
From the Andover News March 5, 1915.
Transcribed by Gary Goodridge.



Mrs. Mellisa Baker died at her home in Ceres, Pa, Feb. 19th, after an illness of but a few minutes, of heart disease, aged 69 years. Mrs. Baker was a former resident of Andover, but had lived in Ceres twenty-three years.

She is survived by three daughters, Miss Norma Slocum, of Ceres, who lived with her mother; Mrs. H.E. Tennes, of East Randolph, N.Y., and Mrs. Ezra Slocum of Andover. She also leaves one son, H.L. Slocum, three sisters and eight grand-children.

The funeral was held from her late home in Ceres, Sunday afternoon, Rev. J.M. Leach, officiating. Services were also held in Andover, Monday morning, at the home of Ezra Slocum, Rev. F.M. Baker officiating.

Interment was in Hillside cemetery.