From "The Spirit of Rushford, 1808-1858", published for the Rushford Sesquicentennial, 1958.
Pvt. Ward W Austin, USA, June 1917-November 1918. Pfc. Kenneth K. Babbitt, USMC, January 1917-August 1919. Crossed Atlantic 24 times on a convoy ship. Cpl. Shirley Babbitt, USA, 1917-August 1919. 77th Division, 2 years in battles of Baccarat, Vesle, Argonne, Aire Meuse. Special assignment Intelligence, Scouting, map making. Pfc. Harold Balcom, USA, 1917 1919. Pvt. Michael Baylor USA, 1917 1918. 1st Lt. Homer J Brooks, USA, April 1917-September 1919. 11 months in France. Pfc. Anthony Brown, USA, May 1917 June 1919. Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Pvt. Leo C. Cole, USA, February 1918-May 1919. France and Germany. Pvt. Joseph Clinefelter USA, May 1916-April 1917 6 months in France and England. Wounded at Grand Pre. Pvt. Eugene Champlin, USA, 1918-1919. 607th Aero Squad.
Pvt. Gerald Crowell, USA, October 1918-December 1918. Kenneth R. Damon, USA, 1917 1919. Sgt. Greydon Davis, USA, September 1917 June 1919. Pvt. Freeman Frost, USA. Served in Machine Gun Co., 63rd Inf. Clayton M. Hanks, USA, 1917 1919. Co. D, 41st Inf. Capt. H. Kendall Hardy USA, Medical Corps, April 1917-March 1919. 2 years at Base Hospital 23 in Vitel, France. Anesthesiologist with USA Operating Team No. 1 in Paris and in Field Hospital at Baccarat. Cpl. Earl G. Harris, USA, May 1919-July 1919. 11 months in France. Cpl. Ernest Hillary USA, April 1917-May 1918. 1 year in France. Pvt. Clarence W Howard, USA, 1918-1919. 303rd Ammunition Train. Richard Isham, USN, 1917-1921 On USS Ornibog Mine Fleet in the Red Sea Area.
2nd Lt. Ward B. James, USA, September 1917 December 1918. Pvt. Irwin Johnson, USA Tng Corps, October 1918-November 1918. 2nd Lt. Rensselaer Johnson, USA, November 1917-December 1918. Pfc. Victor Kellogg, USA, April 1918-June 1919. 12 months in France. Cpl. Weir A. Kellogg, USA, April 1917 June 1919. 7 months in France. Pfc. Clifford H. King, USA, 1917-1919. Hqs. Co. in France. Edmund Lafferty USN 1917-February 1918. Leslie Lane. Sgt. Archibald H. Lewis, USA, 1917-1919. Hqs. Co. in France. Pfc. Dewey D. Lewis, USMC, September 1917-August 1919. 22 months in France.
Pvt. Gordon McCall, USA, 1916-1917. Pfc. J. Erwin McCall, USA, May 1916-September 1917. 1 year in France, Battles St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Sgt. George E. Moreland, USA, March 1918-June 1919. 1 year in France Medical Corp. Battle of St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Leighton Morris. Sgt. Ely E. Mulliken, USA, November 1911-November 1914. Re-enlisted April 1917-September 1919. 7 months in France. Battles Soissons, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, 10 months in Germany with Army of Occupation. Cpl. Bartholemew Sheehan, USA, May 1916-September 1917 7 months in France. Battles of St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne. Sgt. 1 c Allan M. Smith, USA, November 1911-November 1914. Re-enlisted March 1918-July 1919. Pfc. Harry Swain, USA, May 1918-March 1919. 1 year 2 months in France, 345th Infantry 87th Division, Co. M. Frank Swain, USA, 1917 1919. Rainbow Division, Battery C, 304th Field Artillery 16 months in France. Wounded in Vesges Mountains. Pvt. Royal H. Sweet, USA, March 1918-December 1918. Machine Gun Officers Training School.
Pvt. Eldon Tackier USA, September 1917 July 1919. 18 month in France. Maj. Frank J Tapp, USA, September 1917-April 1919. 11 months with the 304th Field Artillery in France. Leslie F Tarbell, USA. 337th Infantry Pfc. George E. Taylor USA, May 1918-March 1919. 7 months in Europe. Mus. 3/c M Earl Thompson, 2nd Army Eng. Band, February 1918-August 1919. 1 year in France. Cpl. Vincent W Towell, USA, February 1918-December 1919. 15 months in Co. F 3-2nd Ammunition Train. Pvt. Harry F Tullar, USA. Motor Co. trucking supplies to the front. Transferred to 646 Arearo Sqdn. at St. Maxient, France. Served 1 year in France. Pvt. Jessie M. Van Name, USA, May 1918-March 1919. 1 year in France. Carrol M Willahan, USA, 1917 1919. Co. L, 108th Infantry Pvt. Clark B. Williams, USMC, October 1918-November 1919. San Domingo.
Mus. C. Royal Williams, Musician US Tr. Sta., September 1917-August 1919. Mus. C. T Lloyd Williams, US Marine Band, June 1917-April 1919. 10 months in France. Appointed Corporal September 1918. Cpl. Lloyd W Wood, USMC, October 1917 November 1919. Pfc. Harlan Woods, USA, February 1918-May 1919. Battery D, 304th Field Artillery 1 year in England and France. Pvt. Leo L. Worden, USA, 1917 1919. Co. I, 3rd Infantry Cpl. Charles Hardy, USMC, September 1923-September 1928. 23 months in Haiti.