"The Stillman Family in the United States of America"
The following is from an original Book owned by Max Dunshie of Shinglehouse, PA. - The original book was collected, compiled and published in 1896 by Henry L. Jones of Wellsville, NY. and provides a large number of "connections" for researchers of Allegany County pioneers. It is presented here from it's original form and the webmaster apologizes for quality of scanned pages. If a page is not readable please contact the webmaster here, for assistance in clarifying. Please mark your Subject as "Stillman Family".
Thank you Max for opening these pages to be shared.
Note: If you successfully use this book to make a connection in your genealogical reseach, please contact us to share your story. I will inform Max of any stories shared. Email: Ron Taylor
The initial pages of the book start with Cover, Instructions of Setup & INDEX. These are presented in .pdf format and will only work if you have Acrobat Reader.
( To get Acrobat Reader, CLICK HERE )
The following choices are the pages of the Book. Enter the page number from the Index (above link) and then search below in the page numbered section: