Obituary for Albert Cleveland
Albert (Bert) Cleveland of Jordan Hill Passed Away at Mountain Clinic December 13, 1922. Bert was a well known farmer and highly respected resident of Jordan Hill. He died following an operation for appendicitis the previous day.
Mr. Cleveland was born at Clarksville on May 4, 1865, being a son of Walter and Caroline Nichols Cleveland. He had resided in Clarksville nearly all of his life, being engaged in farming. He leaves to mourn his death two daughters, Mrs. Elsie Pickett and Mrs. Florence Kellogg, besides a host of friends.
The funeral was held at the Obi Church on Sunday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Kinney officiated. The siging was conducted by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Barber, Fred Foster and Mrs. Kinney. The burial took place at the West Genesee Cemetery.
(from Obit Collection of Linda S. Smith)