
Almira Parks Beach

The beautiful, patient helpful life of Mrs. Almira Parks Beach ended in victory at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Burrows, in Oswego, Pa., on the 17th of February, 1910. The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church at Yorks, the Pastor, H. M. Wilson, using he appropriate text in Pa. 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” A large concourse of relatives and friends testified to the love and esteem in which she was held by the community among whom her life was spent. Truly, though, “she rests from her labors, her works do follow her.” She has left a splendid testimony as to the sustaining power of the Master, and the adequacy of His grace for the deepest human need.

Almira Parks was born in Allegany County, in 1834, and lived here all her life until two years ago when she went to live with her daughter. She was a devoted member and faithful attendant of the Methodist Church, and her life and death are alike a benediction. She leaves to mourn her three daughters, Mrs. Frank Burrows, Mrs. Charles Payne, Genesee, and Mrs. Willard Goodrich, North Hill; and one son, Asa Beach. The family extends their grateful thanks to all who so Kindly assisted them in the hour of bereavement.