
J.W.Embser & Sons - Funeral Home Burial Listings - Book 1 - 1913 to 1918

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Included in the book are the following names:

Ackerman, Lucius

Ahern, Eillen

Allen, Grace

Allen, Laurel Ruth

Ambeter, Anna

Amidon, Archie L.

Arnold, John Fredrick

Bacon, Estalla Tubbs

Bader, Auton

Baird, Mary E.

Barnes, Flossie May

Barnes, Jennie

Barnes, Lillian

Berry, William M.

Bianco, Vince

Bishop, Elizabeth Ann

Brady, Margret

Brown, Josephine

Brown, William J.

Brownell, John I.

Browning, H. M.

Burr, Roland

Burritt, Mabel Wyvell

Byrnes, Bridget

Byrnes, Wm P.

Callaghan, Stillborn

Campbell, Lucius

Canfield, Bert

Canfield, Clifton Walter

Carney, Elizabeth

Cartwright, Sylvia A.

Casey, John

Champlin, Roy

Chapman, Aruthur?

Chapman, Norman

Clark, Bridget Riley

Clark, Freeman M.

Clark, James J.

Clark, Lorettie

Clemonds, Cyrel

Clemonds, Stillborn

Clemons, Willard

Clemons, Willfred

Colman, Chas A.

Conner, Bernard E.

Cook, Jeanette D.

Cook, John R.

Coots, Harold E.

Corcoran, Mary

Coyle, Catherine T.

Coyle, Hugh J.

Coyle, Michel

Crowley, Anna

Curtin, Wm

Daley, Catherine

Daley, Edward T.

Daley, Jerry

Daley, John M.

Daley, Rev. J.J.

Dean, Joseph F.

Deming, Chancey

Deo, John

Dewey, Hiram A.

Donihi, George

Donor, Mary

Donovan, Michel

Donovan, Mrs. Michael C

Dorney, Mary Ann

Dornow, Fredrick

Downs, Mary Murphy

Doyle, Mary

Duell, Jacob A.

Dugan, Mary

Dunnigan, Thos

Dunningham, Mary

Dyer, Susan M.

Easton, Betrice

Easton, Ira E.

Egan, Joseph

Egan, Mary Elizabeth

Elliott, Dora Seamans

Everson, William

Ewell, Margret

Farley, Anna

Farley, Mary

Featherson, Wm.

Finch, Elizabeth Lucretia

Finch, Minnie O.

Foster, Floyd G.

Frank, Fredrick W.

Frank, George

Frank, George Charles

Freaney, Margerat

Frey, Albert

Fulmer, Ellery M.

Gardner, Alvannus?

Garrison, Anna

Gavitt, Eugine M.

Gillette, Loren

Glenden, Margret E.

Glindeman, Henry L.

Gobles, Leander

Goodspeed, Nancy Roberta

Gordon, Betrice E.

Gorman, Anna

Gostley, Farrah Ann

Graham, Infant

Green, Oliver M.

Green, William Riley

Greenan, John

Grimes, Bridget

Grine, John

Guinnip, Sheldon

Guyon, Richard

Hammond, Washington

Harrington, John

Harrington, John E.

Harrington, Joseph P.

Hart, Clarence

Hart, Elmer

Hart, Michel

Harvey, A. Frank

Hastings, Mary E.

Hayes, Michel

Healy, Agatha

Healy, Anastassia

Herrington, John

Herrington, Sarah

Heysham, Ellen Marie

Higgins, Agnes

Higgins, Catherine

Higgins, Frank W.

Higgins, Gertrude

Higgins, Michael

Hollowell, Myron

Hopkins, Arwin B.

Howe, John

Hughes, Margret

Hughs, Thomas

Hulin, Effie

Hurlburt, Mary

Isabbela Napolitano

Jackson, Clara G.

Johnson, Sarah A.

Jone, Henry D.

Jones, David S.

Jones, Elizabeth

Jones, Henry S.

Jones, Lewis W.

Jones, Lucinda

Jones, Thurbine E.

Kemp, Austin Dewain

Kennelly, Mary Ellen

Kenyon, Emma Hurd

Keough, Stephen B.

Lake, Mary

Leo, Frederick P.

Leonard, William R.

Lerd, Addie

Linehan, Michel

Mafes, Thos

Magner, David F.

Mahoney, Danial J.

Markey, Mary

Maxwell, Thomas A.

McCarthy, Agnes(Stillborn)

McCarthy, Catherine

McCarthy, Mary

McCarthy, Richard

McCarty, Carrie

McCormick, John

McDonald, John L.

McDonald, Marie

McGinnis, Dirrius?

McGinnis, Nancy

McGonigal, Anna

McHale, Michel

McKinney, Elizabeth

McMullen, Celia

Merritt, Frank J.

Mesler, Marie

Michelirtz Cruchue

Miinte, James Richard

Minges, Melvin M.

Mitchell, Sarah L.

Molevey (?), Bridget

Moore, Chas D.

Moore, Julia West

Moore, Matilda J.

Moran, Joseph T.

Moran, Patrick M.

Morrison, Bert Andrew

Morrison, Thomas

Morton, Robert

Murphy, Catherine

Murphy, Margret

Murphy, William

Negle, Infant

Nolan, Peter

O'Boyle, William M.

O'Brien, Elizabeth

O'Brien, John

O'Brien, Mrs. Lyand

O'Conner, Ceclia

O'Donnell, Bridget

O'Donnell, Bridget

O'Donnell, Joseph

O'Donnell, Madeline

O'Donnell, Mark

O'Donnell, Thos

O'Hara, Mary

Page, Olive

Palmer, Calistia

Parks, Leonard

Perkins, Maude

Perry, Kittie

Peterson, Florance V.

Pettersen, A. E.

Petterson, Russell

Petterson, Vernon

Plain, Mary T.

Pohl, Stillborn

Porter, Margaret

Powers, Thos.

Prentice, Catherine

Prentice, Hannah Clark

Reed, Carline

Reinholt, Henry L.

Richmond, (Stillborn)

Roche, James

Rocktaschel, Ferdinand

Rodgers, Stillborn

Rogers, Chas J.

Rogers, Peter

Russell, John

Satterlee, Katherine Keough

Satterlee, William

Scarveski, Louis E.F.

Schrader, Mary D.

Schreiner, Florence Helma

Schroeder, Carl H.

Shattuck, Alonzo

Shattuck, Olden Kendall

Sheahan, Margret

Sheriff, Amy Ann

Sherman, W. J.

Sherwood, Oren

Shields, John Carrolton

Shields, L. M.

Shine, Patrick

Shurar, Edith P.

Sievers, Fredrick

Signor, Philip J.

Simmons, Chas

Smith, Achsah Walker

Smith, Charles H.

Smith, Edgar

Smith, Rastus C.

Spencer, Chas D.

Spencer, Cyrus

Spencer, Hosea A.

Springer, Katheryn A.

Stannard, Franklin A.

Steadman, Leona

Stearns, Rufus

Steffy, Frances

Stives, Carrie

Stoll, Printice George

Sullivan, Bridget

Sullivan, Danial

Sullivan, Ellen

Sullivan, John

Sullivan, Mary

Sweet, Ruth Marie

Tarantino, Mary

Thomas, Herbert

Tompkins, Charles L.

Tormey, D. A.

Tracy, Anna

Trask, Ellsworth

Tuite, Frances

Tuller, Angie Cobb


VanCampen, Mrs. D.S.

VanKuren, Floyd H

VanKuren, Pearl

Wagner, David, Julia,3Child

Walden, Flora J. R.

Walker, Eva H.

Walsh, Fredrick C.

Walsh, Michael

Ward, James T.

Warner, Edger

Warring, Malvin O.

West, Abigale

Whalen, James

White, John

Whitmarsh, Mary

Wightman, Mildred E.

Wiles, James William

Winters, Jennie L.

Witter, Lorenzo

Wood, Francis E.