Allegany County Reporter Sept 21, 1909
Wellsville, NY
Brought Here for Burial
The remains of the late Mrs. Nancy D. Bartlett were brought here for burial Monday morning from Arkport where she died last week Thursday. Deceased had been making her home with her daughter in law, Mrs. Charles Bartlett near Arkport for the past sixteen years and had been ill but a few days. Her age was eighty six years. She leaves to mourn her loss six children, Frank Bartlett, of Eureka, Cal., Sylvester Bartlett of Bearstown, Ill., Amos and William Bartlett, of Central Pa., Mrs. E. H. Clark of River Falls, Wisconsin and Mrs. E. A. Childs of Erie Pa.
Deceased came to Wellsville from Bangor Maine, in 1852 and lived here on Merservey Hill on the farm now occupied by C. F. Hornburg until about sixteen years ago when she went to Arkport.
The funeral services were held at Arkport, on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, from the house, the Rev. Hill of Almond, officiating and interment was in Woodlawn cemetery, Wellsville.
Mrs. E. A. Childs was the only child able to attend the funeral. Mrs. Chas Bartlett, and Mrs. and Mrs William Carns of Arkport also accompanied the remains to Wellsville
Note: Mrs. Bartlett’s death was entered into the Woodlawn Cemetery books as SARAH Bartlett. She is in an unmarked grave in the same plot as her husband, Josiah Bartlett. – M Rhodes