From the Andover News, November 13, 1914.
Transcribed by Suzette Pondillo.
Friend of Every Good Cause Passes On
One of God’s noble women, an inspiration to all in her family and a friend worth having, such was Mrs. Elizabeth Herrick whose death occurred at her home on Second street, last Thursday evening, Nov. 5. Mrs. Herrick had been in failing health for more than a year and during the past month had become so much worse as to cause relatives and friends to expect the end at any time. A patient sufferer for a long time with a bronchial effection the close of earthly life was peaceful and due to a failure of the heart to react The oldest son, Seymour, and the sister-in-law, Mrs. J. B. Rhinevault, were with her when the end came.
“None knew her but to love her,
None names her but to praise.”
Mrs. Herrick was the daughter of Rev. S.G. Rhinevault, a former member of the East Genesee Conference. She was born in Alfred, N.Y., March 24, 1839. She was married by her father on Feb. 28, 1860, to George B. Herrick at Woodhull in Steuben Co. Soon after this Mr. Herrick enlisted and served for a period in the Civil War. For a time they resided in Woodhull and afterward Corning, from which place they moved to Andover about thirty-five years ago. For a great many years Mr. Herrick was in the employ of A.M. Burrows & Son where his services were much valued and appreciated. He died very suddenly of heart failure on Oct. 20, 1902. Mrs. Herrick was remained in the home surrounded by a host of friends and visited frequently by “her Joys.” Four sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Herrick of whom three are living, Seymour G., Charles R. and Miles Harmon, all residing now in New York. The fourth, Glen L. died at Woodhull on Sept. 12, 1867, when an infant, two months old. There are also three grandchildren, George S., Marion and Marjorie Herrick.
Many people in Andover and elsewhere have counted it a great privilege to know Mrs. Herrick as a friend and receive her kindly ministrations in hours of need. She and her husband sang for a long time in the choir of the Methodist Church, and used their talent of song in homes of sickness, or old age or in the homes of affliction. They were both members and active workers in the Methodist Church. At the time of the erection of the brick church they bore their part of the financial burden and rejoiced with all whocarried the effort through so successfully. Mrs. Herric was converted in her girlhood days and all the way through her life she lived a constant and consistent Christian experience. Her presence was a benediction to all who heard her words or watched her life. She was for many years an active worker in the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church and connected also and in deep sympathy with the work of the W.C.T.U. and the Woman’s Relief Corps. Both organizations were present in a body at the funeral services, and with the Missionary Society and the Ladies Aid Society were represented by beautiful floral tributes among the many that covered the casket, significant of the respect and esteem of the multitude of relatives and friends.
The funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon at the home, at 3 o’clock, Rev. F.M. Baker of the Methodist Church officiating. Several comforting selections were sung by the Brotherhood Quartette, consisting of Messrs. Carr, Robinson, Slocum and Baker. Despite the storm of the afternoon the house was filled with the host of people who had appreciated her life an act that bore sincere tribute of their affection and respect.
Internment was in the Valley Brook Cemetery on the family lot.
Those present from out of town beside the three sons were the following: the grandson, George Herrick, of New York; the only sister, Mrs. C.C. Whiting of Elmira; the sister-in-law, Mrs. M.A. Baxter, of Addison; Mr. and Mrs. S.M. LeGrange; Frank Crandall, of Wellsville; Mrs. Mary Brown of Hornell; Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Ward, of Wellsville; and Mrs. R.M. Bundy, of Horseheads.
The following poem found in her Bible, is significant of the consecration and resignation of her life:
The way was dark, I prayed for light
To guide my soul through deeps of night;
But Bod in wisdom knew me best,
He sent the dark and bade me rest.
Beset by storms that would not cease-
In agony I prayed for peace.
God heard my prayer, but sent me more,
The storm waxed wilder than before.
At last I cried, with humble breast,
“Lord, grant no prayer that is not best,
Henceforth, Thy will, not mine be done”—
Behold. He granted every one.