Ittai Elliot, a native of Massachusetts, came to West Almond in 1826, bought a farm, built a log house and made the first clearing. His wife was a Miss Page. Of their 10 children, Jared P. Elliott, the oldest son, was born in 1809, chopped the first fallow on the farm and slept on hemlock boughs. He married Mary SMITH. They had 11 children. He resided on the old farm until about 1864 when he moved to Alma and settled in the south part of the town. He held the office of assessor and highway commissioner of West Almond. He has been justice of the peace two terms and highway commissioner 3 years. His wife died in February, 1890. Henry S. Elliott, son of Jared P., was born on the old homestead at West Almond in 1832. In 1864 he settled in Alma, and has been a farmer and lumberman. He has served as collector for 2 years and assessor for several years. He married Elizabeth Wilson, their children are Julius A., Belle (Mrs. Wells Wyvell), Ward H., Jennie (Mrs. John Riley of Olean).