Obituary for George Henry Beebe
George H. Beebe died at his home on East Avenue early Saturday morning, October 18, 1947, following an illness
of three weeks. George Henry Beebe was born in Andover July 17, 1866, the son of Nathan and Adelaide Brown
Beebe and with the exception of ten years when he resided in Saginaw, Michigan, he has lived in Andover. He was
a locomotive engineer on the Erie Railroad for a number of years and while in Michigan was engineer on the
Perencarquette Railroad. He was an active member of the Andover Lodge No. 558 F & A. M. in which he held
membership for 58 years and had been presented a 50-year service pin by that order. He was also a member of
the Corning Consistory, a past grand lecturer of the Order of the Eastern Star, a member of the Andover Presbyterian
Church, and a member of the Hornell Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. He was married February 16, 1898 to
Miss Frances Howe, who survives together with two daughters, Mrs. Albert J. Rogers and Mrs. Orville J. Kupp and
three grandchildren. Services were held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Albert N. Rogers of
Alfred Station officiating. Burial with Masonic Rites was in Alfred Rural Cemetery.
From the Andover News - 10/23/1947