Town of Alma, Allegany County – NY, (1889-1893)
Alpheus L. Witherspoon, formerly of Co. I, 19th Maine, gives us this information concerning this post and the soldiers of Alma. “This Post was organized by the efforts of A.B.York and others who became active members and the charter was granted Sept. 28, 1889.
The first officers:
Witherspoon, A.L., Commander
Dore, Frank C., Senior Vice Commander
Applebee, Sheldon S. Junior Vice Commander
Baker, Edwin C., Quartermaster
Smith, Frank N., Surgeon
Russell, Riley R., Chaplain
Woodard, Charles, O.D.
York, Alva B., O.G.
Dunn, William H.
Eveland, A.J.
Filber, Christopher
Lamb, Henry L.
Lardin, Thomas P.
Lewis, Lester L.
Phillips, Newton
Richardson, William H.
Welch, James Q.
Young, Charles H.
Men that did not join any post:
Apker, Jacob
Johnson, Jesse
Simons, Daniel
“On the 30th day of June, 1893, I, A.L. Witherspoon, then acting quartermaster, did square all accounts on the book, paid the per capita tax to the Department of New York, and reported that there was not enough membership to sustain the post, as there was not interest enough taken by the members to get out enough members to hold any meeting whatever. And so we had to let the post go by the board. The greater part of the members now belong to other posts, some at Wellsville, some at Bolivar, some at Richburg, a number have left this part of the county, one is dead (A.J. Eveland), and one (Christopher Filber) in the State Soldiers’ Home at Bath.”
Their badge was the official Grand Army of the Republic Medal which can be viewed along with history of the Organization at the website of "Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War".
The SUVCW is one of five Allied Orders of the GAR. The other four Orders are: Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Relief Corps, Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
The website of "Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War" is: :
(Transcribed by Ron Taylor from "Allegany County and Its People: A Centennial Memorial HISTORY OF ALLEGANY COUNTY, NY", John S. Minard; W.A.Fergusson & Co., Alfred,NY, 1896)