86 Alexander K. Thorpe Belfast
103 Ira Halsey Almond
183 Stephen T. Bartle Cuba
195 Revere Belmont
237 Ambrose E. Burnside Wiscoy
241 Jeremiah Hatch Friendship
247 Herman C. Gardner Bolivar
249 Cassius Maxson Richburg
Honorees of Post Names
261 Wheeler Hakes Scio
296 Seth H. Weed Canaseraga
332 Wesley Rolfe Stannards
333 Selic Sawyer Whitesville
336 Isaac Dexter Wellsville
427 William W. Woodworth Rushford
428 B. Frank Maxson Alfred
481 Edward Seaman Andover
502 Wilber Haver Angelica
603 Aaron Van Nostrand Short Tract
640 Marshall Phillips Allentown
Honorees of Post Names:
# 86 - Belfast - Chartered May 14, 1879.
Captain Alexander K. Thorp, Co. F., 1st NY Dragoons. Born 1828; brother of Thomas J. Thorp, Lt. Col. of 85th NYSV and Col. of 1st NY Dragoons; joined at Portage as 2d Lt. Aug. 1862; promoted to Captain Dec. 1862; KIA Sept. 19, 1864 at Winchester, Va.; buried in the Short Tract Cemetery, Granger, NY.
# 103 - Almond - Post charter revoked 1876.
Corporal Ira Halsey, Co. G, 160th NYSV. Joined at Almond Aug. 1862, age 19; promoted to Corporal Sept. 1863; KIA at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864.
# 183 - Cuba - Sept. 16, 1880 to 1922.
Sgt. Stephen T. Bartle, Co. H, 2d NY Mounted Rifles. Born 1831; enlisted Aug. 1861 as Sgt., Co. B, 23d NYSV (The Southern Tier Rifles); promoted to 1st Sgt. Jan. 1862; enlisted in 2d NY Mounted Rifles Jan. 1864 at Wirt, NY, and appointed Sgt. May 2, 1864; KIA June 17, 1864 at Petersburg, Va.; buried in the Cuba, NY, Cemetery.
# 195 - Belmont - Chartered Jan. 20, 1881.
# 237 - Wiscoy - Dec. 4, 1881 to 1921.
Major General Ambrose E. Burnside. Elected to two consecutive terms as GAR National Commander; died 1881.
# 241 - Friendship - Chartered Oct. 28, 1881.
Captain Jeremiah Hatch, Co. F, 130th (later 1st NY Dragoons) NYSV. Born in 1820 in Vermont, son of Rev. War veteran; graduated from Middlebury College in 1840; after teaching in the South and other places, assumed charge of Friendship, NY, Academy 1849; Canal Collector at Oramel, NY, from 1855; joined law firm in Oramel; "Professor Hatch" enrolled Aug. 1862 as Captain; died of disease at Suffolk, Va. Dec. 21, 1862; buried in Maple Grove Cemetery in Friendship, NY.
# 247 - Bolivar - Chartered Dec. 19, 1881.
Private Herman C. Gardner, Co. A, 136th NYSV. Enlisted at Bolivar Aug. 1862, age 29; KIA at Lookout Mountain, Tenn. and is buried on that battlefield.
# 249 - Richburg - Jan. 5, 1882 to 1914.
Private Cassius Maxson, Co. F, 109th NYSV. Born 1846; enlisted at Little Genesee; MWIA at the Wilderness and died at Petersburg, Va., June 8, 1864.
# 261 - Scio - Chartered March 15, 1882.
Captain Wheeler Hakes, Co. E, 1st NY Dragoons. Enrolled Aug. 1862 as Captain; discharged for disability Dec. 5, 1864; brevet Major US Volunteers. Died 12/9/1876 & Buried in Johnson/Dean Cemetery-Wellsville, NY. (BIOGRAPHY)
# 296 - Canaseraga - Feb. 25, 1896 to 1920.
Sgt. Seth H. Weed, Co. I, 1st NY Dragoons. Joined Aug. 1862 at Grove, age 29; KIA May 7, 1864 at Todd's Tavern, Va.
# 332 - Stannards Corners - Chartered Jan. 18, 1882.
1st Sgt. Wesley L. Rolfe, Co. C, 67th NYSV. Joined at Scio May 1861 as a Corporal, age 20; promoted to Sgt. Sept. 1861; to 1st Sgt. Oct. 1861; KIA May 31, 1862 at Fair Oaks, Va.
# 333 - Whitesville - Feb. 18, 1883 to 1920.
Corporal Selic A. Sawyer, Co. H, 85th NYSV. Resident of Hallsport, born 1842; enlisted Sept. 1862 at Whitesville, age 19; KIA May 31, 1862 at Seven Pines while on picket duty; buried on battlefield.
# 336 - Wellsville - Chartered Feb. 9, 1883.
Captain Sir Isaac Newton Dexter, Co. I, 160th NYSV. Born 1837; joined at Auburn as 1st Lt. Nov. 1862; promoted to Captain April 1863; KIA Sept. 19, 1864 at Winchester, Va.; buried in Hallsport, NY, Cemetery; his brother Dauphin Dexter served in the 85th NYSV.
# 427 - Rushford - Chartered March 19, 1898.
Captain William W. Woodworth, Co. D, 64th NYSV. Born 1820; enlisted at Elmira Dec. 1861 as 1st Lt., age 41; promoted to Captain Feb. 1862; died of disease near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 28, 1862; buried in White Cemetery, Rushford, NY.
# 428 - Alfred - Nov. 24, 1883 to 1921.
2d Lt. Benjamin Franklin Maxson, Co. G, 160th NYSV. Born 1844; joined at Alfred Sept. 1862 as 1st Sgt.; promoted to 2d Lt. Aug. 1863; KIA Sept. 19, 1864 at Winchester, Va.; buried in the Alfred, NY, Cemetery.
# 481 - Andover - Chartered May 7, 1884.
Corporal Edward L. Seaman, Co. K, 85th NYSV. Born 1843; enlisted at Andover Sept. 1861 as Corporal; captured at Seven Pines May 31, 1862 and held at Richmond, Va., until exchanged; reenlisted as a veteran Jan. 1864 at Plymouth, NC; captured at Plymouth April 20, 1864; died July 20, 1864 at Andersonville, Ga.; buried there.
# 502 - Angelica - Chartered Aug. 30, 1884.
Corporal Wilbur Haver, Co. I, 27th NYSV. Born 1840; joined at Angelica May 1861 as a Private, age 18; KIA at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863; buried on that battlefield.
# 603 - Short Tract - Chartered Dec. 30, 1886.
Sgt. Aaron Van Nostrand, Co. F, 130th NYSV/1st NY Dragoons. Joined Aug. 1862 at Granger as a Sgt., age 37; died of disease in Suffolk hospital Nov. 20, 1862 and is buried in the Short Tract Cemetery, Granger, NY.
# 640 - Allentown - Chartered Sept. 28, 1889.
Marshall Phillips.