Jerry Fanton
Expires suddenly at his home at Stone Dam Friday night.
Jeremiah W. Fanton, a well known and well to-do farmer, died suddenly of heart disease at his home in Stone Dam, Friday night.
Mr Fanton had retired about nine o'clock feeling as well as usual, and a few moments afterward, Mrs Fanton was startled by a groan from him. A hurried examination showed that he died suddenly and without a struggle. The deceased leaves a wife and four choldren: Adelbert, Clarence, Carlton, and Mrs Delia Daily, all living at Stone Dam.
Mr Fanton was about 56 years old and was born at Stannards Corners. For the past seventeen years he has lived on his farm at Stone Dam. He was a member of Simmons Lodge, A. O. U. W. and the lodge will take charge of the funeral which will be held at the M. P. Church in Stannards, Sunday at 12 o'clock
The remains will be buried at Stannards.
Wellsville Daily Reporter page 4, Saturday March 12, 1898