(From Friendship Chronicle 5/18/1881 – Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer)
Death of J. Raymond Wellman.
Jonas Raymond Wellman, eldest son of Hon. A. J. Wellman, of this place, died at the residence of his parents, Tuesday afternoon, May 17, at 1 o’clock. The community had hardly heard of his sudden illness before it was shocked by the news of his death. Between two and three o’clock p.m. of Monday the unfortunate young man was taken violently sick, his ease soon developing into that dread disease, cerebro spinal meningitis. For about twenty-four hours previous to this he had been feeling somewhat unwell from the effects of exposure to the water on Saturday last. From the time that he was stricken own until his death, twenty-two or three hours later, all medical aid that was summoned was of no avail; from intense suffering, the patient passed into insensibility and to speedy death.
The deceased was born in Friendship, August 31st, 1864. In February 1877 he united with the Baptist church of this place, of which he has since been a consistent member. He was at the time of his death a student of the Friendship Academy, intending soon to graduate from that institution.
The grief of his parents, in seeing their first born, when nearly ready to step into the active duties of manhood, so suddenly taken away is too terrible to dwell upon. The entire community mingle their tears with those of the greatly afflicted.
The funeral services will be held at the Baptist church, to-morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. M. Barker, will preach the sermon.