The Daily Reporter - Jan 10, 1881
In Memoriam - (Lydia A. Daniels Quimby)
The maiden name of Mrs. Levi Quimby was Miss Lydia A. Daniels. Her early home was in Bingham, Potter Co., PA and she was one of a family of fifteen children – eight sons and seven daughters, all of whom lived until the youngest was past twenty one years of age.
December 20, 1854, she was married to Mr. Levi Quimby, recently from Maine. Settling in Alma, near the residence of Mr. Martin Strickland, a brother in law, they have lived there ever since, respected by all who have known them.
For about two years, Mrs. Quimby suffered from a cancer – during the last few months extremely. But she bore all with patience and submission, and at length, passed away, dying Sunday evening, Jan 2nd 1881. Burial services were held Tuesday pm conducted by Rev. A. Coit of Wellsville and were very largely attended. Among those present as mourners, besides the husband and two daughters, were two brothers and a sister (Mrs. Gridley) from Bingham, and another sister with her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Morrison of Wellsville. The aged father and mother were unable to be present, as also an only son living in Maine. This large and deeply afflicted circle have the sympathies of their many friends.
Mrs. Quimby was a true wife and mother, and a kind neighbor and, though mostly deprived of church privileges, loved her Bible and we trust has gone to the Better Land.
Her age was fifty three years.