Transcribed by Crist Middaugh
Alleg. County Reporter, November 21, 1883
Seeking a New County
Hornellsville wants to be a County Seat
Hornellsville, N.Y., Nov. 12 - Our citizens are all on the qui vive on the question of dividing the county into two parts, making this city the county seat of the new formed county. A well attended and very enthusiastic meeting was held Saturday evening at the city hall when speeches were made in favor of the project by many of our heaviest tax payers. The program is to take the thirteen south towns, viz: Dansville, Fremont, Howard, Canisteo, West Union, Hartsville, Greenwood, Cameron, Rathbone, Troupsburg, Woodhall, Tuscarora and Hornellsville from Steuben and the towns of Burns, Almond and Alfred from Allegany, which gives to the new and also leaves to the old counties sufficient population for their member of assembly.
This move will without doubt be bitterly fought by the village of Bath in particular, but it is thought no other towns will object unless it be to the expense of new county buildings which will be undoubtedly built by Hornellsville, with perhaps a few outside subscriptions, the cost of which is estimated at from $40,000 to $50,000. This step is the outcome of unjust taxation which has been kept up for a series of years and of which our taxpayers are getting tired. A committee of five were appointed to reconsider the boundaries, (?) and report at an adjourned meeting to be held at that place on Friday evening of this week.