
Olean Times Herald Monday, 7-22-1935

Mrs Ada Bartlett Funeral Tuesday At Allentown

Bradford--Private funeral services for Mrs. Ada S. Bartlett will beheld at the home in Allentown, N.Y., tomorrow at two-thirty p. m. and burial will be in the family plot in the Bolivar Cemetery. The body will remain at the home of her daughter, Mrs Howard H. Greene, 74 Jerome Avenue until tomorrow morning. Friends are requested by the family to call before the hour of service.

Rev. Wesley Chauncey pastor of the Lewiston Avenue Methodist Church will officiate.

Mrs. Bartlett who came here to visit at the Greene home two weeks ago became ill of a heart ailment Friday and died here at eleven-thirty a. m. Saturday.

She was the widow of Edward E. Bartlett of Allentownand was well known in that section, She was a member of the Methodist Church in Allentown. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Greene; one son, George Bartlett of Allentown; one brother, George Hill of Allentown and five grandsons.


Submitted by Donald Adams