A.M., M.D., professor of natural sciences and chemistry in Alfred University, was born in West Edmeston, Otsego county, January 28th, 1808. His ancestors were of Scotch-Irish descent. On coming to America they settled in Rhode Island. His grandfather emigrated to West Edmeston while his father was very young. The latter, Ezra Coon, was a farmer, and Dr. Coon’s younger days were spent on the farm. And ardent lover of study, he made the most of the opportunities afforded by the common school and the village library, and at the age of nineteen he entered De Ruyter Institute as a student. He remained there five terms, after which he engaged in teaching but was compelled to abandon the work on account of failing health. Dr. Coon took his first course of medical lectures, at Bowdoin College, Me., in 1861. In 1868 he graduated from Alfred University, and received his degree of A. M. in 1871.
The following year he took his second course of lectures, at the New York Homoeopathic College, and received the degree of M.D. November 21st, 1851, Dr. Coon was married to L. Elvira Stillman, a lady of superior culture and a graduate of Alfred University, and they have since been almost constantly engaged in teaching in different academies. In 1872 Dr. Coon was elected to the chair he now occupies in Alfred University.