(On Sunday, June 13, 1943, there was a dedication ceremony for Andover's Honor Roll of those serving in the armed forces at the time. This clipping from Bill Greene is from a local newspaper article at the time. Top photo and Program images are also from Bill Greene.)
Honor Roll Dedication Well Attended.
An estimated crowd of 500 people gathered Sunday evening to attend the dedication ceremonies of Andover's Honor Roll of men now serving in our armed forces.
The program was carried out as outlined in last week's News with Hon. Ward M. Hopkins of Cuba speaker of the. day, delivering a fine address in his ever-pleasing manner.
Following a short concert by Andover American Legion band, Mayor Earl J. Allen as master of ceremonies, gave a few well chosen remarks relative to the origin of Andover's Honor Roll, which was followed by prayer by Rev. Harold R. Austin, pastor of the Andover Presbyterian church.
A male chorus from Wellsville under the direction of William Lang of Andover rendered two groups of patriotic songs on the program, which were greatly enjoyed by the audience.
Credit for Andover's Honor Roll, which now carries 161 names, is due to the Thomas M. Lynch American Legion and Auxiliary, the Auxiliary being the instigators of the project with the Legion assisting with the work and plans. The expense of the board so far has, with the exception of a few donations, been borne by the Legion and Auxiliary.
Our Gallery includes photo clippings from local newspapers at the time, of over 100 Andover World War II service men and women. When clicking on line below you will be taken to the Photo Gallery of ACHS website
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Below is the official program for the June 13th Event
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