Jones, Amasa L.
Obituary & Will of (Amasa) Lewis Jones, Wellsville NY
b. 2/12/1800 - d. -/-/1876
JONES--In this village on Friday morning last, Lewis Jones, aged 76 years.
Thus again another old resident of our village has been called from among us. Mr. Jones came to our village many years ago, and by his industry and frugality had acquired a handsome property, and seemed just ready to enjoy his hard earnings, when at the mandate he relinquishes all and takes his departure hence.
He has filled various offices of public trust, a man whose word could be implicitly relied upon, always reticent on his converse with others, living for himself, in a measure, yet when a man found his heart always found it warm and sympathetic. A man given to brusqueness of manner and somewhat forbidding, yet neighborly and kind. He was a very peculiar man, and few were ever thoroughly acquainted with him. Those who knew him best appreciated him most.
He leaves an aged wife and two sons living in our village, with numerous grand-children and other relatives.
Thus one after another of our old residents pass away and others step into their places, and the world moves on as though they had never been.
We are not advised as to whether Mr. Jones was identified with any church organization but entertain the belief that he was a Baptist of the Seventh-day order.
His sickness was of short duration, but, from the first, his attendant physician thought his case a critical one.
He held at the time of his death the appointment of Deputy Sheriff, under Sheriff Bennett.
His funeral was held on Saturday last, Rev. A. Coit, officiating.
(Obituary published 2/2/1876-Wellsville Daily Reporter - transcribed by Ron Taylor)
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