Simeon Brant/(Brand)/(Brandt)
Revolutionary War Veteran, Resided at Cuba, Buried at Angelica, NY
Simeon Brant died at the Town of Angelica in Allegany County on the 4th day of December 1842, State of New York, Allegany County
On this twenty seventh day of August one thousand eight hundred & thirty two personally appeared before Asa S. Allen Esquire a judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Allegany and State of New York at his office n the village of Angelica in the said county Simeon Brant a resident of the town of Cuba in the said county of Allegany aged seventy four years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 that he entered the service of the United States under the following names of officers and served as herein stated that he enlisted in the Rhode Island State Troops in the month of April one thousand seven hundred & seventy six at the Town of West Greenwich in the county of Kent State of Rhode Island under Colonel Archibald Caslin as he believes in a Company commanded by Captain Allexander Hopkins and that he served for the Term of six months and that he has now no documentary evidence nor knows of no person living who can testify his service- and he further declares that in the winter of the years was … he a second time entered the service of the United States in the Rhode Island Troops as a substitute for Thomas Joslin for the term of two months at the Town of West Greenwich aforesaid in a regiment commanded by Colonel Archibald Caslin as aforesaid & in the company Commanded by Joseph Draper and that he served in the said Company for the said term of two months & then received a certificate of discharge which is now lost and that he has no documentary evidence nor knows of any person living who can certify to his service.
And he further declares that he a third time entered the service of the united States in the Rhode Island State troops in the month of April one thousand seven hundred & seventy eight at the Town of Greenwich aforesaid by enlisting in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Stephen Lipcot likely S. Lipette as he believes and in a company commanded by Captain Benjamin Gordon for the term of six months and that he continued to serve on the said Regiment & Company for the said term of six months & that he then received a written discharge which is since lost that during the said Term of six months he was marched to Providence & returned again to Greenwich and that he has no documentary evidence nor knows of no person living who can testify to his service as aforesaid.
And he further declares that he a fourth time enlisted in the service of the United States at the town of Greenwich aforesaid in the month of April one thousand seven hundred & seventy nine for the term of six months in the Rhode Island State troops & in a Regiment commanded by Colonel Stephen Lipcot or Lipet as the Regiment as last aforesaid and in a Company commanded by Captain Benjamin Gordon as aforesaid and that he continued to serve as aforesaid the said term of six months & then received a written discharge which is since lost and that he has now no documentary evidence nor knows of no person living who can testify to his service a aforesaid that during the said last Term of six months he was in what was called Sullivans expedition on the Island of Rhode Island & that he was then wounded in the leg with a grape shot.
And he further declares that a fifth time enlisted in the service of the United States in the Rhode Island State Troops at the town of Greenwich aforesaid in the month of April one thousand seven hundred & eighty in a Regiment commanded by Colonel Archibald Caslin or Caslle and in a company commanded by Captian Thomas Hall as he believes for the term of six months that he was marched to Boston Neck to guard the shore against a British Man of War and that he continued to serve for the said six months & that he was there discharged & that he has no documentary evidence nor knows of no person living who can testify to his service as aforesaid.
And he further declares that he a sixth time enlisted in the service of the United States in the Rhode Island State troops at the town of Greenwich aforesaid and in a Regiment commended by colonel Stephen Lipcot or Lipet and a company commended by Captain Archibald Gibbs in the month of April one thousand and seven hundred & eighty one for the Term of six months that he was marched to a place called … and that he can continued to serve as aforesaid for the term of six months & was there discharged & that he has no documentary evidence nor knows of no person living who can testify to his service aforesaid.
And he further declares that during his said several services as aforesaid he saw Generals … Greene Sullivan & other officers whose names he can not now recollect that three or four years ago he applied for a pension but did not obtain one and that some papers relating to the same are now in the war department as he supposes and he hereby relinquishes every claim relative to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name in not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to & Subscribed the day and year aforesaid
Simeon Brand (signature)
Allegany County We Thomas Mc Elhany a justice of the peace of said county and Post Master & Jacob Bladwin residing in the said county hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Simeon Brant who has subscribed & sworn to the above declaration & that we believe him to be seventy Four years of age. That he is reputed & believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion
Sworn & Subscribed the day and year aforesaid
Thos Mc Elheny (signature)
Jacob Baldwin (signature)
State of New York, Allegany County
On this 31st day of March 1845 personally appeared before me William Hicks one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said county Prudence Brant a resident of the Town of Cuba in the county and State aforesaid aged eighty years who being by me first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the Act of Congress passed March 3 1843 That she is the widow of Simeon Brant who was a soldier in the army of the Revolution as she believes will fully appear by reference to his papers now on file in the pension office and on which he drew his pension and that her husband the said Simeon Brant drew a pension at the rate of thirty six dollars per annum and that he lived at the town of Cuba in the said County of Allegany at that time.
And she further declares that she was married to the said Simeon Brant at the Town of Ballstown in the County of Saratoga in the said state of New York on the twelfth day of October 1786 by Elder Schank the parish Minister of said Town and that her maiden name before her marriage to the said Simeon Brant was Prudence Phelps and that she was not married to the said Simeon Brant prior to his leaving the service but she was married to the said Simeon Brant prior to the 1st day of January 1794 namely at the time above stated and that her Husband the said Simeon Brant died at the Town of Angelica in the County aforesaid on the 4th day of December 1842. And that she has no family record of the marriage or the ages of her ten children which she had by her husband the said Simeon Brant and that she is still the widow of the said Simeon Brant and has not since married.
Prudence X Brant
Subscribed and sworn before me the day and year
first above written Wm Hicks (signature)
Judge of Allegany Co. Courts
I hereby Certify that Prudence Brant who made her mark to the foregoing declaration before me is unable by reason of age and bodily infirmity to appear in open Court or write her name Wm Hicks (signature)
A Judge of Allegany Co, Courts
State of New York, Allegany County, Clerks Office
I William … Clerk of said County do hereby certify that Wm Hicks Esq. before whom the precceding affidavit was taken was taken was as … of the Laws one of the judges of Allegany County comes in and for said County and that I am acquainted with his hand writing and truly believe … is his genuine signature-
Witness my hand and this seal of said County this 20th day of May AD. 1845 Wm …. (signature) Clerk
State of New York, County of Saratoga
I certify that the book containing the records of marriages of the first Presbyterian Church in the town of Ballston in the County of Saratoga in the State of New York over which the Reverend William Schenck presided as Pastor is in my possession and under the head of marriages Solemnized by him the said Pastor I find the following to wit: ‘October twelfth Seventeen hundred Eighty Six then were joined in the bonds of marriage Simeon Bryant and Prudence Phelps’
A true extract from the record aforesaid with the exception of the date which is exposed on the record in fair legible figures as follows ‘October 12th 1786’
Geo. H. Thatcher (signature)
I George H. Thatcher above named depose and say that I hold the office of Pastor of the first Presbyterian Church in Ballston above named and that this above is a true extract from the records of said Church with the exception above name as certified by me
Geo. H. Thatcher (signature)
Sworn and Subscribed before me this 25th day of April 1845 William H …. (signature)
Justice of the Peace
And I the said Justice hereby certify that the above named George Thatcher is to me known to be the Pastor of the first Presbyterian Church of Ballston in Saratoga County as stated by him in the foregoing certificate.
William H. … (signature)
Justice of the Peace, State of Pennsylvania, County of Crawford
On this 17th day of April Anno Domini one thousand eigth hundred and fifty five personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace of Steuben Crawford County, and State of Pennsylvania aforesaid, Prudence Brandt, aged ninety two years a resident of Steuben Township in Said County and State aforesaid who being duly sworn according to Law declares that she is the widow of Simeon Brandt, who was a private in the Revolutionary War. She does not remember the name of the Captain under which he served nor his Colonel, but he was under the Command of General Greene & her said Husband was in Several Battles, among others the Battle of Bunker Hill in (blank) he served during several years as She has reason to know in Said War with Great Britain from 1775 till 1780-1; to wit: he served a term of fourteen days; and he continued in actual service in said war for the term of fourteen days and was honorably discharged at (blank) on (blank) day of (blank) AD both time and place have gone from her memory
She further states that she was married to the said Simeon Brandt at Ballstown N.Y. about Seventy years ago-by a Preacher by the name of Shank (she thinks) and that her name before her marriage was Prudence Phelps-that her said husband died at Angelica Allegany C0. N.Y. about thirteen years ago-cannot give the precise dates and that she is now a widow, and continued such since his death. She further states that she has applied for and received a pension in consequence of her said Husbands service in said war. The certificate in Relation that is in the following words
War Department Widows Pension-I certify that in conformity with the act of Feb 2nd 1848 Prudence Brand widow of Simeon Brandt who was a private in the Revolutionary War is inscribed on the Pension List at the Rate of twenty six dollars & sixty six cents per annum commencing on the 4th day of March 1845 and continuing for life unless she should again marry in which case the pension is not payable after that time of said marriage
Given at the War Office of the United States this thirty first day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty eight examined Wm L. Morsey
J. L. Edwards Commissioner of Pensions Secretary of War
By F. S. Evans
She gets her pension in pursuance of this certificate receiving the same from the agent of the U.S. at Pittsburgh-for such purpose to the record in which matter she refers as evidence in this case.
She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the Bounty Lands to which she may be entitled under the Act approved March 3rd AD 1855. She further declares that she has not received a Land Warrant under this or any other Law and authority and … powers G B Delamater to prosecute and receive her warrant–nor has she ever applied under any Law for such warrant
her (SEAL)
Prudence X Brand
W. S. Bly and D. Terrill residents of Steuben Township, Crawford County & State of Pennsylvania upon our oaths declare that the foregoing Declaration was Signed by this mark of the above named Prudence Brand and acknowledged by said Prudence in our presence. (wp)
This Simeon Brand is buried in the St. Paul Episcopal Church cemetery in Angelica, Allegany County, New York. The index for these records only lists him as Mr. Brant and the fact that he was buried in December of 1842.
Submitted by William Brackett