
Andover News August 24, 1944

Submitted by: William A. Greene

 George ODell


     Word has been received of the promotion of Sgt. George E. O’Dell of Andover to the rank of Technician Fifth Grade.

     T/Sgt. O’Dell was recently awarded the Silver Star. The Citation for the Silver Star follows:

     Technician Fifth Grade George E. O’Dell ASN 32841207, Corps of Engineers, Company “A”, 229th Engineer Combat Battalion, United States Army. – For gallantry in action on the coast of France, 6 June 1944.

     Technician Fifth Grade O’Dell, a member of an assault demolition team, landed with the initial assault waves under heavy enemy machine gun, and observed artillery fire. After completing his assigned work in clearing a gap, he moved to a comparatively save place beneath the dune line. From there he saw two of his comrades who were wounded and unable to reach any cover. With complete disregard for his personal safety, T-5 O’Dell went on to the open beach and carried one of his comrades to the dune line. On the next trip he received a shrapnel wound as he carried the other companion to a position of cover behind a tank. These acts saved his two wounded companions from further injury and probable drowning from a rising tide.

     Such gallantry in action reflects great credit upon Technician Fifth Grade O’Dell and upon the Military service.

Joe McAndrew


     Under the provisions of AR 600-45, as amended, and as announced in General Orders No. 49, Headquarters 34th Infantry Division, dated 17th June, 1944, a Silver Star is awarded to Joseph A. McAndrew, ASN 32251934, Private First Class, Chemical Warfare Service, United States Army. For gallantry in action on 12 April 1944, in the vicinity of Isola Bella, Italy. At 2200 hours enemy artillery landed near the Battalion CP which was located in a house. The exploding shells ignited a rubbish pile next to the house containing discarded hand grenades and small arms ammunition. The situation was critical in that an Infantry Battalion was being relieved from front line positions and in the bright light of the fires there was danger that the operations might be detected. Pfc. McAndrew and five other, working on their own initiative and with complete disregard for their own safety, succeeded in extinguishing the two fires despite the intense heat and exploding ammunition. The courage and determination of these men was exemplary and is in keeping with the high traditions of the military service.