Obituary for Clara DeLong
Mrs. Clara DeLong, a resident of Yorks Corners, died yesterday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock in Jones Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. DeLong was born in Willing on September 14, 1877, the daughter of Ambrose and Jeanette Champlin Norton. She had always lived in the vicinity of Willing. She married W. Arthur DeLong in 1895. He survives together with two daughters Mrs. Samuel Garner of Wellsville and Mrs Carlton Dunbar of Genesee, Pa. Mrs. DeLong was a member of the Yorks corners Union Church. The Rev. Irene Howe and the Rev. Evelyn Sterner will conduct funeral services tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the late home and at 2'oclock in Union Church. Burial will be made in Hillside Cemetery, Genesee.
(Note: Although the Obit says Clara is the Daughter of Ambrose and Jeanette Champlin Norton. I believe that it should read Ambrose and Jeanette Chapin Norton as Jeanette was the daughter of Jason Chapin) Does anyone know which is correct (Champlin or Chapin)
(from Obit Collection of Linda S. Smith)