
John McCary/McCrary

Allegany County Democrat, 3/16/1877; from files of Alleg. County Historian



In Wellsville, Sunday morning 11 inst. of heart desease  (SIC), Mr. John McCrary, in the 80th year of his age.

                Mr. McCrary had been a resident of this village for the last eight years, and by his consistent, Christian, neighborly ways had made many warm, affectionate friends.  He was one of those energetic men, so full of life and hope, that put old age far in the back-ground; appearing more like a man in the meridian of life than one who had lived nearly four score.  His last days even, were full of life’s purposes and ambitions.  His loss will be deeply felt and mourned by those who were acquainted with his sterling christam character.  His hopes of the better life were buoyant and bright and no one doubts but he is now in the full enjoyment of blessed immortality.