Family name - Pitts & Strong
Nellie was the daughter of Herbert Strong and Laura Cole Strong & she married Preston Dumont Pitts. She taught school in Friendship, NY, District 4, in 1903. She was my husband's grandmother. We have found information where she went to college and have pictures of her graduating class, plus her grades while she was in college. We would like to know more about the location of her school. We also have a booklet with her picture on the cover, a list of her students and the board of directors for the school. We are still searching for more connections with the brother to Nellie Strong Pitts, Edgar Strong, as we have more pictures of him in his uniform as a Canadian Mountie.
4 Generations - Alice Dodge Pitts, Preston Pitts, Alpha Dodge, child Charles Pitts
Edgar Strong, brother of Nellie
Nellie in Classroom
Nellie & Students - Dist #4 School
Preston Pitts in center
On the reverse side of this photo it states: Nellie L. Strong, Friendship High School - June 1901; 16 years of age. Highest Score on the NY State Regents Exam.
"Old Stone House at Almond - Karr Valley"
The information above was submitted by Diane Pitts whose husband is a grandson of Nellie Strong Pitts. "Most of the photos were in a suitcase of pictures that we found in the attic of Charles Dumont Pitts, son of Nellie Strong." For contact regarding this family, Email: Diane Pitts (email link).