Public Urged to Attend Dike Anniversary Program Tomorrow
Dike Trail Scouts to Present Ceremonies Starting at 2:30 O’clock
The public is invited and urged to attend the Nathaniel Dike 150th Anniversary ceremonies which will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the grave of Allegany County’s first settler in Elm Valley.
The program will be presented by members of the Dike Trail Scouts who were scheduled to arrive in Elm Valley this afternoon following a covered wagon trek from Cohocton along the route followed by Dike in 1795.
The following program will be presented:
Parade to the Dike Cemetery.
Flag Raising.
Invocation – Rev. Al H. Sangree.
Scout Songs.
Introduction of Scouters.
Address – Rev. Guy M. Ovenshire.
Court of Honor.
Laying of Wreath at Dike’s grave.
The Scouts will remain in Elm Valley until Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock when they will break camp and return home.
Protestant services will be held Sunday morning by the Rev. Sangree and boys of Catholic Faith will be brought to Wellsville for Mass.