Eloy D. Pettit, a former resident of Cuba and Olean passed away July 15, 1957, in Cleveland Ohio. Born in the town of Hinsdale, May 14, 1889, He was the son of Peter and Ellen Pettit.
Mr Pettit is survived by one son, Howard Petit, Cleveland. An uncle Ivan Osmun and an aunt, Mrs. Minnie (William) Dudley, also survive.He was a member of Cuba Lodge 306, Free and Accepted Masons.
Funeral services were conducted Sunday at Loveridge Funeral Home by Rev. Ralph C. Hutchinson, pastor of the Methodist Church. Burial was in the Cuba Cemetery.
Parenthesis by transcriber. Submitted by Donald Adams
Mrs. Eloy (Beulah) Pettit died April, 1946.