan, USA. Hg. Co., st Bn., 350th Inf. Pvt. Arthur P Button, USA, November 1943-August 1944. Infantry Replacement. Cpl. Robert W Childs, USA, March 1943-January 1946. 39 months in Australia, New Guinea, Philippines, Japan. Cpl. Ora I. Clark, USAF October 1942-February 1946. Tech 5 R. J Clark, USA, December 1944-December 1946. Elizabeth Corsette, USA, December 1942-July 1943. Auxiliary Wac Band.
1st Lt. Douglas Corsette, USAF, September 1942-September 1946. 24 months in ETO. Airplane accident at Le Bourget Field, France, December, 1944. Capt. Elmo S. Corsette, USA, July 1943-July 1946. Dental Corps, US 2nd Service Command. S/Sgt. William Corsette, USAF November 1942-December 1945. months ETO-APO. 1st Ferrying Sqdn. Transport Mission. Pfc. Wraymon Corsette, USAF September 1942-March 1946. Cpl. James L. Crittenden, USA, November 1942-February 1946. 13 months in England. T/T4 Francis Crowell, USA, November 1943-April 1946. 34 months in Japan (Army of Occupation) Philippines. Pfc. Robert B. Crowell, USA, January 1943-December 1945. 21 months in England, Ardenes, Rineland Campaign. Ch CM 1 c Charles L. Damon, USN February 1942-October 1945. 41 months in Convoy Duty North and South Atlantic USS Zircon. Pfc. Arthur L. Davis, USA, July 1944-July 1946. 6 months processing returning troops. S 1/c Robert Davis, USN April 1945-May 1945. Medical discharge.
T/5 Walter Davis, USA, January 1945-November 1946. 14 months in Luzon. S 1/c Leonard Dolph, USN September 1945-December 1946. S 1 c William Edwards, USN June 1942-1946. 2 years in Pacific Area. Pvt. George Fisher, USA, December 1942-May 1945. 9 months in Philippines and New Guinea. Pfc. George R. Fuller USA, March 1945-December 1946. 1 year in Japan. Pvt. Donald Giboo, USA, May 1942-January 1946. 1 year in Hawaii, \i/2 years in Australia and New Guinea. Pfc. Robert Giboo, USA, February 1944-November 1945. 16 months in Holland, Germany France, Belgium and England. Sgt. Wilson L. Gilbert, USA, February 1943-January 1946. 2 years in England, Belgium, France, Germany St. Sgt. Louie Gordon, USA, January 1941-October 1945. 6 months in Iwo Jima. 3 years in Hawaii. Pfc. Richard F Graham, USA, January 1943-January 1946. 16 months in Normandy Ardennes, Rhineland.
EMP2 Willis G. Griese, USN May 1944-June 1946. 17 months in South Pacific. Sgt. Francis Green, USA, April 1951-April 1953. 19 months in Japan. ARM 2 c Kenneth Hall, USN, September 1943-March 1946. 10 months in Asiatic Pacific. Cpl. Raymond Harris, USA, July 1942-November 1945. 3 years in Army Medics. Cpt. Melvin James, USAMC, June 1951-May 1953. Served USA as a Pvt., July 1943-June 1945. M Cpl. Agha Kazanjian, USA, October 1943-April 1946. 2 years in Asiatic Pacific. Service and Supply Bn. Cpl. Minas Kazanjian, USAF Medical Det., August 1942-December 1945. Hdq. 9th Bomb Grp. 2 years in Marianas. S 1 c Herbert Kellerup, USN Sea Bees. SS James Fennimore Cooper Served in N Africa and Philippines. S 1 c George Kingsley USN July 1941 -August 1955. Served 32 months in Navy. Served 6 years 1 month in Army December 1944-September 1947 Pfc. Frederick Kruppner, USA, August 1942-January 1946. 22 months in Central Pacific.
T 5 Matthew Krzewinski, USA, June 1944-May 1946. 19 months in Germany. S Sgt. Donald Lafferty USAF January 1943-February 1946. Airplane mechanic 2 years in England. C 1/c William Landrum, USN October 1943-December 1945. 16 months in South Pacific. AMM2/c William Leach, USN December 1940-December 1945. 1 year in Pacific. Pfc. Donald Leavens, Jr., USA, March 1942-February 1946. 8 months in Carribean Defense Command, Panama. Holds commendation award for meritorious service. S 1/c James R. Leavens, USN November 1943-July 1946. 10 months in Asiatic Theater Operating patrol and auxiliary craft based at Guam. MM 1 c Willis H. Leavens, II, USN May 1942-April 1946. Served 2 years at Adak, Aleutian Islands. Pfc. Edwin Luce, USAF May 1945-November 1946. T/4 Leo Luce, USA, January 1944-January 1946. 10 months in Saar Basin. Cpl. Conley J Marsh, USA, June 1941-December 1944 27 months in Europe.
T 5 Robert Marsh, USA, March 1942-October 1945. 3 years in Africa, Europe and Middle East. Pfc. Cortland Robert Milgate, USA, July 1944-February 1946. 13 months in ETO. Sgt. Keith D. Mil-gate, USA, 1944-February 1946. S/Sgt. Leigh E. Miller USA, March 1941 Tune 1945. 3 vears in Africa, Sicily Italy and England. Herbert Moore, December 1940-April 1943. Pfc. John Moore, USA, November 1942-January 1946. Served 3 years in Japan, Philippines and New Guinea. Sgt. Davis Morrison, USA, January 1943-September 1946. 120th Evacuation Hospital Unit. Treated prisoners in Buchenwald Concentration Camp in Germany. St/Sgt. Riley A. Morrison, USAF January 1943-January 1947 Served 4 vears in the Bureau of Classification. Pfc. Charlie Mover, USN February 1945-January 1950. Served in Japan. Cpl. Melvin L. Mover USA, January 1942-December 1945. Served 2 years in Africa, India, and China.
Pfc. Harold Murphy USA. Muriel Palmer USA, May 1944-June 1946. Served 2 years in WAC Armv Pfc. Ellis Pelton, USA, July 1943-March 1946, Served months in South Pacific. Pvt. James Pringle, USA.
Co. B, 73rd Engr Combat Bn. James Owens. Sgt. Harold F McElhenry USAF, July 1942-October 1945. Served 28 months in England. S/Sgt. Lloyd McCall, USAF, April 1943-February 1946. 18 months in Africa and Italy with 15th Air Force. Pfc. Frank Ansel McCall, USN, November 1940-January 1941 Re-enlisted November 1943-November 1945. F 1 c, USNTADC, Camp Peary, Virginia. Pvt. Carl Raymond. 527 LP Engr. Co. M 1/c Leonard Rich, USN, April 1942-November 1945. Served 2 years in the South Pacific.
Cpl. Gordon Richardson, USA, November 1942-November 1945. 27 months in Iran. Cpl. Thomas
W Russell, USA, November 1942-December 1945. Cpl. Albert Sadler, USAI, August 1945-January 1947. 10 months in Germany Cpl. Arthur Sampson, USA, March 1943-January 1946. 31 months in Southwest Pacific. T 4 Lewis Sampson, USA, April 1944-February 946 . 13 months in Southwest Pacific. PhM2/c David Seymour, USN, July 1943-July 1946. 3 years in Pacific Theater. Cpl. Harold Skinner USA, July 1942-October 1945. 31 months in Algeria, Tunisia, French Morocco, Sicily, Rome, Arno, Southern France, Germany. Sgt. Dana Slocum, USAF June 1944-May 1946. T/Sgt Melvin Slocum, USAF December 1942-August 1945. 11 months in Italy Holds the Purple Heart. Cpl. Eddie Smith, USA, January 1944-March 1946. 10 months in France, Belgium and Holland. 10 months in Germany with the Occupational Army.
T/5 Hanford Smith, USA, June 1942-June 1945. T/4 Luther Smith, USA, January 1943-September 1945. Pfc. Paul Smith, USA, January 1943-November 1945. 18 months in Iceland. S/Sgt. Christine A. Sprague, USA, August 1942-October 1945. Served 38 months in the WAC Army. Cpl. Riley Swain, USA, May 1944-February 1947 21 months in Italy with Army Engineers. HA c Lawrence Sweet, USN July 1943-April 1950. 4 years in Pacific Theater Pvt. Paul Sweet, USA. Co. A, 714th Ry Opr Bn. Served in Alaska. Cpl. Frank S. Taylor USA, December 1942-November 1945. 5th arm'd Inf. Bt. in Europe. Capt. George E. Taylor Jr., USAF May 1942-October 1945. 14 months in Pacific Theater Cpl. Robert L. Taylor USA, July 1946-February 1948. 1 1/2 years in China.
C M Russell Taylor, USN September 1943-July 1946. 2 1/2 years in Pacific Theater. S/Sgt. David Vincent, USAF July 1950-July 1954. 1 year in Korea. Sgt. 1 c Paul Vincent, USA, October 1946-April 1957 2 years in Alaska. 10 months with Army Advisory Group in China's Nationalist Army in Formosa. Sgt. Roderick Vincent, USA, February 1946-May 1949. 9 months in Italy Sgt. Harold K. Waite, USA, August 1942-January 1946. 25 months in South Pacific. Pfc. Elmer Wallace, USA. Cpl. Richard Walsh. 49th AB Squdn. Sgt. Kent M. Weaver USA, March 1944-February 1946. Foreign service with 34th Infantry in Italy and the American Occupation Forces in Yugoslavia. 1st Lt. Miles R. Weaver, USSC, July 1942-November 1945. 27 months in England, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany Liberated prisoners in Buchenwald Concentration Camp. T Jerard J. White, USN. 346th 1st Ord. MAM Co.
Pvt. Dale Wilhelmi, USA. 262 Repl. Company Cpl. Glenn Wilhelmi, USAF Station 13, ATC. Pfc. Clair Williams, USA, March 1941-November 1945. 20 months in Caledonia, Philippines, Okinawa. S/Sgt. Glen Williams, USA, February 1942-October 1945. 2 years in Europe. Sgt. Oliver Williams, USA, February 1941-September 1945. 33 months in Australia and New Guinea. ART 2/c Edward Wilmot, USA, July 1942-October 1945. Sgt. Maurice Worthington, USA, June 1944-July 1946. 20 months in Italy. Sgt. William Yanda, USAF December 1943-April 1946. Pfc. Edward Young, USA, July 1945-August 1947 1 year in the Army of Occupation in Japan.