(Submitted to this website by Gary Coats)
Amos J. Burdick 1790-1881 and Lydia (Coats) Burdick 1793-1867
"The Sabbath Recorder", Vol 23, No 6, p 23, Feb. 7, 1867.
In Alfred, N. Y., Jan. 18th, 1867, Mrs. Lydia Burdick, wife of Dea. Amos Burdick, in the 74th year of her age. Her disease was inflammation of the lungs. She had long been a follower of Jesus, and from its organization to her death, a worthy member of the 2d Seventh-day Baptist Church of Alfred.
"The Sabbath Recorder", Vol 37, No 12, p 5, Mar. 24, 1881.
In Alfred, N. Y., March 16th, 1881, Dea. Amos Burdick, aged 90 years, 6 months, and 9 days.
The subject of this notice came from Hopkinton, R. I., in 1814, and settled on the farm where he died. He embraced religion in early life, and served as Deacon of the First and then the Second Alfred Churches ; in all about half a century. He was licensed to preach by the Second Alfred Church, and for some years went from place to place preaching the gospel in this then new country, as the cause seemed to demand and his circumstances admitted.
Such was Dea. Burdick's zeal for attending church, in his active life, that he often went seven miles to evening meetings at the First Alfred Church with his wife and a little child. He has won a good name and the respect of friends and neighbors for a consistent Christian life.
Besides several grandchildren and many other relatives, he leaves a widow, his second wife, who has patiently cared for him during the infirmities of age, especially during the last four years of his life, which time he has been confined to the house; a son, a daughter, a sister, and a brother, Welcome Burdick, who for over sixty years has lived on an adjoining farm, and who says the best of feelings have ever existed between them and amid all the business of their long lives, never an unkind work marred their brotherly intercourse.
Dea. Burdick's mind was clear to the time of his death, and when told that his sister, Mrs. Beebe (who was over eighty years of age), was dead, he expressed, not only his willingness, but an anxiety to cross the river, and "to be with Christ, which is far better." In the morning of the day of his sister's funeral, as if in response to his longings, his spirit bade farewell to its long used house of clay, and took its flight for the spirit realm.