
From the files of Margaret Hodnett

1898 Obituary – Unidentified Newspaper


Reuben Delos Moore was born in Wales, Erie Co., NY Nov 1, 1818, and died at his home in Hume, Aug 19, 1898.

On his 42nd birthday, he married Miss Ellen M. McBride of Johnsonburg, Wyoming Co.

Of ten children, all living, Donna (Mrs. Howard Blake) resides in Harriman, Tenn; Alice (Mrs. Dr. A. B. Harding) in Castile, NY; Lois, (Mrs. E.C. Getsinger) in Oakland, Cal; Orson is now a member of Co. G., 1st Regt Vol. Infantry of W. Va., and William J. is a medical student with the hospital corps at Fort Sheridan, Ill.  The remaining five are all residing at the old home, or in town, and are well known to our people.

Some seven years since, Mr. Moore had an attack of la grippe, from the effects of which he never fully recovered.  For the last three years, his mind has been a total wreck, and for a long time he has been as helpless as a child.  In all the relations of citizen, neighbor, husband and father, Mr. Moore was highly respected.  He was a man of the strictest integrity.

The funeral was conducted at his late home on the 22nd by Rev S.S.. Ballou of Johnsonburg, and J. B. Smallwood of Warsaw and was largely attended.  The burial was in the Alger Cemetery.