Another Victim of the Cars
Mrs. James Parker Caught by a Wild Cat Freight and Instantly Killed
March 16, 1890
Mrs. James Parker was struck by a wild cat at the State street crossing Sunday evening and instantly killed.
James Parker removed from Hallsport sometime last fall, with his wife and 9 year old son, taking charge of the Fassett House livery and residing in the “Hod” Jones house on Broad street. Mrs. Parker had frequently made visits to Mrs. E.M. Fulmer’s on Pearl street where her cousin, Mr. Fulmer has been seriously ill, and Sunday evening Mrs. Parker told her husband she was going up there, so when Mr. Parker returned from the livery at 10 o’clock last evening he retired, thinking his wife was at Fulmer’s. As it afterwards transpired, Mrs. Parker, after writing a letter, had started for the livery about nine o’clock, to return with her husband. She had lately been troubled with severe headaches and walking out of doors was the only relief. She had a heavy woolen shawl drawn over her head and not hearing the approach of the freight, was struck when crossing the track at State street and instantly killed. The remains were found by Jerry Linehan, fireman on the pusher, about eleven o’clock and removed to Rauber’s undertaking rooms. Monday Mr. Parker hearing that some one had been killed, stepped into the undertaking room and recognized his wife’s hat. It was a sad and startling discovery and Mr. Parker could not control his feelings.
Mrs. Parker, nee Elizabeth Silvernail was about 34 years of age. She was born in Bradford, Steuben county and married James Parker fourteen years ago. She leaves a husband and one son. The remains will be taken to Hallsport and buried beside her two daughters.
It was learned later that the engineer of the west bound wild-cat which passed through here at 9:15 last night saw a woman crossing the track just in front of the engine, but supposed she crossed in safety. When oiling up at Belvidere he discovered blood on the engine. This was probably the unlucky train that struck the unfortunate woman.
(Unidentified newspaper, most probably the Wellsville Daily Reporter)