Obituary for Helen M. Finch
"Death of a Devoted Wife and Mother"
"Funeral Was Held Wednesday. Mrs. Helen M. Finch, wife of Daniel Finch, of 55 Pine Street, died Sunday, February 9th at 6:45 pm. Deceased was born at Andover, Feb 28, 1850 and was the daughter of Hiram and Anna Holiday. Thirty two years ago she was married to Daniel Finch, who survives, also the following children: Mrs. Jane Clark, Pikeville; Mrs. Anna Boughton, Belle Run PA; Mrs. Mary Shelley and Miss Hattie Finch of Port Allegany PA; Mrs. Minnie Warner, Mrs. Emma Stutor, Irving Finch and Ernest Finch of Wellsville. The funeral was held from the late home at 55 Pine Street on Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock, the Rev Johnson, of Hornell, officiating. Interment was had in Woodlawn."
Immediatly below the obit:
"CARD OF THANKS. We desire herewith to express our most heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbors who showed us so many acts of kindness during the illness, death and burial of our beloved wife and mother. Especially do we feel grateful to the Rev Johnson, to those who sang and to those who sent the beautiful flowers - Daniel Finch and Family."
Reprinted by permission of the Wellsville Daily Reporter, Feb. 15, 1913.