
Simeon A. Elliott

Mr. Simeon A. Elliott died at his home in Duke Centre yesterday at 12 o’clock of typhoid fever, after an illness of a little more than two weeks. The news of his death was received in Wellsville, as it will be elsewhere, with profound regret. Mr. Elliott was in the very vigor of his young manhood, (in his 33rd years) and possessed in a generous degree those qualifications which made him a favorite and which won for him success in life.

Mr. Elliott was born in Alma, but lived for some years and was engaged in business in Wellsville. Here some six or seven years ago, he married Miss Alice, daughter of Mark Tremaine, Esq. Though childless, the union was none the less true and blessed one, and the stricken wife justly mourns as one who cannot be comforted.

For the past three or four years the deceased has resided and been successfully engaged in business at Duke Centre, McKean Co., Pa. for or with Mr. Charles Duke.

The corpse arrived in Wellsville at 11:25 today, accompanied by Mrs. Elliott and her father and mother. At the depot on arrival a large number of citizens and friends were met to give escort to the sorrowing mourner.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at one o’clock at the residence of Mr. Tremaine.

Wellsville Daily Reporter - Jan 15, 1883; Submitted by Mary Rhodes