
Transcribed from the Andover News, April 11, 1913.


Ellen Clark Baker

Mrs. Ellen Baker was born in the town of Willing, August 6th, 1837 and died at her home in this village Friday, April 4th, 1913. March 13th, 1855 she was united in marriage with Henry Baker, whose death occurred December 22nd, 1891.

About eleven years ago Mrs. Baker was stricken with paralysis from what she has since been an invalid, moving about the house with difficulty. Six weeks ago she fell on the floor dislocating her hip, causing intense suffering which was born with patience and courage little less than marvelous. During her years of invalidism Mrs. Baker has been tenderly care for by her youngest daughter Mrs. Jennie Baker, and her last weeks of pain were soothed by the constant presence and care of her children who were all priviledged [sic] to be with her.

Mrs. Baker leaves six children Mrs. Hattie Livermore of Arkport, Mrs. Lillie Livermore, Mrs. Satie E Graves, George Baker and Mrs. Jennie M. Baker, all residents of this village, also a sister Mrs. J. O. Barney of
independence and a brother, Frank W Clark of Whitesville, N.Y.

Funeral services were conducted at the Seventh-day Baptist church of this village of which deceased was a faithful member, by the pastor, Clyde E. Ehret, Sunday morning at ten o'clock, the large attendance and beautiful flowers testifying to the esteem in which Mrs. Baker was held [???] body was taken to Whitesville for interment.