Mrs. Hopy McGibeny died in west Almond April 1, aged 67 years. She was born in Washington County in 1813, and at the early age of one week was left motherless, and in consequence was adopted by her grand-parents, who improved the opportunities of that day to rear and educate her. In early life her heart was touched by divine power, and at the age of 15 years she gave her heart to God and united with the church of her choice, the Methodist, and ever remained a consistent and active member thereof. In 1828 she was married to Samuel McGibney, who also was one of the pioneers of Methodism and they together walked in the Christian journey until 8 years ago, when death came and made her a widow.
Sister McGibney was the mother of 9 children. She was an affectionate, faithful wife, a kind mother, a true friend and devoted Christian. Her home was a resting place for the weary, and her heart and purse ever open to appeals for benevolence. She gave liberally of her means for the support of the gospel, and especially the ministry. The church has lost a faithful and active member, the Sabbath school its most punctual and earnest attendant, the Bible class an intelligent teacher of the gospel, which had ever been her study. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in west Almond, Apr 3, a large number of relatives and friends attending.
(Mrs. McGibney died April 1, 1900 and is buried in the Mount Hope Cemetery, West Almond)