
From the Andover News, August 6, 1915.
Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.


The many Andover friends of George W. Probasco, of Flemington, N. J., were grieved Sunday morning to learn of his death in that city the evening previous, after an illness of a number of weeks, aged 73 years.

Mr. Probasco was born in Hunterdon County, N. J., Aug. 12, 1842, where he was educated and grew to manhood.

He married Miss Emergene Green of Independence. In 1880 Mr. and Mrs. Probasco removed from New Jersey to Independence and lived on the Luther Green homestead ten years, afterward coming to Andover where they resided eight or ten years.

Fourteen years ago they went back to New Jersey, locating at Flemington, where they have since made their home, though coming back to old Allegany County each Summer to visit friends and relatives and renew old acquaintances.

Besides his wife Mr. Probasco leaves one son, Dr. L. G. Probasco of Whitesville, and one sister, Mrs. H. S. Trimmer of Quakertown, N. J.

The funeral services were held at Flemington, N. J., Monday, under the auspices of Darcy Lodge F. & A. M. The body was brought to the home of his son in Whitesville and funeral services conducted Wednesday, Rev. J. D. Herrick, a personal friend of the deceased and a former pastor of the Whitesville Universalist church officiating, assisted by the present pastor of that church, Rev. DeWitt Lanphear.

The interment was made in the Whitesville cemetery.

George Probasco was a man of much executive ability. His was a trained business mind. Few men were more successful in business matters. His judgement was always good and his council wise. He had a pleasing personality and polished manner, that drew around him a host of friends of which he was always justly proud and in whose company he was always happy. He had been a member of the Masonic Order 49 years. He was a man of excellent habits and fine moral character, an ideal husband and loving father. He was a member of the Andover Presbyterian church at the time of his death.