Revolutionary War
Isaiah Crandall, Sr. |
Edward Greene, Judge |
Edward J. Greene |
Perry Greene Sr. |
Luke Maxson, Sr. |
Jonathan Palmiter, Sr. |
Elias Smith, Sr. |
Joshua Smith |
Robert Williams |
“The list of Revolutionary soldiers who settled in Alfred and enlistments in the War of 1812, and the Civil War, have been very carefully worked out and furnished by our townsman, Mr. Frank L. Greene, who has made a special study of Alfred family genealogies. Mr. Greene is an authority on this subject and is frequently consulted by out of town people who are in quest of such information. His work bears the stamp of careful study and historical accuracy.”
NAME: Crandall, Isaiah
BIRTH: May 1, 1759 (Stonnington, Conn.)
DEATH: Unknown
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: Entered the service 4/1/1776 at the age of 17 as a Pvt. in the Rhode Island Continental State Troops. On Jan. 2, 1777 a skirmish commenced between American and British troops. Upon retreat the enemy shot Isaiah in the back. The ball struck his knapsack and put 33 holes though his blanket before lodging in a hard loaf of bread in the knapsack. He was knocked to the ground on his hands and knees. That night they set large fires on a nearby hill and marched to Princeton where the next day they fought the enemy and took 350 prisioners. On July 8, 1777 enlisted in the Conn. State Artillery and then on Aug. 12, 1781 he entered the Conn. State Militia. Served with General George Washington at West Point, Harlem and Trenton. Discharged Nov. 30, 1781. Info taken from pension records.
NAME: Greene, Edward (Judge)
BIRTH: Mar. 20, 1760 (Westerly, Rhode Island)
DEATH: Feb. 24, 1845
BURIED: Alfred East Valley Cemetery
INFO: Enlisted Sept. 1776 at the age of 16 and served three months as a Pvt. in Captain Reuben Whitman’s Co., Col. Cook’s Rhode Island Reg.: during the year 1777, he served four tours of 1 mo. each under Capts. Asa Bennett, Jeremiah Austin and William Ray, Cols. N. Brown and Gen. Spencer; he enlisted about May 26, 1878, served as Pvt. in Capt. Philip Trafton’s Co., Col. John Topham’s Rhode Island Reg., was in the battle of Rhode Island, and on the night of Aug. 29, exchanged shots with some of the enemy while engaged in routing them from a house between the lines of the Army and continued in service until Mar. 1779. He went to Petersburg, N.Y. in Aug. 1779, where his father had moved: he volunteered there and served 1 mo. in the militia in Capt. Samuel Shaw’s Co., Col. Henry K. Van Rensselaer’s N.Y. Reg. In 1781 and 1782, he guarded the arsenal at Providence, Rhode Island. Served 24 mos.. All info taken from pension papers.
NAME: Greene, Edward J.
BIRTH: Mar. 12, 1758 (Rhode Island)
DEATH: Mar. 28, 1836
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: Enlisted at the age of 18yrs. in Rhode Island into the Rhode Island State Troops as a Pvt. Was in no battles but helped build Forts Bantore and Independence. He was discharged on Aug. 28, 1787. Served 15mo. and 23 days. All info taken from pension files.
NAME: Greene, Perry Sr.
BIRTH: Unknown date (Rhode Island)
DEATH: Unknown
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: Unknown
NAME: Maxson, Luke Sr.
BIRTH: Unknown
DEATH: Unknown
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: Unknown
NAME: Palmiter, Jonathan Sr.
BIRTH: Unknown
DEATH: Unknown
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: Unknown
NAME: Smith, Elias (Real name Elias Pollock, name used in service was Joseph Smith)
BIRTH: Unknown
DEATH: May 10, 1832
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: While a resident of Baltimore, Md., Elias Pollock, a Jew, enlisted about May 1778, and served under the name of Joseph Smith as a Pvt. in Capt. Joseph Marbury’s Co., Col. N. Ramsey’s and Mordecal Gist’s 3rd Md. Regt.; was at the taking of Stony Point; he assisted I building four forts on the North River, numbers one, two, three and four, from the winter of 1779 he served in the Adjutant’s Guard stationed at Morristown and went on several expeditions under Col. Lee Hart (evidently meant for Col. De Hart) and Lord Stirling to Staten Island: went south, was in the battle of Camden, Aug. 16, 1780, where he received a bayonet wound in his side, was taken prisoner, carried to Charleston, from there sent as a prisoner of war to St. Augustine, East Florida, there to Halifax and was released after peace was declared and returned to Baltimore. Info take from pension papers.
NAME: Smith, Joshua
BIRTH: Unknown
DEATH: Unknown
BURIED: Unknown
INFO: Unknown
NAME: Williams, Robert
BIRTH: Unknown
DEATH: Unknown
BUIED: Unknown
INFO: Unknown |