Rev. Nathan V. Hull, D.D., was born in Berlin, Rensselaer county, October 18th, 1808. He was a son of Richard Hull, who, with his family, moved to Alfred in February, 1814. He preached his first sermon in November, 1832, and was pastor of the Seventh-Day Baptist Church of Clarence, Erie county, from 1833 to 1846, since which time he has been pastor of the First Seventh-Day Baptist Church of Alfred. For many years he was president of the board of trustees of Alfred University. He is now vice-president of the same body and professor of pastoral theology in the University. Since 1872 he has been editor of the Sabbath Recorder. In the infancy of the anti-slavery movement he was a candidate for member of Congress, but without expectation of being elected, as the nomination was made merely to consolidate the anti-slavery vote in the district. Dr. Hull was married July 7th, 1830 to Miss Phalla Vincent of Almond. She died February 28th, 1871. In September, 1872, Dr. Hull married Mrs. L. A. Hartshorn of Alfred.