
Transcribed from the Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University. Yale University, 1910.


DAVID PLUNKET RICHARDSON, son of William Plunket Richardson, M.D. (Union 1811) and Mary (Porter) Richardson, was born in Macedon, Wayne County, N. Y., May 28, 1833, and entered the class at the beginning of Sophomore year.

After graduation he taught in Angelica, Allegany County, N. Y., till April, 1859, and then entered the law office of Rawson &, Stebbins, in Rochester, N. Y,, where he was admitted to the bar in December of the same year and practiced for nearly two years. He then enlisted in the Union Army, was made First Lieutenant of the Sixth New York Cavalry, and during the last two years of the Civil War was a member of the staff of the Corps Commander, In this position he took part in most of the battles of the Army of the Potomac under Generals Stoneman, Pleasanton, and Gregg, and received the thanks of each for his skill, energy and bravery.

After the war he practiced law in Cincinnati, O., as a member of the firm of Richardson & Lloyd, but in 1866 removed to Angelica, Allegany County, N. Y., and was for many years the acknowledged leader of the bar of that county. He was a member of the Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh National Congresses, in the former serving on the Civil Service Reform Committee, and in the latter on the Committees on Indian Affairs and on Rivers and Harbors.

Mr. Richardson was an attractive and forcible speaker, with a rich, melodious voice, and delivered many able addresses on Memorial days and other occasions.

He died of heart disease in Angelica, June 21, 1904, at the age of 71 years.

He married, September 30, 1B63, at Angelica, Julia Starr, daughter of Honorable Ransom Lloyd, for many years Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and Julia (Starr) Lloyd, and had three sons, who with Mrs. Richardson survive him. The sons are Law School graduates, respectively of Cornell, Columbian (now George Washington) and Buffalo Universities.

(see also: Obituary, David P. Richardson)