From the Andover News, January 29, 1915.
Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.
One of Andover’s aged and most respected mothers, Mrs. Elizabeth Bassett, was called to the land beyond, early Tuesday morning, after a brief illness, of about sixteen hours aged 83 years. Her death was caused by a natural wearing out of the human organs, not from any defined disease and the end came peacefully, just going to sleep.
Mrs. Elizabeth Reading Bassett was born March 19, 1832. She was married to John C. Bassett Sept. 30, 1850, who preceeded her in death nearly six years. Nearly all of their lives were lived in this vicinity. For many years they lived and raised their family on the old “Bassett Homestead” in the town of Independence. In 1882 they moved to Alfred, N.Y., in order that their children might have the advantages of better school privileges. In 1892 they came to this village, where the remainder of their life was passed.
Mrs. Bassett was an every day Christian woman. She was a member of the Independence Seventh-day Baptist church. The beautifying influences of a pure religion were spread over her life and character as spotless and charming as was ever possessed by any of the noble women who have lived and died during the ages that have gone. Such a life is a blessing and a benediction to all within the sphere of its influence and the death of such a one is a misfortune as well as an irreparable loss to the home circle. It is difficult to pay a fitting tribute to the memory of so noble a woman – one whose every day life was embellished by the most charming and lovable attributes of her sex. A perfect lady at all times and under all circumstances. She seemed born to inspire the love and respect of all who were so fortunate as to be acquainted with her.
Mrs. Bassett leaves four children to mourn a mother’s loss. Henry K. Bassett, who lives on the old homestead in the town of Independence; T. Eugene Bassett, of Oswego, N.Y.; T. R. Bassett, of Andover, N.Y., and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Carpenter, of Georgetown, S.C. She also leaves an aged brother, John Reading of Ringoes, N.J., a sister, Mrs. Mary Green Bassett, of West Union, and a half-sister, Mrs. G.W. Probasco, of Flemington, N.J.
Impressive funeral services were held at the late home on Center street yesterday morning, Clyde A. Ehret, pastor of the Andover Seventh-day Baptist church, officiating, after which all that was mortal of this grand old lady was tenderly conveyed to Independence where she rests by the side of her devoted husband.